2012-07-19 09:37:46.933 umiwiForTest[2463:17803] <LocalVideo: 0x7cc3a9b0>
之前的时候有被同事问到这种情况怎么能输出这个对象的所有信息,我还一本正经的说自已写个循环挨个输出呗,哎,基础不牢害死人。今天自已遇到这个问题了。google一下,很快找到了答案:在自定义的类里实现- (NSString *)description;这个方法就可以了。
#pragma mark - description
- (NSString *)description{
return [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"{\n title = %@,\n subtitle = %@\n}",
2012-07-19 10:07:13.326 umiwiForTest[2951:17803] {
title = 邓峰:双向交流做好了,才能提高执行力,
subtitle = 时长: 00:02:35 点播: 4163日期: 2010-05-07 17:18:00
2012-07-19 10:06:22.595 umiwiForTest[2927:17803] (
"{\n title = \U9093\U5cf0\Uff1a\U53cc\U5411\U4ea4\U6d41\U505a\U597d\U4e86\Uff0c\U624d\U80fd\U63d0\U9ad8\U6267\U884c\U529b,\n subtitle = \U65f6\U957f: 00:02:35 \U70b9\U64ad: 4163\U65e5\U671f: 2010-05-07 17:18:00\n}",
"{\n title = \U674e\U5f00\U590d\Uff1a\U79fb\U52a8\U4e92\U8054\U7f51\U5728\U519c\U6751\U7684\U53d1\U5c55,\n subtitle = \U65f6\U957f: 00:02:14 \U70b9\U64ad: 12064\U65e5\U671f: 2010-04-16 12:42:00\n}",
"{\n title = \U674e\U5f00\U590d\Uff1a\U79fb\U52a8\U4e92\U8054\U7f51\U5728\U519c\U6751\U7684\U53d1\U5c55,\n subtitle = \U65f6\U957f: 00:02:14 \U70b9\U64ad: 12064\U65e5\U671f: 2010-04-16 12:42:00\n}",
"{\n title = \U674e\U5f00\U590d\Uff1a\U79fb\U52a8\U4e92\U8054\U7f51\U5728\U519c\U6751\U7684\U53d1\U5c55,\n subtitle = \U65f6\U957f: 00:02:14 \U70b9\U64ad: 12064\U65e5\U671f: 2010-04-16 12:42:00\n}",
"{\n title = \U674e\U5f00\U590d\Uff1a\U79fb\U52a8\U4e92\U8054\U7f51\U5728\U519c\U6751\U7684\U53d1\U5c55,\n subtitle = \U65f6\U957f: 00:02:14 \U70b9\U64ad: 12064\U65e5\U671f: 2010-04-16 12:42:00\n}"
#1: Interestingly, if I make my class a subclass of NSArray then NSDictionary calls descriptionWithLocale:indent: and it formats correctly. Sounds like NSDictionary is "cheating" and testing isKindOfClass rather than respondsToSelector, or else is just prejudiced against non-NS stuff.
It‘s kind of ugly to have to subclass NSArray, though, in terms of acquiring a lot of behaviors I don‘t want to mimic, and carrying extra unused data. Etc
#2: Another option is to convert the escaped string back to its original. This takes a 31-line procedure to handle the basics (\n, \t, \", and \). The up-side is that I don‘t need to subclass NSArray. The main downside is that this routine must be inserted in any NSLog call that could display my class. Another minor downside is that the escaped strings were wrappered with quote characters I can‘t eliminate, but that‘s hardly noticeable.
NSLog – Making an NSObject return useful info
Overriding NSObject Description Method
Print Instances of NSObject’s Sub-class Friendly By Overriding NSObject Description Method
Auto Description Category for NSObject (any object)
NSDictionary `description` formatting problem — treats structure like char data