
If ${x_{n + 1}} = \cos {x_n}$, prove that $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{n \to \infty } {x_n}$ exists.

Note 1: As we want to prove that a limit of sequence exist, some methods can be used.

  1. $\left\{ {{x_n}} \right\}$ is bounded and monotonic, then $\left\{ {{x_n}} \right\}$converges.
  2. $\left\{ {{x_n}} \right\}$ converges if and only if $\left\{ {{x_{2n}}} \right\}$ and $\left\{ {{x_{2n+1}}} \right\}$ both converge to the same limit.
  3. In any metric space $X$, every convergent sequence is a Cauchy sequence. And every Cauchy sequence converges in a complete metric space.

Definiton of Cauchy sequence: A sequence ${x_n}$ in a metic space $X$ is said to be a Cauchy squence if \[\forall \varepsilon  > 0,\exists N > 0{\rm{ s}}{\rm{.t}}{\rm{. }}\forall n,m > N \Rightarrow \left| {{x_m} - {x_n}} \right| < \varepsilon. \]

It‘s obvious that in Cauchy sequence, $x_n$‘s are very closed to each other whereas $n$ is sufficiently large.

Since the sinusoid is bounded by 1, we only need to consider $\left| {{x_0}} \right| \le 1$. Otherwise, we will omit ${{x_0}}$ and it does nothing to the convergence of this sequence.

Proof 1: We are easy to check that whatever ${{x_0}}$ is, $\left\{ {{x_{2n}}} \right\}$ and $\left\{ {{x_{2n+1}}} \right\}$ both are monotonic with different monotonicity. Thus they both converges to some nonnegative numbers, say $a$ and $b$, respectively. However, from the iterative equation ${x_{2n}} = \cos \left( {\cos {x_{2n - 2}}} \right)$ we get that $a = \cos \left( {\cos a} \right)$. Similarly, $b = \cos \left( {\cos b} \right)$. If $a = b$, we complete the proof by method 2 in the Note 1 above.

Now let $f\left( x \right) = \cos \left( {\cos x} \right) - x$, $x \in \left[ { - 1,1} \right]$. Differentiating $f\left( x \right)$ we can easily conclude that $f\left( x \right)$ is monotone-decreasing. Since $f\left( { - 1} \right) > 0$, $f\left( { 1} \right) < 0$ and $f\left( x \right)$ is continuous on a closed interval, the equation $f\left( x \right) = 0$ has a unique solution. Thus $a = b$. Q.E.D.

Proof 2: Nowwe will use Cauchy criterion to prove this question. Let $m > n$, then \[\begin{array}{l}
\left| {{x_m} - {x_n}} \right| = \left| {\cos {x_{m - 1}} - \cos {x_{n - 1}}} \right|\\
 = 2\left| {\sin \frac{{{x_{m - 1}} + {x_{n - 1}}}}{2}\sin \frac{{{x_{m - 1}} - {x_{n - 1}}}}{2}} \right|\mathop  \le \limits^{{\rm{(a)}}} 2\left( {\sin 1} \right)\left| {\sin \frac{{{x_{m - 1}} - {x_{n - 1}}}}{2}} \right|\\
 \le \left( {\sin 1} \right)\left| {{x_{m - 1}} - {x_{n - 1}}} \right| \le {\left( {\sin 1} \right)^n}\left| {{x_{m - n}} - {x_0}} \right| \le {\left( {\sin 1} \right)^n}\left( {1 + \left| {{x_0}} \right|} \right).

Where inequality (a) follows form the fact that $\left| {{x_n}} \right| < 1,\forall n \Rightarrow \left| {\sin \frac{{{x_{m - 1}} + {x_{n - 1}}}}{2}} \right| < \sin 1$.

Since $\sin 1 < 1$ strictly, $\forall \varepsilon  > 0$, $\exists N > 0$ s.t. $\forall n > N \Rightarrow {\left( {\sin 1} \right)^n} < \frac{\varepsilon }{{1 + \left| {{x_0}} \right|}}$. Thus $\forall n,m > N \Rightarrow \left| {{x_m} - {x_n}} \right| < \varepsilon $. We have prove that $\left\{ {{x_n}} \right\}$ is a Cauchy sequence, it then convergs. Q.E.D.

Note 2: As in proof 2, we recognize that $f(x)= \cos {x}$ is a contraction since $\left| {\cos x - \cos y} \right| < \theta \left| {x - y} \right|$ where $\theta  = \sin 1 < 1$. The following contraction principle tells us that there exist one and only one $x$ such that $\cos x = x$.

