

SQL Terms, Functions, and Concepts
MongoDB Aggregation Operators
No direct corresponding operator; however, the $unwindoperator allows for somewhat similar functionality, but with fields embedded within the document.
SQL Example
MongoDB Example
SELECT COUNT(*) AS countFROM orders

db.orders.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: null, count: { $sum: 1 } } }] )

Count all records fromorders
SELECT SUM(price) AS totalFROM orders

db.orders.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: null, total: { $sum: "$price" } } }] )

Sum theprice field from orders,这个非常有用,看官方说明,说_ID是必须,但没想到可以为NULL,
SELECT cust_id, SUM(price) AS totalFROM ordersGROUP BY cust_id

db.orders.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: "$cust_id", total: { $sum: "$price" } } }] )

For each uniquecust_id, sum the pricefield.
SELECT cust_id, SUM(price) AS totalFROM ordersGROUP BY cust_idORDER BY total

db.orders.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: "$cust_id", total: { $sum: "$price" } } }, { $sort: { total: 1 } }] )

For each uniquecust_id, sum the pricefield, results sorted by sum.
SELECT cust_id, ord_date, SUM(price) AS totalFROM ordersGROUP BY cust_id, ord_date

db.orders.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: { cust_id: "$cust_id", ord_date: "$ord_date" }, total: { $sum: "$price" } } }] )

For each uniquecust_id,ord_dategrouping, sum the pricefield.
SELECT cust_id, count(*)FROM ordersGROUP BY cust_idHAVING count(*) > 1

db.orders.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: "$cust_id", count: { $sum: 1 } } }, { $match: { count: { $gt: 1 } } }] )

For cust_idwith multiple records, return thecust_id and the corresponding record count.
SELECT cust_id, ord_date, SUM(price) AS totalFROM ordersGROUP BY cust_id, ord_dateHAVING total > 250

db.orders.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: { cust_id: "$cust_id", ord_date: "$ord_date" }, total: { $sum: "$price" } } }, { $match: { total: { $gt: 250 } } }] )

For each uniquecust_id,ord_dategrouping, sum the pricefield and return only where the sum is greater than 250.
SELECT cust_id, SUM(price) as totalFROM ordersWHERE status = ‘A‘GROUP BY cust_id

db.orders.aggregate( [ { $match: { status: ‘A‘ } }, { $group: { _id: "$cust_id", total: { $sum: "$price" } } }] )

For each uniquecust_id with status A, sum the pricefield.
SELECT cust_id, SUM(price) as totalFROM ordersWHERE status = ‘A‘GROUP BY cust_idHAVING total > 250

db.orders.aggregate( [ { $match: { status: ‘A‘ } }, { $group: { _id: "$cust_id", total: { $sum: "$price" } } }, { $match: { total: { $gt: 250 } } }] )

For each uniquecust_id with status A, sum the pricefield and return only where the sum is greater than 250.
SELECT cust_id, SUM(li.qty) as qtyFROM orders o, order_lineitem liWHERE li.order_id = o.idGROUP BY cust_id

db.orders.aggregate( [ { $unwind: "$items" }, { $group: { _id: "$cust_id", qty: { $sum: "$items.qty" } } }] )

For each uniquecust_id, sum the corresponding line item qtyfields associated with the orders.
SELECT COUNT(*)FROM (SELECT cust_id, ord_date FROM orders GROUP BY cust_id, ord_date) as DerivedTable

db.orders.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: { cust_id: "$cust_id", ord_date: "$ord_date" } } }, { $group: { _id: null, count: { $sum: 1 } } }] )

时间: 2024-10-12 10:51:19



{ "_id" : ObjectId("57301c7e5fd5d6e2afa221d1"), "a" : "张三", "b" : 11, "list": [ { "name" : "aaaa", "age" : 21 } ] }{ "_id" : ObjectId("57301c7e5fd5d6e


在使用一个时间字段做范围查询count()行数时,发现一个问题: 集合总doc数: mongo>db.log.find().count();90370113 查询小于ISODate("2016-10-10T08:00:00.358Z")的doc有多少条: mongo>db.log.find({"startTime":{$lt:ISODate("2016-10-10T08:00:00.358Z")}}).count();31031319


