STM32F1-workarea : how to drive a WS2812 RGB LED using PWM and DMA

how to drive a WS2812 RGB LED using PWM and DMA

#include <stm32f10x.h>

void Delay(__IO uint32_t nCount)

#define TIM3_CCR1_Address 0x40000434  // physical memory address of Timer 3 CCR1 register

#define d2r (3.14159265/180)

TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_TimeBaseStructure;
TIM_OCInitTypeDef TIM_OCInitStructure;
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
DMA_InitTypeDef DMA_InitStructure;

/* Buffer that holds one complete DMA transmission
 * Ensure that this buffer is big enough to hold
 * all data bytes that need to be sent
 * The buffer size can be calculated as follows: number of LEDs * 24 bytes + 42 bytes
 * This leaves us with a maximum string length of (2^16 bytes per DMA stream - 42 bytes) / 24 bytes per LED = 2728 LEDs
uint16_t LED_BYTE_Buffer[ 100 ];

/* this array holds the RGB values to represent a color wheel using 256 steps on each emitter 256^3 = 16777216 colors
uint8_t eightbit[ 766 ][ 3 ] =
{ 255, 0, 0 },
{ 254, 1, 0 },
{ 253, 2, 0 },
{ 252, 3, 0 },
{ 251, 4, 0 },
{ 250, 5, 0 },
{ 249, 6, 0 },
{ 248, 7, 0 },
{ 247, 8, 0 },
{ 246, 9, 0 },
{ 245, 10, 0 },
{ 244, 11, 0 },
{ 243, 12, 0 },
{ 242, 13, 0 },
{ 241, 14, 0 },
{ 240, 15, 0 },
{ 239, 16, 0 },
{ 238, 17, 0 },
{ 237, 18, 0 },
{ 236, 19, 0 },
{ 235, 20, 0 },
{ 234, 21, 0 },
{ 233, 22, 0 },
{ 232, 23, 0 },
{ 231, 24, 0 },
{ 230, 25, 0 },
{ 229, 26, 0 },
{ 228, 27, 0 },
{ 227, 28, 0 },
{ 226, 29, 0 },
{ 225, 30, 0 },
{ 224, 31, 0 },
{ 223, 32, 0 },
{ 222, 33, 0 },
{ 221, 34, 0 },
{ 220, 35, 0 },
{ 219, 36, 0 },
{ 218, 37, 0 },
{ 217, 38, 0 },
{ 216, 39, 0 },
{ 215, 40, 0 },
{ 214, 41, 0 },
{ 213, 42, 0 },
{ 212, 43, 0 },
{ 211, 44, 0 },
{ 210, 45, 0 },
{ 209, 46, 0 },
{ 208, 47, 0 },
{ 207, 48, 0 },
{ 206, 49, 0 },
{ 205, 50, 0 },
{ 204, 51, 0 },
{ 203, 52, 0 },
{ 202, 53, 0 },
{ 201, 54, 0 },
{ 200, 55, 0 },
{ 199, 56, 0 },
{ 198, 57, 0 },
{ 197, 58, 0 },
{ 196, 59, 0 },
{ 195, 60, 0 },
{ 194, 61, 0 },
{ 193, 62, 0 },
{ 192, 63, 0 },
{ 191, 64, 0 },
{ 190, 65, 0 },
{ 189, 66, 0 },
{ 188, 67, 0 },
{ 187, 68, 0 },
{ 186, 69, 0 },
{ 185, 70, 0 },
{ 184, 71, 0 },
{ 183, 72, 0 },
{ 182, 73, 0 },
{ 181, 74, 0 },
{ 180, 75, 0 },
