Learn Python From 'Head First Python' [2] : Sharing


2.update print_lol


for Step 1.

write the code in to a py file. put the py file into a folder named nester. new a py file named ‘setup‘ and the content as below:

        name = ‘nester‘,
        version = ‘1.0.0‘,
        py_modules = [‘nester‘],
        author = ‘myFirstPython‘,
        author_email = ‘[email protected]‘,
        url = ‘http://XXXX‘,
        description = ‘A Simple Demo of Python‘,

put the folder nest upder the folder ‘Python34‘. run a windows command line and run the command: python setup.py sdist

get the screenshot as delow:

Finally, install the problem.

now, all we can go to IDLE and use this funtion.

>>> a=[‘asd‘,[‘wef‘,[‘ergre‘],‘wefw‘],‘asd‘]
>>> import nester
>>> nester.print_lol(a)

for function override. edit the source code file and put the code below into the file.

def print_lol(the_list,level=0):
    for each in the_list:
        if isinstance(each,list):
            for each_tab in range(level):

the level=0 is the default argument. in other words print_lol(list) equals to print_lol(list,0)

finally, go to the windows command line and run script: python setup.py sdist upload. and dont forget to install the problem again( command: python setup.py sdist install )

To Be Continue !

Learn Python From 'Head First Python' [2] : Sharing

时间: 2024-08-05 19:29:00

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