2016中国大学生程序设计竞赛 - 网络选拔赛 C. Magic boy Bi Luo with his excited tree

Magic boy Bi Luo with his excited tree

Problem Description

Bi Luo is a magic boy, he also has a migic tree, the tree has N nodes , in each node , there is a treasure, it‘s value is V[i], and for each edge, there is a cost C[i], which means every time you pass the edge i , you need to pay C[i].

You may attention that every V[i] can be taken only once, but for some C[i] , you may cost severial times.

Now, Bi Luo define ans[i] as the most value can Bi Luo gets if Bi Luo starts at node i.

Bi Luo is also an excited boy, now he wants to know every ans[i], can you help him?


First line is a positive integer T(T≤104) , represents there are T test cases.

Four each test:

The first line contain an integer N(N≤105).

The next line contains N integers V[i], which means the treasure’s value of node i(1≤V[i]≤104).

For the next N−1 lines, each contains three integers u,v,c , which means node u and node v are connected by an edge, it‘s cost is c(1≤c≤104).

You can assume that the sum of N will not exceed 106.


For the i-th test case , first output Case #i: in a single line , then output N lines , for the i-th line , output ans[i] in a single line.

Sample Input

4 1 7 7 7
1 2 6
1 3 1
2 4 8
3 5 2

Sample Output

Case #1:




2016中国大学生程序设计竞赛 - 网络选拔赛



        统计每个点只能往下走的 f 和 g。
        g[i] = sigma(max(0, g[child] - 2 * costOfEdge))
        f[i] = max(g[i],
                            g[i] - max(0, g[child] - 2 * costOfEdge) + f[child] + costOfEdge)



  1 const int N = 100010;
  2 int head[N], son[N * 2], val[N * 2], nex[N * 2], tot;
  3 int w[N], n;
  4 struct FirstAndSecondMax {
  5     pair<int, int> first, second;
  7     inline void init(int val, int id) {
  8         first = second = make_pair(val, id);
  9     }
 11     inline void addAll(int w) {
 12         first.first += w, second.first += w;
 13     }
 15     inline void updata(int val, int id) {
 16         pair<int, int> now = make_pair(val, id);
 17         if(first < now) swap(first, now);
 18         if(second < now) swap(second, now);
 19     }
 21     inline int getMax(int except) {
 22         return first.second == except ? second.first : first.first;
 23     }
 24 } f[N];
 25 int g[N];
 26 // f -> maximum of paths that need not go back
 27 // g -> maximum of paths that need to go back
 28 #define cg(origin, cost) (max(0, origin - 2 * cost))
 29 #define cf(origin, cost) (max(0, origin - cost))
 30 // cg -> contribution to g
 31 // cf -> contribution to f
 32 int ans[N];
 34 inline void init() {
 35     for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) f[i].init(w[i], i);
 36     for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) head[i] = -1;
 37     tot = 0;
 38 }
 40 inline void addEdge(int u, int v, int w) {
 41     son[tot] = v, val[tot] = w, nex[tot] = head[u];
 42     head[u] = tot++;
 43 }
 45 int que[N], fa[N], valfa[N];
 46 inline void bfs(int st) {
 47     int len = 0;
 48     fa[st] = -1, valfa[st] = INF, que[len++] = st;
 49     for(int idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
 50         int u = que[idx];
 51         for(int tab = head[u], v; tab != -1; tab = nex[tab])
 52             if((v = son[tab]) != fa[u])
 53                 fa[v] = u, valfa[v] = val[tab], que[len++] = v;
 54     }
 55 }
 57 inline void solve() {
 58     bfs(1);
 60     for(int idx = n - 1; idx >= 0; --idx) {
 61         int u = que[idx];
 62         g[u] = w[u];
 63         for(int tab = head[u], v; tab != -1; tab = nex[tab])
 64             if((v = son[tab]) != fa[u])
 65                 g[u] += cg(g[v], val[tab]);
 66         f[u].init(g[u], u);
 67         for(int tab = head[u], v; tab != -1; tab = nex[tab])
 68             if((v = son[tab]) != fa[u])
 69                 f[u].updata(g[u] - cg(g[v], val[tab]) +
 70                         f[v].getMax(u) - val[tab], v);
 71     }
 73     for(int idx = 0; idx < n; ++idx) {
 74         int u = que[idx];
 75         if(fa[u] != -1) {
 76             int faContributeIt = g[fa[u]] - cg(g[u], valfa[u]);
 77             int lastg = g[u];
 78             g[u] += cg(faContributeIt, valfa[u]);
 79             f[u].addAll(cg(faContributeIt, valfa[u]));
 80             f[u].updata(f[fa[u]].getMax(u) - cg(lastg, valfa[u])
 81                        - valfa[u] + lastg, fa[u]);
 82         }
 83         ans[u] = f[u].getMax(-1);
 84     }
 86     for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) printf("%d\n", ans[i]);
 87 }
 89 int main() {
 90     int testCase;
 91     scanf("%d", &testCase);
 92     for(int testIndex = 1; testIndex <= testCase; ++testIndex) {
 93         printf("Case #%d:\n", testIndex);
 94         scanf("%d", &n);
 95         for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) scanf("%d", &w[i]);
 96         init();
 97         for(int i = 1, u, v, w; i < n; ++i) {
 98             scanf("%d%d%d", &u, &v, &w);
 99             --u, --v;
100             addEdge(u, v, w), addEdge(v, u, w);
101         }
102         solve();
103     }
104     return 0;
105 }

时间: 2024-12-25 23:01:09

2016中国大学生程序设计竞赛 - 网络选拔赛 C. Magic boy Bi Luo with his excited tree的相关文章

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