BNU4299——God Save the i-th Queen——————【皇后攻击,找到对应关系压缩空间】

God Save the i-th Queen

Time Limit: 5000ms

Memory Limit: 65536KB

64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: Main


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Did you know that during the ACM-ICPC World Finals a big chessboard is installed every year and is available for the participants to play against each other? In this problem, we will test your basic chess-playing abilities to verify that you would not make a fool of yourself if you advance to the World Finals.

During the yesterday’s Practice Session, you tried to solve the problem of N independent rooks. This time, let’s concentrate on queens. As you probably know, the queens may move not only

horizontally and vertically, but also diagonally.

You are given a chessboard with i−1 queens already placed and your task is to find all squares that may be used to place the i-th queen such that it cannot be captured by any of the others.


The input consists of several tasks. Each task begins with a line containing three integer numbers separated by a space: XNand give the chessboard size, 1  X, Y 20 000. i1 is the number of queens already placed, 0  N  X·.

After the first line, there are lines, each containing two numbers xk, yk separated by a space. They give the position of the k-th queen, 1  xk  X, 1  yk  Y . You may assume that those positions are distinct, i.e., no two queens share the same square.

The last task is followed by a line containing three zeros.


For each task, output one line containing a single integer number: the number of squares which are not occupied and do not lie on the same row, column, or diagonal as any of the existing queens.

Sample Input

8 8 2
4 5
5 5
0 0 0

Sample Output


using namespace std;
const int maxn=21000;
bool row[maxn],col[maxn],pie[maxn*2],na[maxn*2];
void init(){
int main(){
    int X,Y,n;
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
            int x,y;
            row[x]=1;       //记录该行被覆盖
            col[y]=1;       //记录该列被覆盖
            pie[x+y-1]=1;   //记录右上到左下的对角线被覆盖
            na[Y-y+x]=1;    //记录左上到右下的对角线被覆盖
        int num=0;
        for(int i=1;i<=X;i++){
            for(int j=1;j<=Y;j++){
    return 0;


时间: 2024-12-16 00:24:01

BNU4299——God Save the i-th Queen——————【皇后攻击,找到对应关系压缩空间】的相关文章


1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 4 /* this code is used to cope with the problem of the eight queens. 5 * array borad[9][9] is a virtual borad. 6 * line 0 and volumn 0 is ignored. 7 * at first we find a place to set a queen on it,


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Chess  Almost everyone knows the problem of putting eight queens on an  chessboard such that no Queen can take another Queen. Jan Timman (a famous Dutch chessplayer) wants to know the maximum number of chesspieces of one kind which can be put on an  


回溯法 1.有许多问题,当需要找出它的解集或者要求回答什么解是满足某些约束条件的最佳解时,往往要使用回溯法. 2.回溯法的基本做法是搜索,或是一种组织得井井有条的,能避免不必要搜索的穷举式搜索法.这种方法适用于解一些组合数相当大的问题. 3.回溯法在问题的解空间树中,按深度优先策略,从根结点出发搜索解空间树.算法搜索至解空间树的任意一点时,先判断该结点是否包含问题的解.如果肯定不包含(剪枝过程),则跳过对该结点为根的子树的搜索,逐层向其祖先结点回溯:否则,进入该子树,继续按深度优先策略搜索. 问


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问题描述: 在n*n的棋盘上放置彼此不受攻击的n个皇后.按照国际象棋的规则,皇后可以攻击与之处在同一行或同一列或同一斜线上的棋子.n后问题等价于在n*n格的棋盘上放置n个皇后,任何2个皇后不放在同一行或同一列或同一斜线. 盲目的迭代枚举: 1 /* 2 *作者:xymaqingxiang 3 *说明:八皇后--盲目迭代法 4 *分析:通过8重循环模拟搜索空间中的8^8个状态,从中找出满足约束条件的可行性方案 5 *日期:2014-05-15 6 */ 7 #include <iostream>