[转] 数学符号英文拼写及发音



+ plus /‘pl?s/
- minus /‘ma?n?s/
± plus or minus /‘pl?s  ?:  ‘ma?n?s/
x multiplied by /‘m?lt?pla?d ba?/
/ over; divided by /‘??v?/ /d?‘va?d?d/
÷ divided /d?‘va?d?d/
= equals /‘?:kw?lz/
approximately, similar /?‘pr?ks?m?tl?/ /‘s?m?l? t?/
equivalent to; identical /?k‘w?v?l?nt t?/ /a?‘dent?kl t?/
≠  not equal to /‘n?t ‘i?kw?l t?/
greater than /‘gre?t? ð?n/
less than /‘les ð?n/
≥  greater than or equal to /‘gre?t? ð?n ?r ‘i?kw?l t?/
≤  less than or equal to /‘les ð?n ?r‘ i?kw?l t?/
? not greater than /‘n?t ‘gre?t? ð?n/
? not less than /‘n?t ‘les ð?n/
? much greater than /‘m?? ‘gre?t? ð?n/
? much less than /‘m?? ‘les ð?n/
perpendicular to /p??p?n‘d?kj?l? t?/
∣∣ parallel to /‘pær?lel t?/
? not equivalent to, not identical to /‘n?t ?k‘w?v?l?nt t?/ /‘n?t a?‘dent?kl t?/
?? not similar to /‘n?t ‘s?m?l? t?/
² squared /‘skwe?d/
³ cubed /‘kju:bd/
4 to the fourth;  to the power four /t? ð? ‘f??θ/ /te ð? ‘pɑ?? f??/
n  to the n; to the nth; to the power n /t? ð? en; t? d? enθ; t? ð? pɑ??r en/
root; square root /ru:t/ /skwe? ru:t/
? cube root /kju:b ru:t/
? fourth root  /f??θ ru?t/
! factorial /fæk‘t??r??l/
% percent /p?‘sent/
infinity /?n‘f?n?t?/
varies as; proportional to /‘v??r?z/  /pr?‘p????n?l/
˙ dot /d?t/
¨ double dot /d?bl d?t/
: is to, ratio of /re?????/
f(x) fx f; function /ef/ /‘f??k??n/
f‘(x) f dash; derivative  /dæ?/ /d?‘r?v?t?v/
f‘‘x f double-dash; second derivative /‘d?bl dæ?/ /‘sek?nd d?‘r?v?t?v/
f‘‘‘(x) f triple-dash; f treble-dash; third derivative /‘tr?pl dæ?/ / trebl dæ?/ /θ?:d d?‘r?v?t?v/
f(4) f four; fourth derivative  /f??θ d?‘r?v?t?v/
partial derivative, delta /pa???l d?‘r?v?t?v/ /delt?/
integral /‘?nt?gr?l/
sum /s?m/
w.r.t. with respect to /w?ð ‘r?spekt/
log log  /l?g/
log?x log to the base 2 of x /l?g t? ð? be?s tu: ?v eks/
therefore /‘ð??f??/
because /b?‘k?z/
gives, leads to, approaches /g?vz/ /li:dz t?/ /?pr????z/
/ per /p?:/
belongs to; a member of;  an element of /b?‘l??z/ /‘memb?/ /‘el?m?nt/
does not belong to; is not a member of; is not an element of /n?t b?‘l??/ /n?t ? ‘memb?/ /n?t ?n ‘el?m?nt/
contained in;  a proper subset of /k?n‘te?nd ?n/ /‘pr?p? ‘s?bset/
contained in; subset  /‘s?bset/
? intersection /‘?nt?sek??n/
? union /‘ju?n??n/
for all /f? r?:l/
cos x cos x; cosine x /k?z/
sin x sine x /sa?n/
tan x tangent x /tan/
cosec x cosec x /‘k??sek/
sinh x shine x /‘?a?n/
cosh x cosh x /‘k??/
tanh x than x /θæn/
|x| mod x; modulus x /m?d/ /‘m?dj?l?s/
degrees Centigrade /d?‘gri:z ‘sent?gre?d/
degrees Fahrenheit /d?‘gri:z ‘fær?nha?t/
°K degrees Kelvin /d?‘gri:z ‘kelv?n/
0°K, –273.15 °C absolute zero /abs?lu:t zi:r??/
mm millimetre /‘m?l?mi?t?/
cm centimetre /‘sent?mi?t?/
cc, cm³ cubic centimetre, centimetre cubed /‘kju?b?k ‘sent?mi?t?/ /‘sent?mi?t? ‘kju:bd/
m metre /‘mi?t?/
km kilometre /k?‘l?m?t?/
mg milligram /‘m?l?græm/
g gram /græm/
kg kilogram /‘k?l?græm/
AC A.C. /e? si:/
DC D.C. /di: si:/ 


