Spring Boot自动配置的"魔法"是如何实现的?
Spring Boot是Spring旗下众多的子项目之一,其理念是约定优于配置,它通过实现了自动配置(大多数用户平时习惯设置的配置作为默认配置)的功能来为用户快速构建出标准化的应用。Spring Boot的特点可以概述为如下几点:
- 内置了嵌入式的Tomcat、Jetty等Servlet容器,应用可以不用打包成War格式,而是可以直接以Jar格式运行。
- 提供了多个可选择的”starter”以简化Maven的依赖管理(也支持Gradle),让您可以按需加载需要的功能模块。
- 尽可能地进行自动配置,减少了用户需要动手写的各种冗余配置项,Spring Boot提倡无XML配置文件的理念,使用Spring Boot生成的应用完全不会生成任何配置代码与XML配置文件。
- 提供了一整套的对应用状态的监控与管理的功能模块(通过引入spring-boot-starter-actuator),包括应用的线程信息、内存信息、应用是否处于健康状态等,为了满足更多的资源监控需求,Spring Cloud中的很多模块还对其进行了扩展。
有关Spring Boot的使用方法就不做多介绍了,如有兴趣请自行阅读官方文档Spring Boot或其他文章。
如今微服务的概念愈来愈热,转型或尝试微服务的团队也在如日渐增,而对于技术选型,Spring Cloud是一个比较好的选择,它提供了一站式的分布式系统解决方案,包含了许多构建分布式系统与微服务需要用到的组件,例如服务治理、API网关、配置中心、消息总线以及容错管理等模块。可以说,Spring Cloud”全家桶”极其适合刚刚接触微服务的团队。似乎有点跑题了,不过说了这么多,我想要强调的是,Spring Cloud中的每个组件都是基于Spring Boot构建的,而理解了Spring Boot的自动配置的原理,显然也是有好处的。
Spring Boot的自动配置看起来神奇,其实原理非常简单,背后全依赖于@Conditional注解来实现的。
本文作者为SylvanasSun([email protected]),首发于SylvanasSun’s Blog。
@Conditional是由Spring 4提供的一个新特性,用于根据特定条件来控制Bean的创建行为。而在我们开发基于Spring的应用的时候,难免会需要根据条件来注册Bean。
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@Configuration public class AppConfig { @Bean @Profile("DEV") public DataSource devDataSource() { ... } @Bean @Profile("PROD") public DataSource prodDataSource() { ... } } |
- 通过
来设置Profile属性。 - 通过设定jvm的
参数来设置环境(Spring Boot中可以直接在application.properties
配置文件中设置该属性)。 - 通过在DispatcherServlet的初始参数中设置。
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<servlet> <servlet-name>dispatcher</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet</servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>spring.profiles.active</param-name> <param-value>PROD</param-value> </init-param> </servlet> |
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package org.springframework.context.annotation; @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented @Conditional({ProfileCondition.class}) // 组合了Conditional注解 public @interface Profile { String[] value(); } package org.springframework.context.annotation; class ProfileCondition implements Condition { ProfileCondition() { } // 通过提取出@Profile注解中的value值来与profiles配置信息进行匹配 public boolean matches(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) { if(context.getEnvironment() != null) { MultiValueMap attrs = metadata.getAllAnnotationAttributes(Profile.class.getName()); if(attrs != null) { Iterator var4 = ((List)attrs.get("value")).iterator(); Object value; do { if(!var4.hasNext()) { return false; } value = var4.next(); } while(!context.getEnvironment().acceptsProfiles((String[])((String[])value))); return true; } } return true; } } |
- 在类路径中是否存在这样的一个类。
- 在Spring容器中是否已经注册了某种类型的Bean(如未注册,我们可以让其自动注册到容器中,上一条同理)。
- 一个文件是否在特定的位置上。
- 一个特定的系统属性是否存在。
- 在Spring的配置文件中是否设置了某个特定的值。
举个栗子,假设我们有两个基于不同数据库实现的DAO,它们全都实现了UserDao,其中JdbcUserDAO与MySql进行连接,MongoUserDAO与MongoDB进行连接。现在,我们有了一个需求,需要根据命令行传入的系统参数来注册对应的UserDao,就像java -jar app.jar -DdbType=MySQL
会注册JdbcUserDao,而java -jar app.jar -DdbType=MongoDB
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public interface UserDAO { .... } public class JdbcUserDAO implements UserDAO { .... } public class MongoUserDAO implements UserDAO { .... } public class MySQLDatabaseTypeCondition implements Condition { @Override public boolean matches(ConditionContext conditionContext, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) { String enabledDBType = System.getProperty("dbType"); // 获得系统参数 dbType // 如果该值等于MySql,则条件成立 return (enabledDBType != null && enabledDBType.equalsIgnoreCase("MySql")); } } // 与上述逻辑一致 public class MongoDBDatabaseTypeCondition implements Condition { @Override public boolean matches(ConditionContext conditionContext, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) { String enabledDBType = System.getProperty("dbType"); return (enabledDBType != null && enabledDBType.equalsIgnoreCase("MongoDB")); } } // 根据条件来注册不同的Bean @Configuration public class AppConfig { @Bean @Conditional(MySQLDatabaseTypeCondition.class) public UserDAO jdbcUserDAO() { return new JdbcUserDAO(); } @Bean @Conditional(MongoDBDatabaseTypeCondition.class) public UserDAO mongoUserDAO() { return new MongoUserDAO(); } } |