{ 179, 76, 0 },
{ 178, 77, 0 },
{ 177, 78, 0 },
{ 176, 79, 0 },
{ 175, 80, 0 },
{ 174, 81, 0 },
{ 173, 82, 0 },
{ 172, 83, 0 },
{ 171, 84, 0 },
{ 170, 85, 0 },
{ 169, 86, 0 },
{ 168, 87, 0 },
{ 167, 88, 0 },
{ 166, 89, 0 },
{ 165, 90, 0 },
{ 164, 91, 0 },
{ 163, 92, 0 },
{ 162, 93, 0 },
{ 161, 94, 0 },
{ 160, 95, 0 },
{ 159, 96, 0 },
{ 158, 97, 0 },
{ 157, 98, 0 },
{ 156, 99, 0 },
{ 155, 100, 0 },
{ 154, 101, 0 },
{ 153, 102, 0 },
{ 152, 103, 0 },
{ 151, 104, 0 },
{ 150, 105, 0 },
{ 149, 106, 0 },
{ 148, 107, 0 },
{ 147, 108, 0 },
{ 146, 109, 0 },
{ 145, 110, 0 },
{ 144, 111, 0 },
{ 143, 112, 0 },
{ 142, 113, 0 },
{ 141, 114, 0 },
{ 140, 115, 0 },
{ 139, 116, 0 },
{ 138, 117, 0 },
{ 137, 118, 0 },
{ 136, 119, 0 },
{ 135, 120, 0 },
{ 134, 121, 0 },
{ 133, 122, 0 },
{ 132, 123, 0 },
{ 131, 124, 0 },
{ 130, 125, 0 },
{ 129, 126, 0 },
{ 128, 127, 0 },
{ 127, 128, 0 },
{ 126, 129, 0 },
{ 125, 130, 0 },
{ 124, 131, 0 },
{ 123, 132, 0 },
{ 122, 133, 0 },
{ 121, 134, 0 },
{ 120, 135, 0 },
{ 119, 136, 0 },
{ 118, 137, 0 },
{ 117, 138, 0 },
{ 116, 139, 0 },
{ 115, 140, 0 },
{ 114, 141, 0 },
{ 113, 142, 0 },
{ 112, 143, 0 },
{ 111, 144, 0 },
{ 110, 145, 0 },
{ 109, 146, 0 },
{ 108, 147, 0 },
{ 107, 148, 0 },
{ 106, 149, 0 },
{ 105, 150, 0 },
{ 104, 151, 0 },
{ 103, 152, 0 },
{ 102, 153, 0 },
{ 101, 154, 0 },
{ 100, 155, 0 },
{ 99, 156, 0 },
{ 98, 157, 0 },
{ 97, 158, 0 },
{ 96, 159, 0 },
{ 95, 160, 0 },
{ 94, 161, 0 },
{ 93, 162, 0 },
{ 92, 163, 0 },
{ 91, 164, 0 },
{ 90, 165, 0 },
{ 89, 166, 0 },
{ 88, 167, 0 },
{ 87, 168, 0 },
{ 86, 169, 0 },
{ 85, 170, 0 },
{ 84, 171, 0 },
{ 83, 172, 0 },
{ 82, 173, 0 },
{ 81, 174, 0 },
{ 80, 175, 0 },
{ 79, 176, 0 },
{ 78, 177, 0 },
{ 77, 178, 0 },
{ 76, 179, 0 },
{ 75, 180, 0 },
{ 74, 181, 0 },
{ 73, 182, 0 },
{ 72, 183, 0 },
{ 71, 184, 0 },
{ 70, 185, 0 },
{ 69, 186, 0 },
{ 68, 187, 0 },
{ 67, 188, 0 },
{ 66, 189, 0 },
{ 65, 190, 0 },
{ 64, 191, 0 },
{ 63, 192, 0 },
{ 62, 193, 0 },
{ 61, 194, 0 },
{ 60, 195, 0 },
{ 59, 196, 0 },
{ 58, 197, 0 },
{ 57, 198, 0 },
{ 56, 199, 0 },
{ 55, 200, 0 },
{ 54, 201, 0 },
{ 53, 202, 0 },
{ 52, 203, 0 },
{ 51, 204, 0 },
{ 50, 205, 0 },
{ 49, 206, 0 },
{ 48, 207, 0 },
{ 47, 208, 0 },
{ 46, 209, 0 },
{ 45, 210, 0 },
{ 44, 211, 0 },