Theorem (Contraction Principle): If $X$ is a complete metric space, and if $\varphi $ is a contraction of $X$ into $X$, then  there exist one and only one $x \in X$ such that $\varphi \left( x \right) = x$. (cf: Principles of Mathematical Analysis Rudin, Page220)

时间: 2024-08-19 11:11:33


高等数学(4) 数列与数列极限

一.数列与数列极限 刘徽--割圆术 还可以表示为 xn= 1- 1/(2^n) 因为棒长是固定1 减去最后一天剩下的 也是截取的总长 1-1/(2^n)无限趋近于1 数列的定义 ·按自然数1,2,3,-编号依次排列的一列数 x1 x2 - xn - 称为无穷数列 简称数列 ·其中每个数称为数列的项,xn称为通项(一般项) 此数列可记为{xn} 例如 2 4 8 -2^n- {2^n} 问题 ·当n无限增大时 xn是否无限接近某一确定的数指 上面实验 当n无限增大时 数列{1+ ( (-1)^(n


作为小白,我看到递归程序只是能看懂,但是自己写不出来,我知道要有一个临界条件(这个并不难找),但我不知道怎么演进,这让我十分头疼,因此找到了一篇个人认为写的不错的文章如下,根据我对递归的理解和疑问对原文做了一些标注,欢迎各位大佬,写下自己对递归的理解,本小白感激不尽. 如何写一个递归程序 总是听到大大们说递归递归的,自己写程序的时候却用不到递归.其中的原因,一个是害怕写递归,另一个就是不知道什么时候用递归.这篇文章就浅析一下,希望看完之后不再害怕递归,这就是本文最大的目的. 递归到底有什么意义?

review 9.29 viv 逃命 &amp; 递归数列

T1 逃命 survive Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 32768 K Description 糟糕的事情发生啦,现在大家都忙着逃命.但是逃命的通道很窄,大家只能排成一行. 现在有n个人,从1标号到n.同时有一些奇怪的约束条件,每个都形如:a必须在b之前. 同时,社会是不平等的,这些人有的穷有的富.1号最富,2号第二富,以此类推.有钱人就贿赂负责人,所以他们有一些好处. 负责人现在可以安排大家排队的顺序,由于收了好处,所以他要让1号尽量靠前,如果此时还有多种


48.微软(运算):一个数组是由一个递减数列左移若干位形成的,比如{4,3,2,1,6,5}是由{6,5,4,3,2,1}左移两位形成的,在这种数组中查找某一个数. 我的思路: 非常麻烦:先是用二分法找最大的数的位置,再定位要找的数在哪个递减区间里,最后用普通的二分查找法找到.代码如下: /* 48.微软(运算): 一个数组是由一个递减数列左移若干位形成的,比如{4,3,2,1,6,5} 是由{6,5,4,3,2,1}左移两位形成的,在这种数组中查找某一个数. */ #include <stdi


已知正数列$\{a_n\}$对任意自然数$m,n$满足$a_{m+n}\leqslant a_m+a_n$, 证明数列$\left\{\frac{a_n}{n}\right\}$收敛.\[ 0<a_n\leqslant a_{n-1}+a_1\leqslant a_{n-2}+2a_1\leqslant\cdots\leqslant na_1,\]\[ \frac{a_{n+1}}{n+1}-\frac{a_{n}}{n}=\frac{na_{n+1}-(n+1)a_n}{n(n+1)} =\f


已知数列$\{a_n\},\{b_n\}$满足$a_0=a,b_0=b(a>0,b>0,a\neq b)$,且\[\begin{cases} a_{n+1}=\frac{1}{2}(a_n+b_n)\\ b_{n+1}=\sqrt{a_{n+1}b_n}. \end{cases}(n=0,1,2,\ldots)\]试求$\{a_n\},\{b_n\}$的通项公式以及它们的极限. 由题设条件有\[\left( \frac{a_{n+1}}{b_{n+1}} \right) ^2=\frac{a_

【bzoj3231】[Sdoi2008]递归数列 矩阵乘法+快速幂

题目描述 一个由自然数组成的数列按下式定义: 对于i <= k:ai = bi 对于i > k: ai = c1ai-1 + c2ai-2 + ... + ckai-k 其中bj和 cj (1<=j<=k)是给定的自然数.写一个程序,给定自然数m <= n, 计算am + am+1 + am+2 + ... + an, 并输出它除以给定自然数p的余数的值. 输入 由四行组成. 第一行是一个自然数k. 第二行包含k个自然数b1, b2,...,bk. 第三行包含k个自然数c1,


话不多说,先上实体类,如果你不是codefirst,就把它当成数据表结构. 下面是底层BaseDal获取数据的方法  (如果你没有Base类,直接写在你的DAL层和BLL层) 下面是BaseService的方法 下面方法用于拼接字符串 主体方法-- 1 /// <summary> 2 /// 得到树TreePanel的Json 3 /// </summary> 4 /// <returns></returns> 5 public string GetAllL

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Description 现在请求你维护一个数列,要求提供以下两种操作: 1. 查询操作.语法:Q L 功能:查询当前数列中末尾L个数中的最大的数,并输出这个数的值.限制:L不超过当前数列的长度. 2. 插入操作.语法:A n 功能:将n加上t,其中t是最近一次查询操作的答案(如果还未执行过查询操作,则t=0),并将所得结果对一个固定的常数D取模,将所得答案插入到数列的末尾.限制:n是非负整数并且在长整范围内.注意:初始时数列是空的,没有一个数. Input 第一行两个整数,M和D,其中M表示操作