Author: 楚格
IDE: Pycharm2018.02 Python 3.7
KeyWord : 文件路径 文件名称选择
Explain: Testing_Config_List
1. def Function_Select_File(): 获取当前路径(调试中默认路径)
2. 遍历 当前文件夹下的所有文件和文件夹 以供选择使用
3. 拼接字符串 返回有用的路径
4.着重处理了 文件选择部分 方法还可以继续优化
5. code 一步步搭建,注释部分是初始调试部分,方便错误查找
1 __all__ = [‘Function_Select_File‘] 2 3 # coding=utf-8 4 import os 5 6 ‘‘‘ 7 # ============================================================================ 8 # Function: 文件路径 函数 9 # Explain : 输入参数 无 10 # : 输出参数 global_var_file_name_file 11 # ============================================================================ 12 ‘‘‘ 13 def Function_Select_File(): 14 # print(‘Function_Select_File:‘) 15 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 global global_var_file_name_file 17 18 # 获取当前文件路径 调试使用 19 # local_var_cwd = os.getcwd() 20 # print(‘当前文件夹的路径 :\n->>> < %s >‘ % local_var_cwd ) 21 # [dir_name, file_name] = os.path.split(local_var_cwd) 22 # print(‘分离files & path:< %s > < %s >‘%(dir_name,file_name)) 23 24 # 固定文件夹目录 25 local_var_cwd = ‘D:\Auto_Testing_Pycharm\Protocol_Configs\Configs‘ 26 local_var_list_name = os.listdir(local_var_cwd) # # print(‘当前文件夹下的所有文件和文件夹:‘) 27 28 #初始化列表 存放文件 29 local_var_num = [] 30 local_var_file_name = [] 31 local_var_storage = {} 32 33 # 遍历文件夹 编号 + 文件名 34 for temp_var_num in range(len(local_var_list_name)): 35 # print(‘num:%s name:< %s >‘% (temp_var_num,local_var_list_name[temp_var_num])) # display All 36 [new_file_name, file_name_end] = os.path.splitext(local_var_list_name[temp_var_num]) # file name handle 37 # print(‘分离文件名与后缀:< %s > < %s > ‘%(new_file_name,file_name_end)) # display result 38 39 # 过滤其他文件 保留Excel文件 以供选择 40 if file_name_end == ‘.xlsx‘: 41 local_var_num.append(temp_var_num) # 存储文件编号 42 local_var_file_name.append(local_var_list_name[temp_var_num]) # 存储文件名称 43 # print(‘Display select files : ‘, local_var_num, local_var_file_name) # 显示二个列表 44 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45 46 47 # 显示留存的文件 二个列表映射成字典 保留列表方便调试使用 技巧 *** 48 local_var_storage = dict(zip(local_var_num, local_var_file_name)) 49 50 # 提示 遍历字典元素 显示内容 local_var_storage.items() 无序 51 # 可以这个替换 : print(‘Your selecr pprotocol : < %s > ‘% local_var_storage.keys()) 52 print(‘Protocols that can be executed : ‘) 53 for temp_var_num in local_var_storage : 54 print("",temp_var_num,local_var_storage[temp_var_num]) 55 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 57 58 print(‘List number :‘,local_var_num) # 显示可行选择的文件编号 59 # 后期拓展 使用此做做默认处理 60 print(‘Please your select file number : \n ->>> ‘) 61 # local_var_select_number = input(‘please your select file number : \n ->>> ‘) 62 local_var_select_number = "0" 63 protocol_num = True 64 65 while protocol_num: 66 67 if local_var_select_number == "0" : 68 print(‘Your select protocol : < %s > ‘% local_var_file_name[int(local_var_select_number)]) 69 # 拼接路径 70 temp_var_path_string = local_var_cwd +‘\\‘+ local_var_file_name[int(local_var_select_number)] 71 print(‘temp_var_path_string: %s ‘% temp_var_path_string) 72 protocol_num = False 73 global_var_file_name_file = temp_var_path_string 74 75 elif local_var_select_number == "1": 76 print(‘Your select protocol : < %s > ‘ % local_var_file_name[int(local_var_select_number)]) 77 temp_var_path_string = local_var_cwd + ‘\\‘ + local_var_file_name[int(local_var_select_number)] 78 print(‘temp_var_path_string: %s ‘ % temp_var_path_string) 79 protocol_num = False 80 global_var_file_name_file = temp_var_path_string 81 82 else: 83 print(‘请选择可以执行的协议!‘) 84 protocol_num = True 85 86 return global_var_file_name_file # 出口 87 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 89 # ============================================================================ 90 91 ‘‘‘ 92 # ============================================================================ 93 # 测试专用 94 # ============================================================================ 95 ‘‘‘ 96 if __name__ == "__main__": 97 print(‘测试开始‘) 98 Function_Select_File() 99 print(‘测试完成‘)
run result
1 测试开始 2 Protocols that can be executed : 3 0 attribute_protocol.xlsx 4 1 read_test - 副本.xlsx 5 2 read_test.xlsx 6 3 SG80KTL.xlsx 7 5 z.xlsx 8 List number : [0, 1, 2, 3, 5] 9 Please your select file number : 10 ->>> 11 Your select protocol : < attribute_protocol.xlsx > 12 temp_var_path_string: D:\Auto_Testing_Pycharm\Protocol_Configs\Configs\attribute_protocol.xlsx 13 测试完成
时间: 2025-01-08 08:32:23