{ 43, 212, 0 },
{ 42, 213, 0 },
{ 41, 214, 0 },
{ 40, 215, 0 },
{ 39, 216, 0 },
{ 38, 217, 0 },
{ 37, 218, 0 },
{ 36, 219, 0 },
{ 35, 220, 0 },
{ 34, 221, 0 },
{ 33, 222, 0 },
{ 32, 223, 0 },
{ 31, 224, 0 },
{ 30, 225, 0 },
{ 29, 226, 0 },
{ 28, 227, 0 },
{ 27, 228, 0 },
{ 26, 229, 0 },
{ 25, 230, 0 },
{ 24, 231, 0 },
{ 23, 232, 0 },
{ 22, 233, 0 },
{ 21, 234, 0 },
{ 20, 235, 0 },
{ 19, 236, 0 },
{ 18, 237, 0 },
{ 17, 238, 0 },
{ 16, 239, 0 },
{ 15, 240, 0 },
{ 14, 241, 0 },
{ 13, 242, 0 },
{ 12, 243, 0 },
{ 11, 244, 0 },
{ 10, 245, 0 },
{ 9, 246, 0 },
{ 8, 247, 0 },
{ 7, 248, 0 },
{ 6, 249, 0 },
{ 5, 250, 0 },
{ 4, 251, 0 },
{ 3, 252, 0 },
{ 2, 253, 0 },
{ 1, 254, 0 },
{ 0, 255, 0 },
{ 0, 254, 1 },
{ 0, 253, 2 },
{ 0, 252, 3 },
{ 0, 251, 4 },
{ 0, 250, 5 },
{ 0, 249, 6 },
{ 0, 248, 7 },
{ 0, 247, 8 },
{ 0, 246, 9 },
{ 0, 245, 10 },
{ 0, 244, 11 },
{ 0, 243, 12 },
{ 0, 242, 13 },
{ 0, 241, 14 },
{ 0, 240, 15 },
{ 0, 239, 16 },
{ 0, 238, 17 },
{ 0, 237, 18 },
{ 0, 236, 19 },
{ 0, 235, 20 },
{ 0, 234, 21 },
{ 0, 233, 22 },
{ 0, 232, 23 },
{ 0, 231, 24 },
{ 0, 230, 25 },
{ 0, 229, 26 },
{ 0, 228, 27 },
{ 0, 227, 28 },
{ 0, 226, 29 },
{ 0, 225, 30 },
{ 0, 224, 31 },
{ 0, 223, 32 },
{ 0, 222, 33 },
{ 0, 221, 34 },
{ 0, 220, 35 },
{ 0, 219, 36 },
{ 0, 218, 37 },
{ 0, 217, 38 },
{ 0, 216, 39 },
{ 0, 215, 40 },
{ 0, 214, 41 },
{ 0, 213, 42 },
{ 0, 212, 43 },
{ 0, 211, 44 },
{ 0, 210, 45 },
{ 0, 209, 46 },
{ 0, 208, 47 },
{ 0, 207, 48 },
{ 0, 206, 49 },
{ 0, 205, 50 },
{ 0, 204, 51 },
{ 0, 203, 52 },
{ 0, 202, 53 },
{ 0, 201, 54 },
{ 0, 200, 55 },
{ 0, 199, 56 },
{ 0, 198, 57 },
{ 0, 197, 58 },
{ 0, 196, 59 },
{ 0, 195, 60 },
{ 0, 194, 61 },
{ 0, 193, 62 },
{ 0, 192, 63 },
{ 0, 191, 64 },
{ 0, 190, 65 },
{ 0, 189, 66 },
{ 0, 188, 67 },
{ 0, 187, 68 },
{ 0, 186, 69 },
{ 0, 185, 70 },
{ 0, 184, 71 },
{ 0, 183, 72 },
{ 0, 182, 73 },
{ 0, 181, 74 },
{ 0, 180, 75 },
{ 0, 179, 76 },
{ 0, 178, 77 },
{ 0, 177, 78 },
{ 0, 176, 79 },
{ 0, 175, 80 },
{ 0, 174, 81 },
{ 0, 173, 82 },
{ 0, 172, 83 },
{ 0, 171, 84 },
{ 0, 170, 85 },
{ 0, 169, 86 },
{ 0, 168, 87 },
{ 0, 167, 88 },
{ 0, 166, 89 },
{ 0, 165, 90 },
{ 0, 164, 91 },
{ 0, 163, 92 },
{ 0, 162, 93 },
{ 0, 161, 94 },
{ 0, 160, 95 },
{ 0, 159, 96 },
{ 0, 158, 97 },
