

Important Limit

作者 赵天宇

Author:Panda Zhao


Today I want to prove animportant limit of higher mathematics by myself:


If we want to give evidence ofthe limit, first of all, there are a limit of a series of numbers according toa certain rule we need to certify:


Before we begin to prove thelimit, there are one theorem and one rule that are the key point we need to introduce:

1.       牛顿二项式定理(Binomialtheorem)


Definition of Binomial theorem:

其中 ,称为二项式系数,又有 的记法。

Among the formula: we define the  as binomialcoefficient, it can be remembered to.

牛顿二项式定理(Binomial theorem)验证和推理过程:

The process of the ratiocination of Binomialtheorem:


We consider to use the mathematical inductionto solve this problem.

当n = 1时(While n = 1:),



We can make a hypothesis that the binomial expansionequation is true when n = m.

设n=m+1,则:So if we suppose that n equal mplus one, we will CONTINUE to deduce:


The specific step of interpretation :


The 3rd line: a and b are multiplied into the binomial expansion equation.;


The 4th line: take out of theitem which includes the k = 0 in the binomial expansion equation.;


The 5th line: making a hypothesisthat is j = k-1;


The 6th line: What we need totake out of the item including k=m+1 in the binomial expansion equation.


The 7th line: Combining the twobinomial expansion equation.


The 8th line: At this line weneed to use the Pascal’s Rule to combine the binomial expansion equation whichare

接下来介绍一下帕斯卡法则(Pascal’s Rule)。

So at this moment, we should get someknowledge about what the Pascal’s Rule is. Let’s see something about it:

帕斯卡法则(Pascal’s Rule):组合数学中的二项式系数恒等式,对于正整数n、k(k<=n)有:

Pascal’s Rule: a binomial coefficientidentical equation of combinatorial mathematics. For the positive integer n andk (k<=n), there is a conclusion:

                  There is also commonly written:


Algebraic proof:


We can rewrite the left combinatorial item:

通分;reductionof fractions to a common.

                                         合并多项式;combining the polynomial.

                          证明完成;The Pascal’s Rule has been proved.


So what is our next step? The progression ofnumbers according to a certain rule of should be proved that it is a monotonicincrease sequence and has a limitation. If we can do these things, we will drawa conclusion that the sequence has an limitation which we generally call e.


We can analogously get the:

可见,  和相比,除了前两个1相等之外,后面的项都要小,并且多一个值大于0的项目,因此:

Thus it can be seen, comparing   with  , all of the items of the   are lower thanthese items in  except the 1stand the 2rd one are equaling. In addition it has an item whose value is biggerthan zero that is in the . So we can get a point :


Because of the point, we can prove thesequence is an monotonic increase sequence, so we remain only one thing shouldbe proved that is the sequence’s limitation. So let’s get it :

可见{  }是有界的,所以根据数列极限存在准则可得:

Thus it can be seen , the sequence of  has a limitation , as we know, we can draw aconclusion by the means of the rule of limitation of sequence exiting:

时间: 2024-11-25 07:31:22


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