Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 5140 Accepted Submission(s): 1589
Problem Description
There is an analog clock with two hands: an hour hand and a minute hand. The two hands form an angle. The angle is measured as the smallest angle between the two hands. The angle between the two hands has a measure that is greater
than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 180 degrees.
Given a sequence of five distinct times written in the format hh : mm , where hh are two digits representing full hours (00 <= hh <= 23) and mm are two digits representing minutes (00 <= mm <= 59) , you are to write a program that finds the median, that is,
the third element of the sorted sequence of times in a nondecreasing order of their associated angles. Ties are broken in such a way that an earlier time precedes a later time.
For example, suppose you are given a sequence (06:05, 07:10, 03:00, 21:00, 12:55) of times. Because the sorted sequence is (12:55, 03:00, 21:00, 06:05, 07:10), you are to report 21:00.
The input consists of T test cases. The number of test cases (T) is given on the first line of the input file. Each test case is given on a single line, which contains a sequence of five distinct times, where times are given in the
format hh : mm and are separated by a single space.
Print exactly one line for each test case. The line is to contain the median in the format hh : mm of the times given. The following shows sample input and output for three test cases.
Sample Input
3 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 06:05 07:10 03:00 21:00 12:55 11:05 12:05 13:05 14:05 15:05
Sample Output
02:00 21:00 14:05
这个题 刚开始没思路,试想小时是从1---23两个指针都在变化,角度如何确定?看了看网上竟然没有多少相关资料!干脆自己想,试想可以借助12点,把小时和分钟和12点的夹角
#include<iostream> #include<cmath> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; struct clock { int hour; int minute; double angle;// }time[5]; bool cmp(clock V,clock X)//结构体多级排序 { if(V.angle!=X.angle) return V.angle<X.angle; else if((V.angle==X.angle)&&(V.hour==X.hour)) return V.minute<X.minute; else return V.hour<X.hour; } int main() { char ch;int T; cin>>T; while(T--) { for(int j=0;j<5;j++) { cin>>time[j].hour>>ch>>time[j].minute; double anglehour=( time[j].hour%12+time[j].minute*1.0/60)*30; double anglemin=time[j].minute*6; time[j].angle=abs(anglehour-anglemin)>180?(360-abs(anglehour-anglemin)):abs(anglehour-anglemin); } sort(time,time+5,cmp); printf("%02d:%02d\n",time[2].hour,time[2].minute); } return 0; }