Senior Java Developer/Junior Java Developer/Java Techinical Leader

Senior Java Developer


  1. Bachelor degree in computer science or related discipline.
  2. Minimum 3 years experience in Software Development experience.
  3. Technical expertise in J2EE, Structs, Spring, Hibernate, Webservice, Oracle/DB2, WebSphere/Jboss/Weblogic.
  4. Qualified English language skill in both written and spoken. CET6 above preferred.
  5. Good communication, documentation and interpersonal skill. Positive, enthusiastic attitude, self-motivated.
  6. Good team-work spirit. Responsibilities Create and contribute to design / coding standards and improvements on the development process.
  7. Contributes to project specific documentation.
  8. Adheres to quality process and guidelines.
  9. Follows coding standards and project plan.
  10. Support / coach junior team members in technical issues

Java Technical Leader


1. Responsible for leading the design, development, delivery and maintenance of software application.

2. Evaluate and select alternative technical solutions for identified requirement with knowledge of J2EE application development.

3. Work with onshore team to clarify business needs into product features, acting as a bridge between business and technical domains.

4. Resolve technical issues and provide technical support. Provide technical guidance and assistance to other software engineers.

5. Responsible for process deployment.

6. Assist PM to deliver projects on time, within planned budget and required quality level.

7. Prepare staffing plan & allotment of resources.

8. Assist PM to resolve any issue/conflicts within own set of projects

9. Achieve on time and quality project deliverables within budget.

10.Improve customer relations by way of effective communication, managing expectation and meeting commitments.

11.Keep abreast of technical & organizational developments in own professional field.

12.Travel is required


1. Bachelor degree in computer science or related discipline.

2. 5-10 years related working experience.

3. Have experience in leading 5+ developers in performing software analysis and design.

4. Very good understanding of the software life cycle development process.

5. Must be well versed in Software development analysis and design (UML).

6. Must have strong technical background in J2EE, Structs, Spring, Hibernate, 7. Webservice, Oracle/DB2, WebSphere/Jboss/Weblogic.

8. Qualified English language skill in both written and spoken.

9. Good communication, documentation and interpersonal skill.

10. Positive, enthusiastic attitude, self-motivated.

11. Good team-work spirit.

12. Travel is required

Junior Java Developer


  1. Bachelor degree in computer science or related discipline.
  2. Has Insurance experience.
  3. Minimum 1 years experience in Software Development experience.
  4. Technical expertise in JSP /Jboss/Weblogic.
  5. Good communication, documentation and interpersonal skill.
  6. Positive, enthusiastic attitude, self-motivated.
  7. Good team-work spirit.


  1. Create and contribute to design / coding standards and improvements on the development process.
  2. Contributes to project specific documentation.
  3. Adheres to quality process and guidelines.
  4. Follows coding standards and project plan.
  5. Support / coach junior team members in technical issues
时间: 2024-11-05 06:10:43

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