x + 1 x plus one
x -1 x minus one
x ± 1 x plus or minus one
xy x y;  x times y; x multiplied by y
(x — y)(x + y)  x minus y, x plus y
x/y x over y;  x divided by y;
x ÷ y x divided by y
x = 5 x equals 5;  x is equal to 5
x ≈ y x is approximately equal to y
x ≡ y x is equivalent to y;  x is identical with y
x ≠ y x is not equal to y
x > y  x is greater than y
x < y  x is less than y
x ≥ y x is greater than or equal to y
x ≤ y x is less than or equal to y
0 < x < 1 zero is less than x is less than 1; x is greater than zero and less than 1
0 ≤ x ≤ 1 zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to 1; x is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1
x squared
x cubed
x4 x to the fourth;  x to the power four
xn x to the n; x to the nth;  x to the power n
x-n x to the minus n;  x to the power of minus n
root x; square root x; the square root of x
? the cube root of x
? the fourth root of x
  the nth root of x
(x + y)² x plus y all squared
(x/y)² x over y all squared
n! n factorial; factorial n
x% x percent
x ∝ y x varies as y; x is (directly) proportional to y
x ∝ 1/y x varies as one over y; x is indirectly proportional to y
? x dot
? x double dot
f(x) fx f of x; the function of x
f‘(x) f dash x; the (first) derivative of with respect to x
f‘‘x f double-dash x; the second derivative of f with respect to x
f‘‘‘(x) f triple-dash x; f treble-dash x; the third derivative of f with respect to x
f(4) f four x; the fourth derivative of f with respect to x
∂v the partial derivative of v
∂v∂θ delta v by delta theta, the partial derivative of v with respect to θ
∂²v∂θ² delta two v by delta theta squared; the second partial derivative of v with respect to θ
dv the derivative of v
dvdθ d v by d theta, the derivative of v with respect to theta
d²vdθ² d 2 v by d theta squared, the second derivative of v with respect to theta, 
  integral from zero to infinity
  the sum from i equals 1 to n
w.r.t. with respect to
logey log to the base e of y; log y to the base e; natural log (of) y
gives, approaches
Δx → 0 delta x approaches zero
limΔx→0 the limit as delta x approaches zero, the limit as delta x tends to zero
LtΔx→0 the limit as delta x approaches zero, the limit as delta x tends to zero
m/sec metres per second
x ∈ A x belongs to A; x is a member of A; x is an element of A
x∉ A x does not belong to A; x is not  a member of A; x is not an element of A
A⊂ B A is contained in B; A is a proper subset of B
A ⊆ B A is contained in B; A is a subset of B
A ? B A intersection B
A ? B A union B
cos x cos x; cosine x
sin x sine x
tan x tangent x, tan x
cosec x cosec x
sinh x shine x
cosh x cosh x
tanh x than x
|x| mod x; modulus x
18 ℃ eighteen degrees Centigrade
70 ℉ seventy degrees Fahrenheit

Greek alphabet

Α α alpha /‘ælf?/
Β β beta /‘bi:t?/
Γ γ gamma /‘gæm?/
Δ δ delta /‘delt?/
Ε ε epsilon /‘epsil?n/
Ζ ζ zeta /‘zi?t?/
Η η eta /‘i?t?/
Θ θ theta /‘θi?t?/
Ι ι iota /a?‘??t?/
Κ κ kappa /‘kæp?/
Λ λ lamda /‘læmd?/
Μ μ mu /‘mju?/
Ν ν nu /‘nju?/
Ξ ξ xi /‘ksa?/
Ο ο omicron /‘??m?kr?n/
Π π pi /‘pa?/
Ρ ρς rho /‘r??/
Σ σ sigma /‘s?gm?/
Τ τ tau /‘tɑ?/
Υ υ upsilon /‘j?ps?l?n/
Φ φ phi /‘fa?/
Χ χ chi /‘ka?/
Ψ ψ psi /‘psa?/
Ω ω omega /‘??m?g?/

