pointer p, addr of pointer p, value of *p

void pointer(int *p)
  int a = 11;
  printf("\nthe p is %p , addr is %p, *p is %d",p , &p, *p);
  *p =11;
  printf("\nthe p is %p , addr is %p, *p is %d",p , &p, *p);
  p = &a;
  printf("\nthe p is %p , addr is %p, *p is %d",p , &p, *p);

int main()
 int b =22;
 int *p = &b;

 printf("the p is %p , addr is %p, *p is %d",p , &p, *p);
 printf("\nthe p is %p , addr is %p, *p is %d\n",p , &p, *p);


the p is 00A0FEE4 , addr is 00A0FEDC, *p is 22
the p is 00A0FEE4 , addr is 00A0FEE0, *p is 22
the p is 00A0FEE4 , addr is 00A0FEE0, *p is 11
the p is 00A0FEE8 , addr is 00A0FEE0, *p is 11
the p is 00A0FEE4 , addr is 00A0FEDC, *p is 11

时间: 2025-01-02 13:35:26

pointer p, addr of pointer p, value of *p的相关文章


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首先本文是对参考中三个连接的博客进行的整理,非常感谢三位博主的努力,每次都感叹网友的力量实在太强大了…… 第一章 快速上手 1.  在C语言中用/*和*/来注释掉这段代码,这个实际上并不是十分的安全,要从逻辑上删除一段C代码,最好的办法是使用#if指令: #if 0 Statement #endif 2.  其他语言中,无返回值的函数称为过程(procedure). 3.  数组做参数的时候是以引用(reference)的方式传递的,即地址传递.而标量和常量都是传值调用,被调用的函数无法修改调用