poj 3468【线段树】










using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
const int INF = 0x7FFFFFFF;
const int maxn = 1e3 + 10;

struct CNode
	int L, R;
	CNode *pLeft, *pRight;
	long long nSum;//原来的和
	long long Inc;//增量c的累加

CNode Tree[200010];//2倍叶子节点数目就够
int nCount = 0;
int Mid(CNode*pRoot)
	return (pRoot->L + pRoot->R) / 2;

void BuildTree(CNode *pRoot, int L, int R)
	pRoot->L = L;
	pRoot->R = R;
	pRoot->nSum = 0;
	pRoot->Inc = 0;
	if (L == R)
	pRoot->pLeft = Tree + nCount;
	pRoot->pRight = Tree + nCount;
	BuildTree(pRoot->pLeft, L, (L + R) / 2);
	BuildTree(pRoot->pRight, (L + R) / 2 + 1, R);

void Insert(CNode *pRoot, int i, int v)
	if (pRoot->L == i&&pRoot->R == i)
		pRoot->nSum = v;
	pRoot->nSum += v;//累加和
	if (i <= Mid(pRoot))
		Insert(pRoot->pLeft, i, v);
		Insert(pRoot->pRight, i, v);


void Add(CNode * pRoot, int a, int b, long long c)
	if (pRoot->L == a&&pRoot->R == b)
		pRoot->Inc += c;
	pRoot->nSum += c*(b - a + 1);
	if (b <= (pRoot->L + pRoot->R) / 2)
		Add(pRoot->pLeft, a, b, c);
	else if (a >= (pRoot->L + pRoot->R) / 2 + 1)
		Add(pRoot->pRight, a, b, c);
		Add(pRoot->pLeft, a, (pRoot->L + pRoot->R) / 2, c);
		Add(pRoot->pRight, (pRoot->L + pRoot->R) / 2 + 1, b, c);


long long QuerynSum(CNode * pRoot, int a, int b)
	if (pRoot->L == a&&pRoot->R == b)
		return pRoot->nSum + (pRoot->R - pRoot->L + 1)*pRoot->Inc;
	pRoot->nSum += (pRoot->R - pRoot->L + 1)*pRoot->Inc;
	Add(pRoot->pLeft, pRoot->L, Mid(pRoot), pRoot->Inc);
	Add(pRoot->pRight, Mid(pRoot) + 1, pRoot->R, pRoot->Inc);
	pRoot->Inc = 0;

	if (b <= Mid(pRoot))
		return QuerynSum(pRoot->pLeft, a, b);
	else if (a >= Mid(pRoot) + 1)
		return QuerynSum(pRoot->pRight, a, b);
		return QuerynSum(pRoot->pLeft, a, Mid(pRoot)) +
               QuerynSum(pRoot->pRight, Mid(pRoot) + 1, b);

int main()
	int n, q, a, b, c;
	char cmd[10];
	scanf("%d%d", &n, &q);
	int i, j, k;
	nCount = 0;
	BuildTree(Tree, 1, n);
	for (i = 1; i <= n;i++)
		scanf("%d", &a);
		Insert(Tree, i, a);
	for (i = 0; i < q; i++)
		scanf("%s", cmd);
		if (cmd[0]==‘C‘)
			scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c);
			Add(Tree, a, b, c);
			scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
			printf("%I64d\n", QuerynSum(Tree, a, b));
	return 0;
时间: 2024-12-26 08:01:01

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