[asp.net core]project.json(2)






Type: Boolean

true to enable signing of the resulting assembly; otherwise, false. The default is false.

For example:

    "buildOptions": {
        "publicSign": true


Type: String

Indicates the type of symbol file (PDB file) to generate. The options are "portable" (for .NET Core projects) or "full" (the traditional Windows-only PDB files).

For example:

    "buildOptions": {
        "debugType": "portable"


Type: Boolean

true to generate XML documentation from triple-slash comments in the source code; otherwise, false. The default is false.

For example:

    "buildOptions": {
        "xmlDoc": true


Type: Boolean

true to preserve reference assemblies and other context data to allow for runtime compilation; otherwise, false. The default is false.

For example:

    "buildOptions": {
        "preserveCompilationContext": true


Type: String

Change the name of the output file.

For example:

    "buildOptions": {
        "outputName": "MyApp"


Type: String

The name of the compiler used for this project. csc by default. Currently, csc (the C# compiler) or fsc (the F# compiler) are supported.

For example:

    "compilerName": "fsc"


Type: Object

An object containing properties for compilation configuration.


Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.

Specifies which files to include in the build. The patterns are rooted at the project folder. Defaults to none.

For example:

    "include":["wwwroot", "Views"]


Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.

Specifies which files to exclude from the build. The exclude patterns have higher priority than the include patterns, so a file found in both will be excluded. The patterns are rooted at the project folder. Defaults to none.

For example:

    "exclude": ["bin/**", "obj/**"]


Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.

A list of file paths to include. The paths are rooted at the project folder. This list has a higher priority than the include and exclude globbing patterns, hence a file listed here and in the exclude globbing pattern will still be included. Defaults to none.

For example:

    "includeFiles": []


Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.

A list of file paths to exclude. The paths are rooted at the project folder. This list has a higher priority than globbing patterns and the include paths, hence a file found in all will be excluded. Defaults to none.

For example:



Type: Object

The defaults provided by the system. It can have include and exclude globbing patterns which are merged with the corresponding values of the include and exclude properties.

For example:



Type: Object

Keys to the object represent destination paths in the output layout.

Values are either a string or an object representing the source path of files to include. The object represtation can have its own include, exclude, includeFiles and excludeFiles sections.

String example:

    "mappings": {
        "dest/path": "./src/path"

Object example:

    "mappings": {


Type: Object

An object containing properties for compilation configuration.


Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.

    "include":["wwwroot", "Views"]


Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.

Specifies which files to exclude from the build.

For example:

    "exclude": ["bin/**", "obj/**"]


Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.



Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern



Type: Object



Type: Object

Keys to the object represent destination paths in the output layout.

Values are either a string or an object representing the source path of files to include. The object represtation can have its own include, exclude, includeFiles and excludeFiles sections.

String example:

    "mappings": {
        "dest/path": "./src/path"

Object example:

    "mappings": {


Type: Object

An object containing properties for compilation configuration.


Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.

    "include":["wwwroot", "Views"]


Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.

Specifies which files to exclude from the build.

For example:

    "exclude": ["bin/**", "obj/**"]


Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern



Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.



Type: Object



Type: Object

Keys to the object represent destination paths in the output layout.

Values are either a string or an object representing the source path of files to include. The object represtation can have its own include, exclude, includeFiles and excludeFiles sections.

String example:

    "mappings": {
        "dest/path": "./src/path"

Object example:

    "mappings": {


Type: Object

An object containing properties for compilation configuration.


Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.

    "include":["wwwroot", "Views"]


Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.

Specifies which files to exclude from the build.

For example:

    "exclude": ["bin/**", "obj/**"]


Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern



Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.



Type: Object



Type: Object

Keys to the object represent destination paths in the output layout.

Values are either a string or an object representing the source path of files to include. The object represtation can have its own include, exclude, includeFiles and excludeFiles sections.

String example:

    "mappings": {
        "dest/file": "./src/file",
        "dest/folder/": "./src/folder/**/*"

Object example:

    "mappings": {


Type: Object

Specifies parameters to be provided to the runtime during initialization.


Type: Object

Contains configuration properties to configure the runtime and the framework.


Type: Boolean

true to enable server garbage collection; otherwise, false. The default is false.

For example:

    "runtimeOptions": {
        "configProperties": {
            "System.GC.Server": true


Type: Boolean

true to enable concurrent garbage collection; otherwise, false. The default is false.

For example:

    "runtimeOptions": {
        "configProperties": {
            "System.GC.Concurrent": true


Type: Boolean

true to put segments that should be deleted on a standby list for future use instead of releasing them back to the operating system (OS); otherwise, false. The default is false.

For example:

    "runtimeOptions": {
        "configProperties": {
            "System.GC.RetainVM": true


Type: Integer

Overrides the number of minimum threads for the ThreadPool worker pool.

    "runtimeOptions": {
        "configProperties": {
            "System.Threading.ThreadPool.MinThreads": 4


Type: Integer

Overrides the number of maximum threads for the ThreadPool worker pool.