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public class MongoDriverPresentsCondition implements Condition { @Override public boolean matches(ConditionContext conditionContext, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) { try { Class.forName("com.mongodb.Server"); return true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return false; } } } public class MongoDriverNotPresentsCondition implements Condition { @Override public boolean matches(ConditionContext conditionContext, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) { try { Class.forName("com.mongodb.Server"); return false; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return true; } } } |
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public class UserDAOBeanNotPresentsCondition implements Condition { @Override public boolean matches(ConditionContext conditionContext, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) { UserDAO userDAO = conditionContext.getBeanFactory().getBean(UserDAO.class); return (userDAO == null); } } |
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public class MongoDbTypePropertyCondition implements Condition { @Override public boolean matches(ConditionContext conditionContext, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) { String dbType = conditionContext.getEnvironment().getProperty("app.dbType"); return "MONGO".equalsIgnoreCase(dbType); } } |
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@Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented @Conditional(DatabaseTypeCondition.class) public @interface DatabaseType { String value(); } |
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public class DatabaseTypeCondition implements Condition { @Override public boolean matches(ConditionContext conditionContext, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) { Map<String, Object> attributes = metadata .getAnnotationAttributes(DatabaseType.class.getName()); String type = (String) attributes.get("value"); // 默认值为MySql String enabledDBType = System.getProperty("dbType", "MySql"); return (enabledDBType != null && type != null && enabledDBType.equalsIgnoreCase(type)); } } |
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@Configuration @ComponentScan public class AppConfig { @Bean @DatabaseType("MySql") public UserDAO jdbcUserDAO() { return new JdbcUserDAO(); } @Bean @DatabaseType("mongoDB") public UserDAO mongoUserDAO() { return new MongoUserDAO(); } } |
通过了解@Conditional注解的机制其实已经能够猜到自动配置是如何实现的了,接下来我们通过源码来看看它是怎么做的。本文中讲解的源码基于Spring Boot 1.5.9版本(最新的正式版本)。
使用过Spring Boot的童鞋应该都很清楚,它会替我们生成一个入口类,其命名规格为ArtifactNameApplication
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@SpringBootApplication public class DemoApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args); } } |
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@Target({ElementType.TYPE}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented @Inherited @SpringBootConfiguration @EnableAutoConfiguration @ComponentScan( excludeFilters = {@Filter( type = FilterType.CUSTOM, classes = {TypeExcludeFilter.class} ), @Filter( type = FilterType.CUSTOM, classes = {AutoConfigurationExcludeFilter.class} )} ) public @interface SpringBootApplication { @AliasFor( annotation = EnableAutoConfiguration.class, attribute = "exclude" ) Class<?>[] exclude() default {}; @AliasFor( annotation = EnableAutoConfiguration.class, attribute = "excludeName" ) String[] excludeName() default {}; @AliasFor( annotation = ComponentScan.class, attribute = "basePackages" ) String[] scanBasePackages() default {}; @AliasFor( annotation = ComponentScan.class, attribute = "basePackageClasses" ) Class<?>[] scanBasePackageClasses() default {}; } |
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@Target({ElementType.TYPE}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented @Inherited @AutoConfigurationPackage @Import({EnableAutoConfigurationImportSelector.class}) public @interface EnableAutoConfiguration { String ENABLED_OVERRIDE_PROPERTY = "spring.boot.enableautoconfiguration"; Class<?>[] exclude() default {}; String[] excludeName() default {}; } |
我们发现@Import(Spring 提供的一个注解,可以导入配置类或者Bean到当前类中)导入了EnableAutoConfigurationImportSelector类,根据名字来看,它应该就是我们要找到的目标了。不过查看它的源码发现它已经被Deprecated了,而官方API中告知我们去查看它的父类AutoConfigurationImportSelector。
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/** @deprecated */ @Deprecated public class EnableAutoConfigurationImportSelector extends AutoConfigurationImportSelector { public EnableAutoConfigurationImportSelector() { } protected boolean isEnabled(AnnotationMetadata metadata) { return this.getClass().equals(EnableAutoConfigurationImportSelector.class)?((Boolean)this.getEnvironment().getProperty("spring.boot.enableautoconfiguration", Boolean.class, Boolean.valueOf(true))).booleanValue():true; } } |
