GGS: Sybase to Oracle

Step 1: Start the GGSCI on Source and Target

Source Target

Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Sybase
Version 17185003 OGGCORE_12.
Linux, x86, 64bit (optimized), Sybase 16

Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
Version OGGCORE_11.
Linux, x86, 64bit  oracle 11g

Tip: Should I use the same version of Oracle GoldenGate on the Source and Target?
Yes, it is recommended to use the same version on both the source and target. However, If the Oracle GoldenGate versions on the source and target database are different, it is a good practice to use the RELEASE option of the EXTFILE/RMTFILE and EXTTRAIL/RMTTRAIL parameter, especially if you have a lower version of Oracle GoldenGate on the target.

Example: EXTFILE  ./dirdat/em, FORMAT RELEASE 11.2

1. Use a defgen paramfile with NOEXTATTR option, or

2. Generate definition file with the same OGG version as the OGG target site version.

$ ./defgen paramfile ./dirprm/defgen.prm reportfile ./dirrpt/defgen.31Jul2013.rptNOEXTATTR

We then need to modify and check the Oracle GoldenGate Manager parameter file to prepare the replication. The following table shows the Oracle GoldenGate Manager setup on the source and target system:

Source Target

GGSCI> edit param mgr

port 15021
purgeoldextracts ./dirdat/em*, usecheckpoints, minkeephours 2

GGSCI> start mgr
GGSCI> info mgr

GGSCI> edit param mgr

port 15021
dynamicportlist 15011-15020
dynamicportreassigndelay 5

GGSCI> start mgr
GGSCI> info mgr 

Step 2: Set up the Source and Target Database


Source (Sybase ASE 16) Target (Oracle Database

isql -Uogguser -Pogguser -SASE1
>use pubs2

create table city (id int, name varchar(10)

insert into city values (1,‘New York‘)
insert into city values (2,‘Boston‘)
insert into city values (3,‘Dallas‘)
insert into city values (4,‘Beijing‘)

> select count(1) from city
> go

connect swat/swat
create table city (id int, name varchar2(10);

insert into city values (1,‘New York‘);
insert into city values (2,‘Boston‘);
insert into city values (3,‘Dallas‘);
insert into city values (4,‘Beijing‘);

> select count(1) from city;

Step 3: Set up the Secondary Truncation Point in Sybase Transaction Log

When using Oracle GoldenGate for Sybase, you need to setup the secondary truncation point.This is because Oracle GoldenGate uses the secondary truncation point to identify data that remains to be processed.

To set up the secondary truncation point, you need to login Sybase database with a user who hassa_role privilege and run the “dbcc settrunc(‘ltm’,valid)” command. The detailed steps are shown as follows:


Shell> isql -Uogguser -Pogguser -SASE1

1> use pubs2

2> go

1> dbcc settrunc(‘ltm‘, ‘valid‘)

2> go

ltm_truncpage ltm_trunc_state db_rep_stat gen_id dbid dbname lti_version
------------- --------------- ----------- ----------- ------ ------------ -----------
      524307                1           1           0      5   sydatabase           0

Step 4: Prepare the Source Database and Target Database

Connect to the source DB and add trandata. In addition, confirm that Oracle GoldenGate user can access on the target database shown as follows:

Source Target

GGSCI >dblogin sourcedb [email protected] userid ogguser password ogguser

GGSCI > list table

GGSCI > info trandata

Transaction logging disabled for table

GGSCI > add trandata

Transaction logging enabled for table suser.regions.

GGSCI > dblogin userid swat, password swat

Successfully logged into database.

GGSCI > list table

Why I get the "ERROR: Cannot use database syd_database. error, no additional information available." error?

Answer: The problem is the parsing issue in Oracle GoldenGate 11.2.1 version if the database has special characters such as “_” in the database and schema name. The current solution is to remove the special characters.

Because we are working on heterogeneous database replication, you have to create the database metadata definition file on the source system and copy the generated definition file to the target.