Roman alphabet

A a /‘e?/
B b /‘bi?/
C c /‘si?/
D d /‘di?/
E e /‘i?/
F f /‘ef/
G g /‘?i?/
H h /‘e??/
I i /‘a?/
J j /‘?e?/
K k /‘ke?/
L l /‘el/
M m /‘em/
N n /‘en/
O o /‘??/
P p /‘pi?/
Q q /‘kju?/
R r /‘ɑ?/
S s /‘es/
T t /‘ti:/
U u /‘ju:/
V v /‘vi:/
W w /‘d?blju?/
X x /‘eks/
Y y /‘wa?/
Z z /‘zed/


½ a half /? ‘hɑ:f/
¼ a quarter /? ‘kw??t?/
¾ three quarters /θri? ‘kw??t?z/
? a third /? ‘θ?:d/
? two thirds /tu: ‘θ?:dz/
? a fifth /? ‘f?fθ/
? two fifths /tu: ‘f?fθs/
? three fifths /θri? ‘f?fθs/
? four fifths /f?? ‘f?fθs/
? a sixth /? ‘s?ksθ/
? five sixths /fa?v ‘s?ksθs/
? an eighth /?n ‘e?tθ/
? three eighths /θri? ‘e?tθs/
? five eighths /fa?v ‘e?tθs/
? seven eighths /sev?n ‘e?tθs/

Decimal Fractions

0.1 nought point one /n?:t p??nt w?n/
0.01 nought point oh one /n?:t p??nt ?? w?n/
0.0001 nought point oh oh oh one /ten p??nt ?? ?? ?? w?n/
1.1 one point one /w?n p??nt w?n/
1.2 one point two /w?n p??nt tu:/
1.23 one point two three /w?n p??nt tu: θri:/
1.0123 one point oh one two three /w?n p??nt ?? w?n tu: θri:/
10.01 ten point oh one /ten p??nt ?? w?n/
21.57 twenty-one point five seven /‘twent? w?n p??nt  fa?v ‘sev?n/
2.6666666666.... two point six recurring /tu: p??nt  s?ks r?‘k?:r??/
2.612361236123... two point six one two three recurring /tu: p??nt  s?ks w?n tu: θri: r?‘k?:r??/
2.5 million two point five million /tu: p??nt  fa?v ‘m?lj?n/

SI Units: Prefixes

10-24 yocto y /‘j?kt??/
10-21 zepto z /‘zept??/
10-18 atto a /‘at??/
10-15 femto f /‘femt??/
10-12 pico p /‘pi:k??/
10-9 nano n /‘nan??/
10-6 micro µ /‘ma?kr??/
10-3 milli m /‘m?l?/
10-2 centi c /‘sent?/
10-1 deci d /‘des?/
103 kilo k /‘k?l??/
106 mega M /‘meg?/
109 giga G /‘g?g?/
1012 tera T /‘ter?/
1015 peta P /‘pet?/
1018 exa E /‘eks?/
1021 zetta Z /‘zet?/
1024 yotta Y /‘j?t?/
1027 xona X /‘z??n?/
1030 weka W /‘wek?/
1033 vunda V /‘v?nd?/

