Error resolving template [xxx], template might not exist or might not be exist

Springboot+thymeleaf+mybatis 抛Error resolving template [xxx], template might not exist的异常


<resources>    <resource>        <targetPath>${}/classes</targetPath>        <directory>src/main/resources</directory>        <filtering>true</filtering>        <includes>            <include>**/*.yml</include>            <include>**/*.xml</include>        </includes>    </resource>    <resource>        <targetPath>${}/classes</targetPath>        <directory>src/main/java</directory>        <includes>            <include>**/*.*</include>            <include>**/*.xml</include>        </includes>    </resource></resources>
还有增加整段内容的目的是为了解决另一个问题,扫描不到mybatis的mapper.xml文件(在调用Mapper层方法时报错:Invalid bound statement (not found)),增加在最后面的<build></build>之间




时间: 2024-12-09 12:02:26

Error resolving template [xxx], template might not exist or might not be exist的相关文章

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