OS note

Since I have no Input method installed in my ubuntu this moment yet, I have to type everything in English. Maybe tranlate this in the future

1. To implement the process model, the operating system maintain a table(usually an array of structure), called the Process Table(also known as Process Control Block)

2. CPU utilization can be improved by adding another memory

3. Processes are used to group resource together(resource management), while threads are the entities scheduled for execution on the CPU(think of the phrase "thread of control")

4. How can a non-blocking I/O be ?  (  when  non-blocking I/O finished, it iterrupt the executing process. Non-blocking I/O program is hard to make )

5. How can an interrupt be ?    ( when the system(not necessarily the system kernel, could be the runtime-environment) decide that it‘s proper to deliver an interrupt, it just force to "save the registers of the executing process", "push stacks...." )

时间: 2024-12-26 10:29:50

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