{ 0, 157, 98 },
{ 0, 156, 99 },
{ 0, 155, 100 },
{ 0, 154, 101 },
{ 0, 153, 102 },
{ 0, 152, 103 },
{ 0, 151, 104 },
{ 0, 150, 105 },
{ 0, 149, 106 },
{ 0, 148, 107 },
{ 0, 147, 108 },
{ 0, 146, 109 },
{ 0, 145, 110 },
{ 0, 144, 111 },
{ 0, 143, 112 },
{ 0, 142, 113 },
{ 0, 141, 114 },
{ 0, 140, 115 },
{ 0, 139, 116 },
{ 0, 138, 117 },
{ 0, 137, 118 },
{ 0, 136, 119 },
{ 0, 135, 120 },
{ 0, 134, 121 },
{ 0, 133, 122 },
{ 0, 132, 123 },
{ 0, 131, 124 },
{ 0, 130, 125 },
{ 0, 129, 126 },
{ 0, 128, 127 },
{ 0, 127, 128 },
{ 0, 126, 129 },
{ 0, 125, 130 },
{ 0, 124, 131 },
{ 0, 123, 132 },
{ 0, 122, 133 },
{ 0, 121, 134 },
{ 0, 120, 135 },
{ 0, 119, 136 },
{ 0, 118, 137 },
{ 0, 117, 138 },
{ 0, 116, 139 },
{ 0, 115, 140 },
{ 0, 114, 141 },
{ 0, 113, 142 },
{ 0, 112, 143 },
{ 0, 111, 144 },
{ 0, 110, 145 },
{ 0, 109, 146 },
{ 0, 108, 147 },
{ 0, 107, 148 },
{ 0, 106, 149 },
{ 0, 105, 150 },
{ 0, 104, 151 },
{ 0, 103, 152 },
{ 0, 102, 153 },
{ 0, 101, 154 },
{ 0, 100, 155 },
{ 0, 99, 156 },
{ 0, 98, 157 },
{ 0, 97, 158 },
{ 0, 96, 159 },
{ 0, 95, 160 },
{ 0, 94, 161 },
{ 0, 93, 162 },
{ 0, 92, 163 },
{ 0, 91, 164 },
{ 0, 90, 165 },
{ 0, 89, 166 },
{ 0, 88, 167 },
{ 0, 87, 168 },
{ 0, 86, 169 },
{ 0, 85, 170 },
{ 0, 84, 171 },
{ 0, 83, 172 },
{ 0, 82, 173 },
{ 0, 81, 174 },
{ 0, 80, 175 },
{ 0, 79, 176 },
{ 0, 78, 177 },
{ 0, 77, 178 },
{ 0, 76, 179 },
{ 0, 75, 180 },
{ 0, 74, 181 },
{ 0, 73, 182 },
{ 0, 72, 183 },
{ 0, 71, 184 },
{ 0, 70, 185 },
{ 0, 69, 186 },
{ 0, 68, 187 },
{ 0, 67, 188 },
{ 0, 66, 189 },
{ 0, 65, 190 },
{ 0, 64, 191 },
{ 0, 63, 192 },
{ 0, 62, 193 },
{ 0, 61, 194 },
{ 0, 60, 195 },
{ 0, 59, 196 },
{ 0, 58, 197 },
{ 0, 57, 198 },
{ 0, 56, 199 },
{ 0, 55, 200 },
{ 0, 54, 201 },
{ 0, 53, 202 },
{ 0, 52, 203 },
{ 0, 51, 204 },
{ 0, 50, 205 },
{ 0, 49, 206 },
{ 0, 48, 207 },
{ 0, 47, 208 },
{ 0, 46, 209 },
{ 0, 45, 210 },
{ 0, 44, 211 },
{ 0, 43, 212 },
{ 0, 42, 213 },
{ 0, 41, 214 },
{ 0, 40, 215 },
{ 0, 39, 216 },
{ 0, 38, 217 },
{ 0, 37, 218 },
{ 0, 36, 219 },
{ 0, 35, 220 },
{ 0, 34, 221 },
{ 0, 33, 222 },
{ 0, 32, 223 },
{ 0, 31, 224 },
{ 0, 30, 225 },
{ 0, 29, 226 },
{ 0, 28, 227 },
{ 0, 27, 228 },
{ 0, 26, 229 },
{ 0, 25, 230 },
{ 0, 24, 231 },
{ 0, 23, 232 },
{ 0, 22, 233 },
