2016.07.04,英语,《Vocabulary Builder》Unit 23

text comes from a Latin verb that means ‘to weave‘.

textile: [‘teksta?l] adj. 纺织的 n. 纺织品;

texture: [‘tekst??r] n. 质地;纹理;结构;本质,实质

context: [‘k?ntekst] n. 上下文, 环境,背景. contextual: [k?n‘tekst???l] adj.上下文的,前后关系的

pretext: [‘pri?tekst] n. 借口

subtext: [‘s?btekst] n. 潜在的意思, 潜台词

textual: [‘tekst?u?l] adj. 本文的, 原文的

plac/plais come from the Latin placere, ‘to pease or be agreeable to‘. or placare, ‘to soothe or calm‘. pleasant, pleasurable, pleasing.

complaisant: [k?m‘ple?z?nt] adj. 彬彬有礼的,殷勤的,柔顺的. complacent: [k?m‘ple?snt] adj. 满足的, 自满的, 得意的

placebo :  [pl?‘si?bo?] n. 安慰剂,安慰话

placidity: [pl?‘s?d?ti] n.平静. placid: [‘plæs?d] adj. 安静的, 平和的.

implacable: [?m‘plæk?bl] adj. 难宽恕的, 难和解的, 执拗的. 否定前缀im-表明难以做什么事情。

aut/auto comes from the Greek for ‘same‘ or ‘self‘. autograph, autopsy

automaton: [??‘tɑ?m?t?n] n. 自动机器, 机器人. 复数automata

autodidact: [‘??to?d?dækt] n. 自学者. didactic:taken from the Greek, refers to teaching.

autonomy: [??‘tɑ?n?mi] n. 自治. nomos: is Greek for ‘law‘.

autism: [‘??t?z?m] n. 孤独症, 自我中心主义, 自闭症

grat comes from gratus, the Latin word meaning ‘pleasing, welcome, agreeable‘. or from gratia, meaning ‘grace, agreeableness, or pleasantness‘.

gracious: [‘ɡre???s] adj. 亲切的, 高尚的

gratitude: [‘ɡræt?tu?d] n. 感谢的心情

grateful: [‘ɡre?tfl] adj. 感激的, 感谢的

ingrate: [?n‘gre?t] n. 忘恩负义的人

gratify: [‘ɡræt?fa?] v. 使满足,使高兴 v. 酬劳,回报

gratification: [?ɡræt?f?‘ke??n] n. 满足, 喜悦

gratuity: [ɡr?‘tu??ti] n. 赠物,赏钱,贺仪

gratuitous: [ɡr?‘tu??t?s] adj. 免费的, 无缘无故的

ingratiate: [?n‘ɡre??ie?t] vt. 逢迎, 讨好

时间: 2025-01-17 23:11:20

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