How to get the free disk space in PostgreSQL (PostgreSQL获取磁盘空间)

Get the current free disk space in PostgreSQL


Here has a simple way to get free disk space without any extended language, just define a function using pgsql.

LANGUAGE plpgsql $$
    CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmp_sys_df (content text) ON COMMIT DROP;
    COPY tmp_sys_df FROM PROGRAM 'df | tail -n +2';
    RETURN QUERY SELECT regexp_split_to_array(content, '\s+') FROM tmp_sys_df;


select * from sys_df();
(13 rows)

Using df $PGDATA | tail -n +2 instead of df | tail -n +2 while you saving all data in same path on disk. In this case, the function only return one row disk usage for $PGDATA path.


PROGRAM can run any command by shell, it like two-edged sword. it is best to use a fixed command string, or at least avoid passing any user input in it. See detail on document.



时间: 2024-08-30 04:26:49

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