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public String[] selectImports(AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata) { if(!this.isEnabled(annotationMetadata)) { return NO_IMPORTS; } else { try { AutoConfigurationMetadata ex = AutoConfigurationMetadataLoader.loadMetadata(this.beanClassLoader); AnnotationAttributes attributes = this.getAttributes(annotationMetadata); List configurations = this.getCandidateConfigurations(annotationMetadata, attributes); configurations = this.removeDuplicates(configurations); configurations = this.sort(configurations, ex); Set exclusions = this.getExclusions(annotationMetadata, attributes); this.checkExcludedClasses(configurations, exclusions); configurations.removeAll(exclusions); configurations = this.filter(configurations, ex); this.fireAutoConfigurationImportEvents(configurations, exclusions); return (String[])configurations.toArray(new String[configurations.size()]); } catch (IOException var6) { throw new IllegalStateException(var6); } } } |
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protected List<String> getCandidateConfigurations(AnnotationMetadata metadata, AnnotationAttributes attributes) { List configurations = SpringFactoriesLoader .loadFactoryNames(this.getSpringFactoriesLoaderFactoryClass(), this.getBeanClassLoader()); Assert.notEmpty(configurations, "No auto configuration classes found in META-INF spring.factories. If you are using a custom packaging, make sure that file is correct."); return configurations; } public static List<String> loadFactoryNames(Class<?> factoryClass, ClassLoader classLoader) { String factoryClassName = factoryClass.getName(); try { Enumeration ex = classLoader != null?classLoader.getResources("META-INF/spring.factories"):ClassLoader.getSystemResources("META-INF/spring.factories"); ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); while(ex.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = (URL)ex.nextElement(); Properties properties = PropertiesLoaderUtils.loadProperties(new UrlResource(url)); String factoryClassNames = properties.getProperty(factoryClassName); result.addAll(Arrays.asList(StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray(factoryClassNames))); } return result; } catch (IOException var8) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to load [" + factoryClass.getName() + "] factories from location [" + "META-INF/spring.factories" + "]", var8); } } |
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@Configuration @ConditionalOnClass({Mongo.class, MongoTemplate.class}) @EnableConfigurationProperties({MongoProperties.class}) @AutoConfigureAfter({MongoAutoConfiguration.class}) public class MongoDataAutoConfiguration { .... } @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented @Conditional({OnClassCondition.class}) public @interface ConditionalOnClass { Class<?>[] value() default {}; String[] name() default {}; } |
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class OnClassCondition extends SpringBootCondition implements AutoConfigurationImportFilter, BeanFactoryAware, BeanClassLoaderAware { ..... } public abstract class SpringBootCondition implements Condition { private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()); public SpringBootCondition() { } public final boolean matches(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) { String classOrMethodName = getClassOrMethodName(metadata); try { ConditionOutcome ex = this.getMatchOutcome(context, metadata); this.logOutcome(classOrMethodName, ex); this.recordEvaluation(context, classOrMethodName, ex); return ex.isMatch(); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError var5) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not evaluate condition on " + classOrMethodName + " due to " + var5.getMessage() + " not found. Make sure your own configuration does not rely on that class. This can also happen if you are @ComponentScanning a springframework package (e.g. if you put a @ComponentScan in the default package by mistake)", var5); } catch (RuntimeException var6) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error processing condition on " + this.getName(metadata), var6); } } public abstract ConditionOutcome getMatchOutcome(ConditionContext var1, AnnotatedTypeMetadata var2); } |
