如何在fastboot 里面添加新的命令

fastboot 是android 默认的一种debug 方法,它的好处是在进入linux kernel 之前即可操作。

默认fastboot 支持的命令:

usage: fastboot [ <option> ] <command>


update <filename>                                  reflash device from update.zip

flashall                                                     flash boot + recovery + system

flash <partition> [ <filename> ]              write a file to a flash partition

erase <partition>                                     erase a flash partition

format <partition>                                   format a flash partition

getvar <variable>                                    display a bootloader variable

boot <kernel> [ <ramdisk> ]                   download and boot kernel

flash:raw boot <kernel> [ <ramdisk> ]    create bootimage and flash it

devices                                                     list all connected devices

continue                                                    continue with autoboot

reboot                                                       reboot device normally

reboot-bootloader                                      reboot device into bootloader

help                                                           show this help message


-w                                       erase userdata and cache (and format if supported by partition type)

-u                                        do not first erase partition before formatting

-s <specific device>             specify device serial number or path to device port

-l                                         with "devices", lists device paths

-p <product>                             specify product name

-c <cmdline>                             override kernel commandline

-i <vendor id>                           specify a custom USB vendor id

-b <base_addr>                         specify a custom kernel base address

-n <page size>                           specify the nand page size. default: 2048

-S <size>[K|M|G]                       automatically sparse files greater than size.  0 to disable

fastboot 提供了扩展的命令符号

fastboot oem command args

下面以fastboot oem hello test 来说明如何扩展


的fastboot_init 函数中添加一个新的register



//第三个参数是在security IC 中是否还提供此命令

fastboot_register("oem hello", cmd_oem_hello, FALSE);

(2). 实现cmd_oem_hello 函数

void cmd_oem_hello(const char *arg, void *data, unsigned size) {

//注意args 是以command 结束开始,即" args"

if(!strncmp(arg, " OK", strlen(" OK"))){



fastboot_fail("Not OK");



(3). 与PC 端交互

您可以使用下面已经定义好的三个函数与PC 端交互

fastboot_okey(const char* result);

fastboot_fail(const char* reason);

fastboot_info(const char* reason);

注意这三个打印字符串的长度都不能超过64-1-4 = 59 个字符

时间: 2024-08-29 20:40:14

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