Leetcode | Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and (Preorder or Postorder) Traversal

Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal

Given preorder and inorder traversal of a tree, construct the binary

You may assume that duplicates do not exist in the tree.


思路就是: preorder可以定位到根结点,inorder可以定位左右子树的取值范围。

1. 由preorder得到根结点;把preorder第一个点删掉;

2. 先建左子树;再建右子树;


 1 class Solution {
2 public:
3 TreeNode *buildTree(vector<int> &preorder, vector<int> &inorder) {
4 return recursive(preorder, inorder, 0, inorder.size() - 1);
5 }
7 TreeNode* recursive(vector<int> &preorder, vector<int> &inorder, int s, int e) {
8 if (s > e) return NULL;
9 if (preorder.empty()) return NULL;
10 TreeNode *root = new TreeNode(preorder.front());
11 preorder.erase(preorder.begin());
13 int i = s;
14 for (; i <= e && inorder[i] != root->val; ++i);
15 root->left = recursive(preorder, inorder, s, i - 1);
16 root->right = recursive(preorder, inorder, i + 1, e);
17 }
18 };

Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal

Given inorder and postorder traversal of a tree, construct the binary

You may assume that duplicates do not exist in the tree.


1. postorder,最后一个元素是根结点。

2. 先构建右子树,再构建左子树。

 1 class Solution {
2 public:
3 TreeNode *buildTree(vector<int> &inorder, vector<int> &postorder) {
4 return recursive(postorder, inorder, 0, inorder.size() - 1);
5 }
7 TreeNode* recursive(vector<int> &postorder, vector<int> &inorder, int s, int e) {
8 if (s > e) return NULL;
9 if (postorder.empty()) return NULL;
10 TreeNode *root = new TreeNode(postorder.back());
11 postorder.pop_back();
13 int i = s;
14 for (; i <= e && inorder[i] != root->val; ++i);
15 root->right = recursive(postorder, inorder, i + 1, e);
16 root->left = recursive(postorder, inorder, s, i - 1);
17 }
18 };

Leetcode | Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and (Preorder or
Postorder) Traversal

时间: 2024-10-12 14:07:10

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