[Now] Configure secrets and environment variables with Zeit’s Now

Often your project will require some secret keys or tokens - for instance, API keys or database authentication information. Learn how to safely and easily deploy secrets to now, and how to expose them as environment variables that your applications can load without making them public to the world.

Deploy with env variable:

now -e GREETING=Hello
now -e GREETING=Hello -e NAME=Egghead

But sometime you might don‘t know the variable be public. You want to make it secret.

now secret add greeting Hello
now secret add name Egghead

Then you can make a script to deploy:

now -e [email protected] -e [email protected]

List your all secrets:

now secrets ls

Remove recret:

now secret remove name
时间: 2024-12-16 18:36:15

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linux environment variables summary.

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windows Environment Variables 设置

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