hnu Counting ones 统计1-n 二进制中1的个数

Counting ones
Time Limit: 1000ms, Special Time Limit:2500ms, Memory Limit:65536KB
Total submit users: 18, Accepted users: 16
Problem 13030 : No special judgement
Problem description
Carl is right now the happiest child in the world: he has just learned this morning what the bi- nary system is. He learned, for instance, that the binary representation of a positive integer k is a string anan-1 ... a1a0 where each ai is a binary digit 0 or 1, starting with an = 1, and such that k = Σai × 2i(i from 0 to n). It is really nice to see him turning decimal numbers into binary numbers, and then adding and even multiplying them.
Caesar is Carl‘s older brother, and he just can‘t stand to
see his little brother so happy. So he has prepared a challenge: "Look Carl, I
have an easy question for you: I will give you two integers A and B, and you
have to tell me how many 1‘s there are in the binary representation of all the
integers from A to B, inclusive. Get ready". Carl agreed to the challenge. After
a few minutes, he came back with a list of the binary representation of all the
integers from 1 to 100. "Caesar, I‘m ready". Caesar smiled and said: "Well, let
me see, I choose A = 1015 and B = 1016. Your list will not
be useful".
Carl hates loosing to his brother so he needs a better solution
fast. Can you help him?

A single line that contains two integers A and B (1 ≤ A ≤ B ≤

Output a line with an integer representing the total number of digits 1 in
the binary representation of all the integers from A to B, inclusive.

Sample Input
Sample input 1
1000000000000000 10000000000000000

Sample input 2
2 12

Sample input 3
9007199254740992 9007199254740992
Sample Output
Sample output 1

Sample output 2

Sample output 3
Problem Source
ICPC Latin American Regional 2013

 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<stdio.h>
 3 #include<cstring>
 4 #include<cstdlib>
 5 using namespace std;
 6 typedef long long LL;
 8 LL ans[65];
 9 LL fac[65];
10 LL a[66],alen;
11 void init()
12 {
13     fac[1]=ans[1]=1;
14     fac[2]=ans[2]=2;
15     for(int i=3;i<=60;i++)
16     {
17         fac[i] = 2*fac[i-1]+ans[i-1]-1;
18         ans[i]=ans[i-1]*2;
19     }
20 }
21 void get(LL n)
22 {
23     alen = 0;
24     while(n)
25     {
26         a[++alen]=(n&1);
27         n=n>>1;
28     }
29 }
30 LL solve()
31 {
32     LL sum =0;
33     LL k = 0;
34     for(int i=alen;i>=1;i--)
35     {
36         if(a[i]==1)
37         {
38             sum = sum+fac[i]+k*ans[i];
39             k++;
40         }
41     }
42     return sum;
43 }
44 int main()
45 {
46     LL n,m;
47     init();
48     while(scanf("%I64d%I64d",&n,&m)>0)
49     {
50         get(m);
51         LL sum = solve();
52         get(n-1);
53         sum = sum-solve();
54         printf("%I64d\n",sum);
55     }
56     return 0;
57 }
时间: 2025-01-12 18:43:42

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题目 输入一个整数,输出该数二进制表示中1的个数.其中负数用补码表示. 思路 把一个整数减去1,再和原整数做与运算,会把整数最右边一个1变成0.那么一个整数的二进制表示中有多少个1,就可以进行多次这样的操作. 代码 /*--------------------------------------- * 日期:2015-07-20 * 作者:SJF0115 * 题目: 12.二进制中1的个数 * 结果:AC * 网址:


题目描述: 输入一个整数,输出该数二进制表示中1的个数.其中负数用补码表示. 输入: 输入可能包含多个测试样例. 对于每个输入文件,第一行输入一个整数T,代表测试样例的数量.对于每个测试样例输入为一个整数. .n保证是int范围内的一个整数. 输出: 对应每个测试案例, 输出一个整数,代表输入的那个数中1的个数. 样例输入: 3 4 5 -1 样例输出: 1 2 32 /* 二进制中1的个数 by Rowandjj 2014/7/24 */ #include<stdio.h> #include


题目描述: 请实现一个函数,输入一个整数,输出该数二进制表示中1的个数.例如把9表示成二进制是1001,有2位是1.因此如果输入9,该函数输出2. 分析描述: 1.对一个整数的二进制形式,要想知道其中1的个数,首先想到的应该就是遍历整个二进制数,用到的方法当然就是移动了(包含左移或右移).例如,用1来跟给定的整数做与运算.如果结果为1,则证明整数的二进制形式中,最右边的一位是1,如果结果是0,则证明整数的二进制形式中,最右边的一位是0. int NumberOf1(int n) { int co

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