在MongoDB中实现聚合函数 随着组织产生的数据爆炸性增长,从GB到TB,从TB到PB,传统的数据库已经无法通过垂直扩展来管理如此之大数据.传统方法存储和处理数据的成本将会随着数据量增长而显著增加.这使得很多组织都在寻找一种经济的解决方案,比如NoSQL数据库,它提供了所需的数据存储和处理能力.扩展性和成本效率.NoSQL数据库不使用SQL作为查询语言.这种数据库有多种不同的类型,比如文档结构存储.键值结构存储.图结构.对象数据库等等. 我们在本文中使用的NoSQL是MongoDB,它是一种开


聚合函数在统计阿~汇总阿,都灰常的常用.但是有一个小点是要注意一下下的 create table #Tmp(a int ,b int ) insert into #Tmp(a,b) values (1,null),(null,null),(null,3),(2,4) select * from #Tmp a b ----------- ----------- 1 NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 2 4 这里我就简单用 count 和 sum 和 avg 3个最常用的函数试一下. 这个


聚合函数对一组值执行计算并返回单一的值.聚合函数对一组值执行计算,并返回单个值.除了 COUNT 以外,聚合函数都会忽略空值. 聚合函数经常与 SELECT 语句的 GROUP BY 子句一起使用. count(*) --返回指定表的数量 例如:select count(*) from studen (where ....); sum(*)--返回数据之和(仅对数值类型字段起作用) 例如: 返回三科成绩总和: select sum(math)+sum(chinese)+sum(english)

SQL Server之 (二) SQL语句 模糊查询 空值处理 聚合函数

(二) SQL语句  模糊查询  空值处理  聚合函数 自己学习笔记,转载请注明出处,谢谢!---酸菜 SQL :结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language),关系数据库管理系统的标准语言. Sybase与Mircosoft对标准SQL做了扩展:T-SQL (Transact-SQL); 注:①SQL对大小写的敏感取决于排序规则,一般不敏感; ②SQL对单引号的转义,用两个单引号来表示一个单引号; ③SQL执行顺序: 1→2→3→4 select  * ---------


查询中使用聚合函数: SUM()返回表达式中所有数值的和,空值被省略,用于数字类型的列. AVG()返回表达式中所有数值的平均数,空值被省略,用于数字类型的列. MAX()返回表达式中的最大值. MIN()返回表达式中的最小值. --查询编号为6的销售总量 SELECT SUM(Amount) FROM OrderInfo WHERE commid=6 --图书音像的进货价 SELECT AVG(inprice)FROM Commid WHERE ID=2 --求进货价中的最高和最低价: SEL


聚合函数:就是按照一定的规则将多行(Row)数据汇总成一行的函数,对数据进行汇总前,还可以按特定的列(coloumn)将数据进行分组(group by)再汇总,然后按照再次给定的条件进行筛选 一:Count函数1 SELECT COUNT(Birthday) FROM customer2 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customer3 SELECT COUNT(1) FROM customer1和2区别:使用具体列名作为参数,该列不会计算该列的null值计算在Count之内2和3都

数据存储——SQLite语句之DML 数据操作语言和内置函数之聚合函数

一.连接查询之内连接 select   a.字段,b.字段   from   表1   a,表2   b    where   a.字段=b.字段  And ... 二.DML 数据操作语言 1.增  insert  into values 1-insert  into 表名  values (跟所有字段一一对应的值的列表) 2-insert  into 表名(字段列表)  values (跟字段列表一一对应的值的列表) 3-insert  into 表名  select  对应的字段列表  f


一:聚合函数 count(*),返回行的数目.数值为null的不计算在内,distinct 去重复. sum()计算列中所有值得总和. avg()计算列中所有值得平均值. max()计算列中所有值得总最大值. min()计算列中所有值得最小值. 二:分组的语句 group by 三:having 子句 四:执行顺序 select--from--where--group--order by--having 五:组合查询 1,添加到其他查询的查询语句叫子查询.如果子查询的返回单行时,就可以简单的插入