use 2 stacks to simulate a queue

class Stack{
    int cur = 0;
    int elem[2000001];
    void push(int n);
    int pop();
    int peek();
    int size();

void Stack::push(int n){
    elem[cur] = n;

int Stack::pop(){
    return elem[cur + 1];

int Stack::peek(){
    return elem[cur - 1];

int Stack::size(){
    return cur;

class Queue{
    Stack s1, s2;
    void enqueue(int n);
    int dequeue();
    int peek();
    int size();

void Queue::enqueue(int n){
    if(s1.size() == 0){


int Queue::dequeue(){
    if(s2.size() == 0){
    return s2.pop();

int Queue::peek(){
    if(s2.size() == 0){

    return s2.peek();

int Queue::size(){
    return s1.size()? s1.size() : s2.size();
时间: 2024-08-25 19:26:33

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