
1.Programming Skill Sets;

2.Team Collaboration;

3.Rule & Principle that can applied into my daily life and work;

4.English & Body & Habbit ect.....

First thing is the first,I really appreciate JiaJun can take me to uoko;but at the same time,I really sorry about what I have done in this team;because my "x plan";

personally, I think I have a large room for growth in programming skill and other things, I don‘t wanna spend a lot time in finishing company work, I just wanna foucs

more time on what I wanna learn and do;I just more care about my business,in some ways,I am an selfish man.....But.....Anyway,it is a past tense;

A.Some Rule & Principle

1.Take the time to change what you can rather than complain the environment;

2.Trade off is something that you will get good sides; Meanwhile you will surffering from bad sides,it totally depend on whose take more advantages on practical requriments;

3.Before raising(throwing) an question(problem) or asking someone for help; you should try it by yourself(read the document or baidu,google,stackoverflow,searching,debuging...ect);

4.The way of point out a mistake will result in different consequence,do you just wanna criticize(complain or abuse) someone mistakes or provide a good solution to help them to

realize them mistakes;

5.Talk(Argument) is cheap, show me the code(solution);

Argument is useless,just show me the code(solution);

Improving coding‘s slef-expression(use the code(programing language) to express your ideas and thoughts in virtual world-computer);that means more practical;

6.People are always Asking(Complaining) too much for others, too little for their requirements;

7.Embracing(Enjoining) Challenge,when you holding a bad cards,think of how to playing well,that is full of interesting and chanllenging;

8.About passion,do you konw what is passion or how to define passtion,and how to find your passion?

That rising excitement you feel is your passion,and that passion make you come back for more by improving your skills,and compounding your strenghts;

We feel passion to ensure we concentrate our efforts on things that reward us the most;

key words:improving yourslef, come back for more,reward;

9.Control your emotion;some times,some ideas,suggestion that you could dislike it or disagree with it,there is no need to express,you should keep slicent;

10.The most important thing is resovle the problem,not the way of how,some times don‘t waste a lot of time to struggle with way;

11.You had better assign priority on your task when you are dealing with multi-Taks at the same time;

12.Think twice before taking action or you can use story to throuthgout the whole requirment;

13.Try to test your code(thouhgts),Before it run in virtual(real) world;

14.TDD style;

15....to be contiuted;

About Programming;

1.coding just writing code in some programming language,But coding just small part of programming,a lot idea,tools,method,thoughs and logics behind programming;

2.Don‘t just learn to code,learn to think;in other words, we should be trying to learn computer science and not just coding.

Here is detail:

1.Problem solving:
you will learn algorithms-that is general strategies,such as divide and conquer,recursion,heuristics,greedy search,and
randomized algorithms-that help you model,decompose,and solve any kind of problem;

you will start to use precise and formal methods of thinkings,including absraction,boolean logic,number theory,and set theory,so you can
solve the problems in an air tight manner;

you will touch information theory and start asking quesions like:what si information? how do you represent it? how do you model the real world;


how do you design and build complex systems that satisfy a set of requirements and constraints

one of the best ways to understand the human mind is to try to replicate it.
topics like artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing are
at the forefront of not only computer science, but also biology, psychology, philosophy, and mathematics
(a bunch of buzz words....)

About my shortcoming


时间: 2025-01-18 15:43:31



断断续续接触java已经有半年的时间,当然中间也有过很多事情,不得已而中断了java的学习.当初刚刚接触到java的时候,总是不能理解java的面向对象编程优点.平常生活中我们做事情的思维方式都是面向过程的,就拿最简单的我要上一个培训班来说: 第一步:当然得是网上.贴吧.朋友的口中来了解这个辅导班,以此来决定是否需要上这个辅导班. 第二步:当然就是当了解完成之后,对这个辅导班比较满意.自己就需要做准备来达到辅导班的要求,比如说学费.复习知识,准备参加辅导班规定的考试. 第三步:当然就是付诸实践,


栈和队列我们可以用C++里自带的函数使用,就不必手写了 1.栈,需要开头文件 #include<stack>  定义一个栈s:stack<int> s; 具体操作: s.empty()               如果栈为空返回true,否则返回false s.size()                   返回栈中元素的个数 s.pop()                   删除栈顶元素但不返回其值 s.top()                    返回栈顶的元素,但不删


|buf1-buf2|如果恒在[m,n]这个区间,(0<m<n) 就是p1向buf1写数据,比p2写数据的次数可以少,但最少不超过m次:也可以多,但做多不能超过n次.反之也成立. 所以: -m<=buf1-buf2<=n   or   -m<=buf2-buf1<=n.(ps:根据对称性哦2333) 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dragondragon/p/12633651.html


最近小程序蛮火的,公司要做于是学了一点点小程序 不知道你们有没有遇到过这种问题: 从公司服务器获取的文章内容是有HTML标签格式的一段内容,但是微信是不支持这些标签的,怎么办呢? 1.一般网站后台的文章是这样的,带有很多的html标签(这里是截取的今日头条某文章内容),但是小程序并不支持,它会以文本直接显示 怎么办呢? 2.在这个时候可以考虑 wxParse wxParse信息 版本号0.1 历史版本号0.2 具体代码请查看仓库分支V1 github地址: https://github.com/


写在前面,小弟初用博客记录学习路上的一点点小知识点,其中可能有个人理解方面的误差,或不明白的地方.希望各位大牛纠正指导,小弟感激不尽!这并不是什么帮助别人解决问题的文章,只是小弟将学习到的内容一一写在博客上,这样方便以后复习,还恳请大家勿喷.. 一.进入MySQL客户端 1.客户端可以通过.../MySQL/bin目录下的sql.exe运行客户端. 1.1:访问方式一: -u root -p /*可以直接在这段代码的后面添加密码,也可以按回车后再输入密码*/ 1.1:访问方式二: --host


由于公司的发展的需要,我被安排到移动站做前端,说起移动端的开发,对我来说追溯到我2011年的时候就有接触过,只不过那时候是做app开发,与现在的移动web开发有相当的区别.做移动开发也正合我今年的工作计划.从个方面来说,挺感谢自己的领导给我这个机会及对我的信任. 对于我们现在公司在移动web端的前后端开发都是从零开始,各方面的技术架构都不够系统全面,也正因为这样的一个公司,它能给每个做技术的人,一个自我学习提高及突破的平台.怎样去把不完善的东西健全完善起来,这就是你在这块的成长,公司业务也得到发


首先,mvc的客户端验证用的是jquery.validate.js, jquery.validate本身已经提供了很好的扩展功能,通过简单点配置就可以做得更好看些. 而Microsoft通过jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js然后做了封装,让它高度的集成到了MVC中. 这次,我们通过对jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js做一点小小的修改,让这个验证效果看起来更漂亮一点. 同时也让大家对jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js了解


背景 周五本该是愉快的,可是今天花了一个早上查问题,为什么要花一个早上?我把原因总结为两点: 日志信息严重丢失,茫茫代码毫无头绪. 对泛型的认识不够,导致代码出现了BUG. 第一个原因可以通过以后编码谨慎的打日志来解决,我们今天主要来一起回顾下JAVA泛型基础. 一个小栗子 先看下面一个例子,test1实例化一个List容器的时候没有指定泛型参数,那么我们可以往这个容器里面放入任何类型的对象,这样是不是很爽?但是当我们从容器中取出容器中的对象的时候我们必须小心翼翼,因为容器中的对象具有运行时的类

