How to Manage Amazon-Fulfilled Orders - Cancel an Amazon-Fulfilled Order

You may request to cancel customer orders that have a status of "Pending" or "Unshipped" for inventory fulfilled by Amazon.

Note: Making a request does not guarantee the order will be canceled. If the order enters the shipping process before the request is submitted, the order will not be canceled.

Contact Seller Support and provide the following information:

  • The order ID that you want to cancel. If you want to cancel multiple orders, you may include them in a single request.
  • The ASINs in each order and the quantity for each ASIN.
  • The reason for the cancelation.

When you receive confirmation from Seller Support that the order has been canceled, we will e-mail the affected buyer to inform them that their order has been canceled.

Note: For on orders, the order might include products from other sellers, so you must be specific about which ASINs you are requesting to have canceled from the order.

时间: 2024-10-30 02:35:13

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