{ 0, 21, 234 },
{ 0, 20, 235 },
{ 0, 19, 236 },
{ 0, 18, 237 },
{ 0, 17, 238 },
{ 0, 16, 239 },
{ 0, 15, 240 },
{ 0, 14, 241 },
{ 0, 13, 242 },
{ 0, 12, 243 },
{ 0, 11, 244 },
{ 0, 10, 245 },
{ 0, 9, 246 },
{ 0, 8, 247 },
{ 0, 7, 248 },
{ 0, 6, 249 },
{ 0, 5, 250 },
{ 0, 4, 251 },
{ 0, 3, 252 },
{ 0, 2, 253 },
{ 0, 1, 254 },
{ 0, 0, 255 },
{ 1, 0, 254 },
{ 2, 0, 253 },
{ 3, 0, 252 },
{ 4, 0, 251 },
{ 5, 0, 250 },
{ 6, 0, 249 },
{ 7, 0, 248 },
{ 8, 0, 247 },
{ 9, 0, 246 },
{ 10, 0, 245 },
{ 11, 0, 244 },
{ 12, 0, 243 },
{ 13, 0, 242 },
{ 14, 0, 241 },
{ 15, 0, 240 },
{ 16, 0, 239 },
{ 17, 0, 238 },
{ 18, 0, 237 },
{ 19, 0, 236 },
{ 20, 0, 235 },
{ 21, 0, 234 },
{ 22, 0, 233 },
{ 23, 0, 232 },
{ 24, 0, 231 },
{ 25, 0, 230 },
{ 26, 0, 229 },
{ 27, 0, 228 },
{ 28, 0, 227 },
{ 29, 0, 226 },
{ 30, 0, 225 },
{ 31, 0, 224 },
{ 32, 0, 223 },
{ 33, 0, 222 },
{ 34, 0, 221 },
{ 35, 0, 220 },
{ 36, 0, 219 },
{ 37, 0, 218 },
{ 38, 0, 217 },
{ 39, 0, 216 },
{ 40, 0, 215 },
{ 41, 0, 214 },
{ 42, 0, 213 },
{ 43, 0, 212 },
{ 44, 0, 211 },
{ 45, 0, 210 },
{ 46, 0, 209 },
{ 47, 0, 208 },
{ 48, 0, 207 },
{ 49, 0, 206 },
{ 50, 0, 205 },
{ 51, 0, 204 },
{ 52, 0, 203 },
{ 53, 0, 202 },
{ 54, 0, 201 },
{ 55, 0, 200 },
{ 56, 0, 199 },
{ 57, 0, 198 },
{ 58, 0, 197 },
{ 59, 0, 196 },
{ 60, 0, 195 },
{ 61, 0, 194 },
{ 62, 0, 193 },
{ 63, 0, 192 },
{ 64, 0, 191 },
{ 65, 0, 190 },
{ 66, 0, 189 },
{ 67, 0, 188 },
{ 68, 0, 187 },
{ 69, 0, 186 },
{ 70, 0, 185 },
{ 71, 0, 184 },
{ 72, 0, 183 },
{ 73, 0, 182 },
{ 74, 0, 181 },
{ 75, 0, 180 },
{ 76, 0, 179 },
{ 77, 0, 178 },
{ 78, 0, 177 },
{ 79, 0, 176 },
{ 80, 0, 175 },
{ 81, 0, 174 },
{ 82, 0, 173 },
{ 83, 0, 172 },
{ 84, 0, 171 },
{ 85, 0, 170 },
{ 86, 0, 169 },
{ 87, 0, 168 },
{ 88, 0, 167 },
{ 89, 0, 166 },
{ 90, 0, 165 },
{ 91, 0, 164 },
{ 92, 0, 163 },
{ 93, 0, 162 },
{ 94, 0, 161 },
{ 95, 0, 160 },
{ 96, 0, 159 },
{ 97, 0, 158 },
{ 98, 0, 157 },
{ 99, 0, 156 },
{ 100, 0, 155 },
{ 101, 0, 154 },
{ 102, 0, 153 },
{ 103, 0, 152 },
{ 104, 0, 151 },
{ 105, 0, 150 },
{ 106, 0, 149 },
{ 107, 0, 148 },
{ 108, 0, 147 },
{ 109, 0, 146 },
{ 110, 0, 145 },
{ 111, 0, 144 },
{ 112, 0, 143 },
{ 113, 0, 142 },
{ 114, 0, 141 },
{ 115, 0, 140 },
{ 116, 0, 139 },
{ 117, 0, 138 },
