HDU 6228 tree 简单思维树dp









 1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
 2 using namespace std;
 4 const long long MAXN=200000+2333;
 5 int child[MAXN];
 6 vector<int>G[MAXN];
 7 long long n,k;
 8 long long ans=0;
10 void dfs(int now,int last)
11 {
12     int len=G[now].size();
13     for(int i=0;i<len;++i)
14     {
15         int tar=G[now][i];
16         if(tar==last)continue;
17         dfs(tar,now);
18         child[now]+=child[tar];
19     }    child[now]++;
20     if(child[now]>=k&&n-child[now]>=k)ans++;
22 }
24 void init()
25 {
26 //    memset(child,0,sizeof(child));
27     ans=0;
28     cin>>n>>k;
29     for(int i=0;i<=n;++i)G[i].clear(),child[i]=0;
30     for(int i=1;i<n;++i)
31     {
32         int a,b;
33         cin>>a>>b;
34         G[a].push_back(b);
35         G[b].push_back(a);
37     }
38     dfs(1,0);
39     cout<<ans<<endl;
41 }
43 int main()
44 {
45     cin.sync_with_stdio(false);
46     int ca;cin>>ca;
47     while(ca--)init();
50     return 0;
51 } 
时间: 2024-08-29 07:34:36

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