Numeric Validation

Numeric Inputs

Numbers are even easier to validate than text. For number input types, the HTML5 spec gives youattributes like minmax, and step. Each of these do pretty much what you would expect.

min and max set the minimum and maximum values that the arrows in the input will allow. stepsets the increments for between possible values. There’s also value, which sets the starting value of the input.

Of course, you’ll probably notice that users can still type whatever number they want into numeric inputs. If you want to really limit possible values, consider a range instead.

Range Inputs

The range input type creates a slider on the page. It also has minmaxstep and value attributes. If you want to display the current value of the range when it changes, you’ll need to use some JavaScript to pull the value from the range. Here‘s an example:

  // grab <input id="range-example" type="range" min="0" max="5" step="1"> from the page
    var rangeInput = document.querySelector(‘input#range-example‘);

    // grab <p id="output"></p> to display the output
    var output = document.querySelector(‘p#output‘);

    // update the display when the range changes
    rangeInput.onchange = function() {
        output.innerHTML = this.value;
<input type=number>
<input type=number min=100 max=999 step=5>

时间: 2025-01-04 05:44:44

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