{ 118, 0, 137 },
{ 119, 0, 136 },
{ 120, 0, 135 },
{ 121, 0, 134 },
{ 122, 0, 133 },
{ 123, 0, 132 },
{ 124, 0, 131 },
{ 125, 0, 130 },
{ 126, 0, 129 },
{ 127, 0, 128 },
{ 128, 0, 127 },
{ 129, 0, 126 },
{ 130, 0, 125 },
{ 131, 0, 124 },
{ 132, 0, 123 },
{ 133, 0, 122 },
{ 134, 0, 121 },
{ 135, 0, 120 },
{ 136, 0, 119 },
{ 137, 0, 118 },
{ 138, 0, 117 },
{ 139, 0, 116 },
{ 140, 0, 115 },
{ 141, 0, 114 },
{ 142, 0, 113 },
{ 143, 0, 112 },
{ 144, 0, 111 },
{ 145, 0, 110 },
{ 146, 0, 109 },
{ 147, 0, 108 },
{ 148, 0, 107 },
{ 149, 0, 106 },
{ 150, 0, 105 },
{ 151, 0, 104 },
{ 152, 0, 103 },
{ 153, 0, 102 },
{ 154, 0, 101 },
{ 155, 0, 100 },
{ 156, 0, 99 },
{ 157, 0, 98 },
{ 158, 0, 97 },
{ 159, 0, 96 },
{ 160, 0, 95 },
{ 161, 0, 94 },
{ 162, 0, 93 },
{ 163, 0, 92 },
{ 164, 0, 91 },
{ 165, 0, 90 },
{ 166, 0, 89 },
{ 167, 0, 88 },
{ 168, 0, 87 },
{ 169, 0, 86 },
{ 170, 0, 85 },
{ 171, 0, 84 },
{ 172, 0, 83 },
{ 173, 0, 82 },
{ 174, 0, 81 },
{ 175, 0, 80 },
{ 176, 0, 79 },
{ 177, 0, 78 },
{ 178, 0, 77 },
{ 179, 0, 76 },
{ 180, 0, 75 },
{ 181, 0, 74 },
{ 182, 0, 73 },
{ 183, 0, 72 },
{ 184, 0, 71 },
{ 185, 0, 70 },
{ 186, 0, 69 },
{ 187, 0, 68 },
{ 188, 0, 67 },
{ 189, 0, 66 },
{ 190, 0, 65 },
{ 191, 0, 64 },
{ 192, 0, 63 },
{ 193, 0, 62 },
{ 194, 0, 61 },
{ 195, 0, 60 },
{ 196, 0, 59 },
{ 197, 0, 58 },
{ 198, 0, 57 },
{ 199, 0, 56 },
{ 200, 0, 55 },
{ 201, 0, 54 },
{ 202, 0, 53 },
{ 203, 0, 52 },
{ 204, 0, 51 },
{ 205, 0, 50 },
{ 206, 0, 49 },
{ 207, 0, 48 },
{ 208, 0, 47 },
{ 209, 0, 46 },
{ 210, 0, 45 },
{ 211, 0, 44 },
{ 212, 0, 43 },
{ 213, 0, 42 },
{ 214, 0, 41 },
{ 215, 0, 40 },
{ 216, 0, 39 },
{ 217, 0, 38 },
{ 218, 0, 37 },
{ 219, 0, 36 },
{ 220, 0, 35 },
{ 221, 0, 34 },
{ 222, 0, 33 },
{ 223, 0, 32 },
{ 224, 0, 31 },
{ 225, 0, 30 },
{ 226, 0, 29 },
{ 227, 0, 28 },
{ 228, 0, 27 },
{ 229, 0, 26 },
{ 230, 0, 25 },
{ 231, 0, 24 },
{ 232, 0, 23 },
{ 233, 0, 22 },
{ 234, 0, 21 },
{ 235, 0, 20 },
{ 236, 0, 19 },
{ 237, 0, 18 },
{ 238, 0, 17 },
{ 239, 0, 16 },
{ 240, 0, 15 },
{ 241, 0, 14 },
{ 242, 0, 13 },
{ 243, 0, 12 },
{ 244, 0, 11 },
{ 245, 0, 10 },
{ 246, 0, 9 },
{ 247, 0, 8 },
{ 248, 0, 7 },
{ 249, 0, 6 },
{ 250, 0, 5 },
{ 251, 0, 4 },
{ 252, 0, 3 },
{ 253, 0, 2 },
{ 254, 0, 1 },
{ 255, 0, 0 }, };

