Employment Planning

Employment Planning

有n个月,每个月有一个最小需要的工人数量\(a_i\),雇佣一个工人的费用为\(h\),开除一个工人的费用为\(f\),薪水为\(s\),询问满足这n个月正常工作的最小费用,\(n\leq 12\)。


\(f[i][j]=min(min_{k=0}^jf[i-1][k]+(b_j-b_k)\times h,min_{k=j+1}^nf[i-1][k]+(b_k-b_j)\times f)+s\times j\)



#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#define il inline
#define ri register
#define Size 50
using namespace std;
int a[Size],b[Size],dp[Size][Size];
int main(){
    int n,h,s,f;
        for(int i(1);i<=n;++i)scanf("%d",&a[i]),b[i]=a[i];
        for(int i(1),j,k;i<=n;++i)
                }int ans(0x3f3f3f3f);
        for(int i(0);i<=n;++i)
    return 0;


时间: 2025-01-09 22:47:19

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