解决ntp的错误no server suitable for synchronization found


[[email protected] ~]# ntpdate

22 May 20:53:07 ntpdate[5580]: no server suitable for synchronization found

[[email protected] ~]# ntpdate -d

22 May 20:48:03 ntpdate[5487]: ntpdate [email protected] Wed Jun 18 21:20:36 UTC 2014 (1)

Looking for host and service ntp

host found : 192-169-123-149-customer.oowvps.com





transmit( Server dropped: no data

server, port 123

stratum 0, precision 0, leap 00, trust 000

refid [], delay 0.00000, dispersion 64.00000

transmitted 4, in filter 4

reference time:    00000000.00000000  Mon, Jan  1 1900  7:36:42.000

originate timestamp: 00000000.00000000  Mon, Jan  1 1900  7:36:42.000

transmit timestamp:  d909a409.68167265  Fri, May 22 2015 20:48:09.406

filter delay:  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000

0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000

filter offset: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

delay 0.00000, dispersion 64.00000

offset 0.000000

22 May 20:48:11 ntpdate[5487]: no server suitable for synchronization found




# ntpq -c version


The behavior of notrust changed between versions 4.1 and 4.2.

In 4.1 (and earlier) notrust meant "Don‘t trust this host/subnet for time".

In 4.2 (and later) notrust means "Ignore all NTP packets that are not cryptographically authenticated." This forces remote time servers to authenticate themselves to your (client) ntpd


(2)、检查ntp server的防火墙。可能是server的防火墙屏蔽了upd 123端口。


# service iptables stop


# iptables -I INPUT -m udp -p udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT


时间: 2024-08-03 21:36:25

解决ntp的错误no server suitable for synchronization found的相关文章

解决ntp的错误 no server suitable for synchronization found

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no server suitable for synchronization found

配置服务器的时间同步问题出现报错,如标题 很可能是防火墙封锁了udp的123端口, 如果关闭的防火墙问题依旧, 很可能是上层路由的设置有问题, 如果这种情况, 我们就只能通过tcp来更新时间啦那肯定是rdate 解决办法: 查看时间服务器的时间: # rdate time-b.nist.gov 设置时间和时间服务器同步: # rdate -s time-b.nist.gov # rdate -s time-b.nist.gov 同步过程中可能出现的问题: 问题1: [email protecte