Cardinal Numbers

1 one /w?n/
2 two /tu:/
3 three /θri:/
4 four /f??/
5 five /fa?v/
6 six /s?ks/
7 seven /‘sev?n/
8 eight /e?t/
9 nine /na?n/
10 ten /ten/
11 eleven /?‘lev?n/
12 twelve /twelv/
13 thirteen /θ?:‘ti:n/
14 fourteen /f??‘ti:n/
15 fifteen /f?f‘ti:n/
16 sixteen /s?kst‘i:n/
17 seventeen /seven‘ti:n/
18 eighteen /e?‘ti:n/
19 nineteen /na?n‘ti:n/
20 twenty /‘twent?/
21 twenty-one /twent?‘w?n/
22 twenty-two /twent?‘tu:/
23 twenty-three /twent?‘θri:/
24 twenty-four /twent?‘f??/
25 twenty-five /twent?‘fa?v/
26 twenty-six /twent?‘s?ks/
27 twenty-seven /twent?‘sev?n/
28 twenty-eight /twent?‘e?t/
29 twenty-nine /twent?‘na?n/
30 thirty /‘θ?:t?/
40 forty /‘f??t?/
50 fifty /‘f?ft?/
60 sixty /‘s?kst?/
70 seventy /‘sev?nt?/
80 eighty /‘e?t?/
90 ninety /‘na?nt?/
100 a hundred; one hundred /? ‘h?ndr?d/ /w?n ‘h?ndr?d/
101 a hundred and one /? ‘h?ndr?d ?n w?n/
102 a hundred and two /? ‘h?ndr?d ?n tu:/
110 a hundred and ten /? ‘h?ndr?d ?n ten/
120 a hundred and twenty /? ‘h?ndr?d ?n ‘twent?/
200 two hundred /tu: ‘h?ndr?d/
300 three hundred /θri:  ‘h?ndr?d/
400 four hundred /f?? ‘h?ndr?d/
500 five hundred /fa?v ‘h?ndr?d/
600 six hundred /s?ks ‘h?ndr?d/
700 seven hundred /‘sev?n ‘h?ndr?d/
800 eight hundred /e?t ‘h?ndr?d/
900 nine hundred /na?n ‘h?ndr?d/
1 000 a thousand, one thousand /? θ‘ɑ?z?nd/ /w?n ‘θɑ?z?nd/
1 001 a thousand and one /? ‘θɑ?z?nd ?n w?n/
1 010 a thousand and ten /? ‘θɑ?z?nd ?n ten/
1 020 a thousand and twenty /? ‘θɑ?z?nd ?n ‘twent?/
1 100 one thousand, one hunded /w?n ‘θɑ?z?nd w?n ‘h?ndr?d/
1 101 one thousand, one hundred and one /w?n ‘θɑ?z?nd w?n ‘h?ndr?d ?n w?n/
1 110 one thousand, one hundred and ten /w?n ‘θɑ?z?nd w?n ‘h?ndr?d ?n ten/
9 999 nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine /na?n ‘θɑ?z?nd na?n ‘h?ndr?d ?n ‘na?nt? ‘na?n/
10 000 ten thousand /ten ‘θɑ?z?nd/
15 356 fifteen thousand, three hundred and fifty six /‘f?fti:n ‘θɑ?z?nd θri: ‘h?ndr?d ?n ‘f?ft? s?ks/
100 000 a hundred thousand /? ‘h?ndr?d ‘θɑ?z?nd/
1 000 000 a million /? ‘m?lj?n/
100 000 000 a hundred million /? ‘h?ndr?d ‘m?lj?n/
1 000 000 000 a billion /? ‘b?lj?n/
100 000 000 000 a hundred billion /? ‘h?ndr?d ‘b?lj?n/
1 000 000 000 000 a trillion /? ‘tr?lj?n/
1 000 000 000 000 000 a quadrillion /? kw?dr?lj?n/
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 a quintillian /? kw?n‘t?lj?n/
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 a sextillion /? seks‘t?lj?n/
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 a septillion /? sep‘t?lj?n/
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 an ocillion /?n ?kt‘t?lj?n/
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 a nonillion /? n?n‘?lj?n/
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 a decillion /? de‘s?lj?n/

Ordinal Numbers

1st first /f?:st/
2nd second /‘sek?nd/
3rd third /θ?:d/
4th fourth /f?:θ/
5th fifth /f?fθ/
6th sixth /s?ksθ/
7th seventh /‘sev?nθ/
8th eighth /e?tθ/
9th ninth /na?nθ/
10th tenth /tenθ/
11th eleventh /?‘lev?nθ/
12th twelfth /‘twelfθ/
13th thirteenth /θ?:‘ti:nθ/
14th fourtheenth /f??‘ti:nθ/
15th fidteenth /f?f‘ti:nθ/   
16th sixteenth /s?ks‘ti:nθ/
17th seventeenth /seven‘ti:nθ/
18th eighteenth /e?‘ti:nθ/
19th nineteenth /na?n‘ti:nθ/
20th twentieth /‘twent??θ/
21st twenty-first /twent?‘f?:st/
22nd twenty-second /twent?‘sek?nd/
23rd twenty-third /twent?‘θ?:d/
24th twenty-fourth /twent?‘f?:θ/
25th twenty-fifth /twent?‘f?fθ/
26th twenty-sixth /twent?‘s?ksθ/
27th twenty-seventh /twent?‘sev?nθ/
28th twenty-eighth /twent?‘e?tθ/
29th twenty-ninth /twent?‘na?nθ/
30th thirtieth /‘θ??t??θ/
31st thirty-first /θ??t?‘f?:st/
40th fortieth /‘f?:t??θ/
50th fiftieth /‘f?ft??θ/
100th hundredth /‘h?ndr?dθ/
1 000th thousandth /‘θɑ?z?ndθ/
1 000 000th millionth /‘m?lj?nθ/