Source Target


extract emaster

exttrail ./dirdat/em,FORMAT RELEASE 11.2

sourcedb [email protected] userid ogguser password ogguser

statoptions resetreportstats

report at 00:01

reportcount every 60 seconds, rate



replicat rmaster

userid swat, password swat

sourcedefs ./dirout/city.def

discardfile ./dirrpt/rmaster.dsc, purge

map, target;

Adding the Extract:

GGSCI> add extract emaster, tranlog, begin now

GGSCI> add exttrail ./dirdat/em, extract emaster, megabytes 50 

Adding the Replicat:

GGSCI >edit param ./GLOBALS

GGSCHEMA goldengate

CHECKPOINTTABLE goldengate.checkpoint

GGSCI>ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE goldengate.checkpointtable

GGSCI>add replicat rmaster, exttrail ./dirdat/pm


extract pmaster

rmthost, mgrport 15021, compress, timeout 30

rmttrail ./dirdat/pm



Adding the Pump:

GGSCI > add extract pmaster, exttrailsource ./dirdat/em

EXTRACT added.

GGSCI > add rmttrail ./dirdat/pm, extract pmaster, megabytes 50


Insert a New Record in Sybase

1>  Insert into regions values(5,‘Antarctica‘)

2> go

(1 row affected)

SQL> select * from regions;


---- ----------------------

         1 Europe

         2 Americas

         3 Asia

         4 Middle East and Africa

         5 Antarctica

Delete a Record in Sybase

1> delete from regions where region_id=5

2> go

(1 row affected)

SQL> select * from regions;


---- ----------------------

         1 Europe

         2 Americas

        3 Asia

         4 Middle East and Africa

Now, we have completed the basic setups of a one-way replication from Sybase ASE database to Oracle Database.Feel free to let me know if you have any questions or comments on the tips I provided above.

Installing Oracle GoldenGate for Sybase:
Step 1: Download Oracle GoldenGate for Sybase
Step 2: Unzip the Oracle GoldenGate zip File.
Unzip the downloaded file with the following commands:

tar xvf ggs_Linux_x86_sybase15_5_32bit.tar

Check the shared library path:


Add the OGG installation path to the path (PATH) and shared library path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH) environment variables:

export PATH=/home/ogg_for_sybase:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ogg_for_sybase:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Step 3: Create Oracle GoldenGate
Run the ggsci command in the folder where Oracle GoldenGate files are unzipped:

GGSCI> create subdirs
Step 4: Create Database User in Sybase for Replication.
In the Sybase database, create a database user for Oracle GoldenGate, and grant the sa_role and thereplication_role to that user:

Isql –Usa –P –SASE1

1> sp_addlogin ogguser,ogguser
2> go
Password correctly set.
Account unlocked.
New login created.
(return status = 0)
1> sp_adduser ogguser
2> go
New user added.
(return status = 0)
1> sp_role ‘grant‘, replication_role, ogguser
2> go
Authorization updated.
(return status = 0)

1> sp_role ‘grant‘, sa_role, ogguser
2> go
Authorization updated.
(return status = 0)
Step 5: Start GGSCI
GGSCI> edit param mgr
port 15002
GGSCI> start mgr
GGSCI> info mgr
Manager is running (IP port
Tip:Why do I get the "unrecognized parameter (SOURCEDB)" error?Make sure you set the DSQUERY environment variable, you can also include the source DB server in the dblogin command shown as follows:
dblogin sourcedb [email protected] userid ogguser password ogguser
时间: 2024-10-29 03:54:44

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Sybase 安装Golden Gate: 下载,然后create subdirs.并且在两端配置好mgr,设置好端口7809 创建golden gate用户ogguser,并且给它授权sa和replication [[email protected] ~]# su - sybase [[email protected] ~]$ vi .bash_profile --设置sybase路径还有DSQUERY=ASE1 [[email protected] ~]$ isql -Usa -P11111

Ogg: Sybase to Oracle个人

摘要: sybase版本:Sybase15(源端) Oracle版本:11g(目标端) Goldengate版本:源端),12c(目标端) 个人博客 Goldengate同步原理: Oracle GoldenGate软件是一种基于日志的结构化数据复制备份软件,它通过解析源数据库在线日志或归档日志获得数据的增量变化,再将这些变化应用到目标数据库,从而实现源数据库与目标数据库同步.参考图如下: 从上图可以知道,Ogg的同步实现方式有两种: 在源端


1.连接Sybase 1)准备工作: 准备Sybase驱动jconn2.jar,在eclipse中引用这个jar包: 在项目上右键>Build Path>Add External Archives...,找到jconn2.jar,点确定. note:网上有一片文章,把jconn2.jar放到CLASSPATH环境变量中,这种方法在命令行中用javac手工编译可行.在Eclipse中需要把jconn2.jar引入项目才行. 2)一段示例代码 package connDB; import java

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