void Timer3_init( void )
  uint16_t PrescalerValue;

  RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd( RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOA, ENABLE );
  /* GPIOA Configuration: TIM3 Channel 1 as alternate function push-pull */
  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_6;
  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;
  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
  GPIO_Init( GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure );

  RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd( RCC_APB1Periph_TIM3, ENABLE );
  /* Compute the prescaler value */
  PrescalerValue = (uint16_t) ( SystemCoreClock / 24000000 ) - 1;
  /* Time base configuration */
  TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Period = 29; // 800kHz
  TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Prescaler = PrescalerValue;
  TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_ClockDivision = 0;
  TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up;
  TIM_TimeBaseInit( TIM3, &TIM_TimeBaseStructure );

  /* PWM1 Mode configuration: Channel1 */
  TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OCMode = TIM_OCMode_PWM1;
  TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OutputState = TIM_OutputState_Enable;
  TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_Pulse = 0;
  TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OCPolarity = TIM_OCPolarity_High;
  TIM_OC1Init( TIM3, &TIM_OCInitStructure );

  /* configure DMA */
  /* DMA clock enable */
  RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd( RCC_AHBPeriph_DMA1, ENABLE );

  /* DMA1 Channel6 Config */
  DMA_DeInit( DMA1_Channel6 );

  DMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t) TIM3_CCR1_Address; // physical address of Timer 3 CCR1
  DMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = (uint32_t) LED_BYTE_Buffer; // this is the buffer memory
  DMA_InitStructure.DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralDST; // data shifted from memory to peripheral
  DMA_InitStructure.DMA_BufferSize = 42;
  DMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralInc = DMA_PeripheralInc_Disable;
  DMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryInc = DMA_MemoryInc_Enable; // automatically increase buffer index
  DMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralDataSize = DMA_PeripheralDataSize_HalfWord;
  DMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_HalfWord;
  DMA_InitStructure.DMA_Mode = DMA_Mode_Normal; // stop DMA feed after buffer size is reached
  DMA_InitStructure.DMA_Priority = DMA_Priority_High;
  DMA_InitStructure.DMA_M2M = DMA_M2M_Disable;

  DMA_Init( DMA1_Channel6, &DMA_InitStructure );

  /* TIM3 CC1 DMA Request enable */

/* This function sends data bytes out to a string of WS2812s
 * The first argument is a pointer to the first RGB triplet to be sent -- color
 * The seconds argument is the number of LEDs in the chain -- len
 * This will result in the RGB triplet passed by argument 1 being sent to
 * the LED that is the furthest away from the controller (the point where
 * data is injected into the chain)
void WS2812_send( uint8_t (*color)[ 3 ], uint16_t len )
  uint8_t i, j;
  uint8_t led;
  uint16_t memaddr;
  uint16_t buffersize;

  buffersize = ( len * 24 ) + 42; // number of bytes needed is #LEDs * 24 bytes + 42 trailing bytes
  memaddr = 0;        // reset buffer memory index
  led = 0;          // reset led index

