1.Programming Skill Sets;
2.Team Collaboration;
3.Rule & Principle that can applied into my daily life and work;
4.English & Body & Habbit ect.....
First thing is the first,I really appreciate JiaJun can take me to uoko;but at the same time,I really sorry about what I have done in this team;because my "x plan";
personally, I think I have a large room for growth in programming skill and other things, I don‘t wanna spend a lot time in finishing company work, I just wanna foucs
more time on what I wanna learn and do;I just more care about my business,in some ways,I am an selfish man.....But.....Anyway,it is a past tense;
A.Some Rule & Principle
1.Take the time to change what you can rather than complain the environment;
2.Trade off is something that you will get good sides; Meanwhile you will surffering from bad sides,it totally depend on whose take more advantages on practical requriments;
3.Before raising(throwing) an question(problem) or asking someone for help; you should try it by yourself(read the document or baidu,google,stackoverflow,searching,debuging...ect);
4.The way of point out a mistake will result in different consequence,do you just wanna criticize(complain or abuse) someone mistakes or provide a good solution to help them to
realize them mistakes;
5.Talk(Argument) is cheap, show me the code(solution);
Argument is useless,just show me the code(solution);
Improving coding‘s slef-expression(use the code(programing language) to express your ideas and thoughts in virtual world-computer);that means more practical;
6.People are always Asking(Complaining) too much for others, too little for their requirements;
7.Embracing(Enjoining) Challenge,when you holding a bad cards,think of how to playing well,that is full of interesting and chanllenging;
8.About passion,do you konw what is passion or how to define passtion,and how to find your passion?
That rising excitement you feel is your passion,and that passion make you come back for more by improving your skills,and compounding your strenghts;
We feel passion to ensure we concentrate our efforts on things that reward us the most;
key words:improving yourslef, come back for more,reward;
9.Control your emotion;some times,some ideas,suggestion that you could dislike it or disagree with it,there is no need to express,you should keep slicent;
10.The most important thing is resovle the problem,not the way of how,some times don‘t waste a lot of time to struggle with way;
11.You had better assign priority on your task when you are dealing with multi-Taks at the same time;
12.Think twice before taking action or you can use story to throuthgout the whole requirment;
13.Try to test your code(thouhgts),Before it run in virtual(real) world;
14.TDD style;
15....to be contiuted;
About Programming;
1.coding just writing code in some programming language,But coding just small part of programming,a lot idea,tools,method,thoughs and logics behind programming;
2.Don‘t just learn to code,learn to think;in other words, we should be trying to learn computer science and not just coding.
Here is detail:
1.Problem solving:
you will learn algorithms-that is general strategies,such as divide and conquer,recursion,heuristics,greedy search,and
randomized algorithms-that help you model,decompose,and solve any kind of problem;
you will start to use precise and formal methods of thinkings,including absraction,boolean logic,number theory,and set theory,so you can
solve the problems in an air tight manner;
you will touch information theory and start asking quesions like:what si information? how do you represent it? how do you model the real world;
how do you design and build complex systems that satisfy a set of requirements and constraints
one of the best ways to understand the human mind is to try to replicate it.
topics like artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing are
at the forefront of not only computer science, but also biology, psychology, philosophy, and mathematics
(a bunch of buzz words....)
About my shortcoming