SpringBootCondition实现的matches方法依赖于一个抽象方法this.getMatchOutcome(context, metadata),我们在它的子类OnClassCondition中可以找到这个方法的具体实现。
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public ConditionOutcome getMatchOutcome(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) { ClassLoader classLoader = context.getClassLoader(); ConditionMessage matchMessage = ConditionMessage.empty(); // 找出所有ConditionalOnClass注解的属性 List onClasses = this.getCandidates(metadata, ConditionalOnClass.class); List onMissingClasses; if(onClasses != null) { // 找出不在类路径中的类 onMissingClasses = this.getMatches(onClasses, OnClassCondition.MatchType.MISSING, classLoader); // 如果存在不在类路径中的类,匹配失败 if(!onMissingClasses.isEmpty()) { return ConditionOutcome.noMatch(ConditionMessage.forCondition(ConditionalOnClass.class, new Object[0]).didNotFind("required class", "required classes").items(Style.QUOTE, onMissingClasses)); } matchMessage = matchMessage.andCondition(ConditionalOnClass.class, new Object[0]).found("required class", "required classes").items(Style.QUOTE, this.getMatches(onClasses, OnClassCondition.MatchType.PRESENT, classLoader)); } // 接着找出所有ConditionalOnMissingClass注解的属性 // 它与ConditionalOnClass注解的含义正好相反,所以以下逻辑也与上面相反 onMissingClasses = this.getCandidates(metadata, ConditionalOnMissingClass.class); if(onMissingClasses != null) { List present = this.getMatches(onMissingClasses, OnClassCondition.MatchType.PRESENT, classLoader); if(!present.isEmpty()) { return ConditionOutcome.noMatch(ConditionMessage.forCondition(ConditionalOnMissingClass.class, new Object[0]).found("unwanted class", "unwanted classes").items(Style.QUOTE, present)); } matchMessage = matchMessage.andCondition(ConditionalOnMissingClass.class, new Object[0]).didNotFind("unwanted class", "unwanted classes").items(Style.QUOTE, this.getMatches(onMissingClasses, OnClassCondition.MatchType.MISSING, classLoader)); } return ConditionOutcome.match(matchMessage); } // 获得所有annotationType注解的属性 private List<String> getCandidates(AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata, Class<?> annotationType) { MultiValueMap attributes = metadata.getAllAnnotationAttributes(annotationType.getName(), true); ArrayList candidates = new ArrayList(); if(attributes == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } else { this.addAll(candidates, (List)attributes.get("value")); this.addAll(candidates, (List)attributes.get("name")); return candidates; } } private void addAll(List<String> list, List<Object> itemsToAdd) { if(itemsToAdd != null) { Iterator var3 = itemsToAdd.iterator(); while(var3.hasNext()) { Object item = var3.next(); Collections.addAll(list, (String[])((String[])item)); } } } // 根据matchType.matches方法来进行匹配 private List<String> getMatches(Collection<String> candidates, OnClassCondition.MatchType matchType, ClassLoader classLoader) { ArrayList matches = new ArrayList(candidates.size()); Iterator var5 = candidates.iterator(); while(var5.hasNext()) { String candidate = (String)var5.next(); if(matchType.matches(candidate, classLoader)) { matches.add(candidate); } } return matches; } |
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private static enum MatchType { PRESENT { public boolean matches(String className, ClassLoader classLoader) { return OnClassCondition.MatchType.isPresent(className, classLoader); } }, MISSING { public boolean matches(String className, ClassLoader classLoader) { return !OnClassCondition.MatchType.isPresent(className, classLoader); } }; private MatchType() { } // 跟我们之前看过的案例一样,都利用了类加载功能来进行判断 private static boolean isPresent(String className, ClassLoader classLoader) { if(classLoader == null) { classLoader = ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader(); } try { forName(className, classLoader); return true; } catch (Throwable var3) { return false; } } private static Class<?> forName(String className, ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException { return classLoader != null?classLoader.loadClass(className):Class.forName(className); } public abstract boolean matches(String var1, ClassLoader var2); } |
现在终于真相大白,@ConditionalOnClass的含义是指定的类必须存在于类路径下,MongoDataAutoConfiguration类中声明了类路径下必须含有Mongo.class, MongoTemplate.class这两个类,否则该自动配置类不会被加载。
在Spring Boot中到处都有类似的注解,像@ConditionalOnBean(容器中是否有指定的Bean),@ConditionalOnWebApplication(当前工程是否为一个Web工程)等等,它们都只是@Conditional注解的扩展。当你揭开神秘的面纱,去探索本质时,发现其实Spring Boot自动配置的原理就是如此简单,在了解这些知识后,你完全可以自己去实现自定义的自动配置类,然后编写出自定义的starter。