  // fill transmit buffer with correct compare values to achieve
  // correct pulse widths according to color values
  while ( len )
    for ( j = 0; j < 8; j++ )         // GREEN data
      if ( ( color[ led ][ 1 ] << j ) & 0x80 ) // data sent MSB first, j = 0 is MSB j = 7 is LSB
        LED_BYTE_Buffer[ memaddr ] = 17;  // compare value for logical 1
        LED_BYTE_Buffer[ memaddr ] = 9; // compare value for logical 0

    for ( j = 0; j < 8; j++ )         // RED data
      if ( ( color[ led ][ 0 ] << j ) & 0x80 ) // data sent MSB first, j = 0 is MSB j = 7 is LSB
        LED_BYTE_Buffer[ memaddr ] = 17;  // compare value for logical 1
        LED_BYTE_Buffer[ memaddr ] = 9; // compare value for logical 0

    for ( j = 0; j < 8; j++ )         // BLUE data
      if ( ( color[ led ][ 2 ] << j ) & 0x80 ) // data sent MSB first, j = 0 is MSB j = 7 is LSB
        LED_BYTE_Buffer[ memaddr ] = 17;  // compare value for logical 1
        LED_BYTE_Buffer[ memaddr ] = 9; // compare value for logical 0


  // add needed delay at end of byte cycle, pulsewidth = 0
  while ( memaddr < buffersize )
    LED_BYTE_Buffer[ memaddr ] = 0;

  DMA_SetCurrDataCounter( DMA1_Channel6, buffersize ); // load number of bytes to be transferred
  DMA_Cmd( DMA1_Channel6, ENABLE );       // enable DMA channel 6
  TIM_Cmd( TIM3, ENABLE );            // enable Timer 3
  while ( !DMA_GetFlagStatus( DMA1_FLAG_TC6 ) )
    ;   // wait until transfer complete
  TIM_Cmd( TIM3, DISABLE );           // disable Timer 3
  DMA_Cmd( DMA1_Channel6, DISABLE );      // disable DMA channel 6
  DMA_ClearFlag( DMA1_FLAG_TC6 ); // clear DMA1 Channel 6 transfer complete flag

int main( void )
  Timer3_init( );

  int16_t i;

  while ( 1 )
    /* first cycle through the colors on 2 LEDs chained together
     * last LED in the chain will receive first sent triplet
     * --> last LED in the chain will ‘lead‘
    for ( i = 0; i < 766; i += 2 )
      WS2812_send( &eightbit[ i ], 2 );
      Delay( 50000L );

    /* cycle through the colors on only one LED
     * this time only the first LED that data is
     * fed into will update
    for ( i = 0; i < 766; i += 1 )
      WS2812_send( &eightbit[ i ], 1 );
      Delay( 50000L );
时间: 2024-08-02 16:45:13

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用树莓派实现RGB LED的颜色控制

用树莓派实现RGB LED的颜色控制  RGB色彩模式是工业界的一种颜色标准,是通过对红(R).绿(G).蓝(B)三个颜色通道的变化以及它们相互之间的叠加来得到各式各样的颜色的,RGB即是代 表红.绿.蓝三个通道的颜色,这个标准几乎包括了人类视力所能感知的所有颜色,是目前运用最广的颜色系统之一.RGB色彩模式使用RGB模型为图像中每一个像素的RGB分量分配一个0~255范围内的强度值.RGB图像只使用三种颜色,就可以使它们按照不同的比例混合,从而得到各种各样的颜色. 在实际的控制中,往往通过PW

用树莓派实现RGB LED的颜色控制——Python版本

电路连接方式请参考另一篇博文:[用树莓派实现RGB LED的颜色控制--C语言版本] Python代码: #!/usr/bin/env python #********************************************************* # File Name # Author :Jason Dai # Date : 2015/02/04 #*******************************************************

共阳极RGB LED二极管

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Arduino 操作共阴极RGB LED

一.原理图 二. 实物图 三.完整事例代码,三种颜色不停的交替闪烁 实验结果自己运行观察

使用 Cortana 语音助手和 Arduino 声音控制 RGB Led 灯! 原文地址:

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