时间: 2024-08-25 04:16:24

[转] 数学符号英文拼写及发音的相关文章


这是别处看来转载到此处,原网址已找不到 Symbols + plus /'pl?s/ - minus /'ma?n?s/ ± plus or minus /'pl?s  ?:  'ma?n?s/ x multiplied by /'m?lt?pla?d ba?/ / over; divided by /'??v?/ /d?'va?d?d/ ÷ divided /d?'va?d?d/ = equals /'?:kw?lz/ ≍ approximately, similar /?'pr?ks?m?t


符号 中文名称 应用举例 英文名称 ' 撇,角分符号 A', f'(X) prime '' 撇撇,两个撇 A'',f''(X) double prime, prime prime - 连字符 class-based hypen         ref: 维基——标点符号:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%A0%87%E7%82%B9%E7%AC%A6%E5%8F%B7 维基——角分符号:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%A7%92%


转 http://www.rapidtables.com/math/symbols/Basic_Math_Symbols.htm Basic math symbols Symbol Symbol Name Meaning / definition Example = equals sign equality 5 = 2+35 is equal to 2+3 ≠ not equal sign inequality 5 ≠ 45 is not equal to 4 ≍ approximately e


常用数学输入符号: ≈ ≡ ≠ = ≤≥ < > ≮ ≯ ∷ ± + - × ÷ / ∫ ∮ ∝ ∞ ∧ ∨ ∑ ∏ ∪ ∩ ∈ ∵ ∴  ⊥ | ∠ ⌒  ≌ ∽ √  () []{} Ⅰ Ⅱ ⊕ ⊙∥α β γ δ ε ζ η θ Δ 大写 小写 英文注音 国际音标注音 中文注音 Α α alpha alfa 阿耳法 Β β beta beta 贝塔 Γ γ gamma gamma 伽马 Δ δ deta delta 德耳塔 Ε ε epsilon epsilon 艾普西隆 Ζ ζ zet


数学符号不好打,复制一下吧 1 几何符号 ⊥   ∥   ∠   ⌒   ⊙   ≡   ≌     △ 2 代数符号 ∝   ∧   ∨   -   ∫   ≠     ≤   ≥   ≍   ∞   ∶ 3运算符号 ×   ÷   √     ± 4集合符号 ∪   ∩   ∈ 5特殊符号 ∑     π(圆周率) 6推理符号 |a|     ⊥     ∽     △     ∠     ∩     ∪     ≠     ≡     ±     ≥     ≤     ∈     ← ↑


在优化问题的求解中,如线性规划.非线性规划问题等,经常会遇到数学符号“s.t.”,它的意思是什么呢? “s.t.”,指 subject to,受限制于.... 例如: 目标函数:min {x+2} 约束条件:s.t.  x={1,2,3} 其题意为,求x+2的最小值以使得x的取值为1.2.3时. 或者理解为,x的取值为1.2.3时,求x+2的最小值.


几何画板的画板界面非常简单,作为新用户,在刚接触几何画板时都会有疑问,比如怎么在画板中输入数学符号?以下教程将详细讲解在几何画板输入数学符号的方法. 具体操作步骤如下: 1.在画板菜单栏选择“显示->显示文本工具栏”. 2.选择画板左侧工具箱中的“文本工具”,在编辑窗口中拖拽出文本输入框来,这时底部的“文本工具栏”为可以使用状态. 3.单击“文本工具栏”最右侧的按钮工具,显示出“数学符号面板”来,最右侧有个倒置的▼按钮,单击它之后选择需要的字母. 4.如果没有所需的字母,就去系统自带的输入法中寻

Latex 数学符号

本文完全转自 <常用数学符号的 LaTeX 表示方法>,在此转载仅仅为了便于查阅,谨向原作者致以崇高的敬意. 常用数学符号的 LaTeX 表示方法 (以下内容主要摘自“一份不太简短的 LATEX2e 介绍”) 1.指数和下标可以用^和_后加相应字符来实现.比如: 2.平方根(square root)的输入命令为:\sqrt,n 次方根相应地为: \sqrt[n].方根符号的大小由LATEX自动加以调整.也可用\surd 仅给出符号.比如: 3.命令\overline 和\underline 在


为了方便口语化环境下与人分析讨论统计学,特别查找了以下符号的标准读法,一来备用,而来也方便初学者规范化读音. 以下为读法表,其中的TEX的字体一般出现在科学著作中. TeX希腊字母 名字 TeX HTML   名字 TeX HTML   名字 TeX HTML   名字 TeX HTML Alpha Αα   Beta Ββ   Gamma Γγ   Delta Δδ Epsilon Ε?ε Digamma ?? Stigma ??ς Zeta Ζζ Eta Ηη Theta Θθϑ Iota