dx11 入门 Tutorial 04: DX、HLSL中矩阵的内存存储和数学计算方式 DirectXSampleBrowser(June 2010)


1.shader数据和dx的通信,使用constant Buffer


先说第一个: dx中的常量数据matrix等传入shader中流程:

The first thing that we need to do is declare three constant buffer variables. Constant buffers are used to store data that the application needs to pass to shaders. Before rendering, the application usually writes important data to constant buffers, and then during rendering the data can be read from within the shaders.

第一步:在shader中 声明constantBuffer变量,constantBuffer存储application中传入shader的数据,在渲染时,shader可以读入这些数据

    cbuffer ConstantBuffer : register( b0 )
        matrix World;
        matrix View;
        matrix Projection;

Before rendering, we copy the values of these matrices to the shader constant buffer.

第二步:在dx中,使用device创建buffer,这个buffer定义的数据结构和shader内constantBuffer  struct相同

	hr = g_pd3dDevice->CreateBuffer( &bd, NULL, &g_pConstantBuffer );



疑问来源:because matrices are arranged differently in memory in C++ and HLSL, we must transpose the matrices before updating them.



时间: 2024-08-05 01:56:17

dx11 入门 Tutorial 04: DX、HLSL中矩阵的内存存储和数学计算方式 DirectXSampleBrowser(June 2010)的相关文章

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