    "runtimeOptions": {
        "configProperties": {
            "System.Threading.ThreadPool.MaxThreads": 25


Type: Object

Contains shared framework properties to use when activating the application. The presence of this section indicates that the application is a portable app designed to use a shared redistributable framework.


Type: String

Name of the shared framework.

    "runtimeOptions": {
        "framework": {
            "name": "Microsoft.DotNetCore"


Type: String

Version of the shared framework.

    "runtimeOptions": {
        "framework": {
            "version": "1.0.1"


Type: Boolean

true to use the framework from either the same or a higher version that differs only in the SemVer patch field. false for the host to use only the exact framework version. The default is true.

    "runtimeOptions": {
        "applyPatches": false


Type: Object

Defines options pertaining to the packaging of the project output into a NuGet package.


Type: String

A short description of the project.

For example:

    "packOptions": {
        "summary": "This is my library."


Type: String[]

An array of strings with tags for the project, used for searching in NuGet.

For example:

    "packOptions": {
        "tags": ["hyperscale", "cats"]


Type: String[]

An array of strings with the names of the owners of the project.

For example:

    "packOptions": {
        "owners": ["Fabrikam", "Microsoft"]


Type: String

Release notes for the project.

For example:

    "packOptions": {
        "releaseNotes": "Initial version, implemented flimflams."


Type: String

The URL for an icon that will be used in various places such as the package explorer.

For example:

    "packOptions": {
        "iconUrl": "http://www.mylibrary.gov/favicon.ico"


Type: String

The URL for the homepage of the project.

For example:

    "packOptions": {
        "projectUrl": "http://www.mylibrary.gov"


Type: String

The URL for the license the project uses.

For example:

    "packOptions": {
        "licenseUrl": "http://www.mylibrary.gov/licence"


Type: Boolean

true to cause a prompt to accept the package license when installing the package to be shown; otherwise, false. Only used for NuGet packages, ignored in other uses. The default is false.

For example:

    "packOptions": {
        "requireLicenseAcceptance": true


Type: Object

Contains information about the repository where the project is stored.


Type: String

Type of the repository. The default value is "git".

For example:

    "packOptions": {
        "repository": {
            "type": "git"


Type: String

URL of the repository where the project is stored.

For example:

    "packOptions": {
        "repository": {
            "url": "http://github.com/dotnet/corefx"


Type: Object


Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.

    "include":["wwwroot", "Views"]


Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.

Specifies which files to exclude from the build.

For example:

    "exclude": ["bin/**", "obj/**"]


Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.



Type: String or String[] with a globbing pattern.



Type: Object



Type: Object

Keys to the object represent destination paths in the output layout.

Values are either a string or an object representing the source path of files to include. The object representation can have its own include, exclude, includeFiles and excludeFiles sections.

String example:

    "mappings": {
        "dest/path": "./src/path"

Object example:

    "mappings": {


Type: Object

An object with properties used by code analysers.

For example:

    "analyzerOptions": { }


Type: String

The id of the language to analyze. "cs" represents C#, "vb" represents Visual Basic and "fs" represents F#.

For example:

"analyzerOptions": {
    "languageId": "vb"


Type: Object

An object whose properties define different configurations for this project, such as Debug and Release. Each value is an object that can contain a buildOptions object with options specific for this configuration.

For example:

"configurations": {
    "Release": {
        "buildOptions": {
            "allowUnsafe": false


Type: Object

Specifies which frameworks this project supports, such as the .NET Framework or Universal Windows Platform (UWP). Must be a valid Target Framework Moniker (TFM). Each value is an object that can contain information specific to this framework such as buildOptions, analyzerOptions, dependencies as well as the properties in the following sections.

For example:

"frameworks": {
    "netcoreapp1.0": {
        "buildOptions": {
            "define": ["FOO", "BIZ"]


Type: Object

Dependencies that are specific for this framework. This is useful in scenarios where you cannot simply specify a package-level dependency across all targets. Reasons for this can include one target lacking built-in support that other targets have, or requiring a different version of a dependency than other targets. To see a list of the other properties for this node, see the earlier dependencies section.

For example:

  "frameworks": {
        "netstandard1.5": {
        "dependencies": {
            "Microsoft.Extensions.JsonParser.Sources": "1.0.0-rc2-20221"


Type: Object

Similar to dependencies but contains reference to assemblies in the GAC that are not NuGet packages. Can also specify the version to use as well as the dependency type. This is used when targeting .NET Framework and Portable Class Library (PCL) targets. You can only build a project with this specified on Windows.

For example:

"frameworks": {
    "net451": {
        "frameworkAssemblies": {
            "System.Runtime": {
                "type": "build",
                "version": "4.0.0"


Type: String

Specifies the location of the dependency project.

For example:

"frameworks": {
    "net451": {
        "wrappedProject": "MyProject.csproj"


Type: Object

This is used wrap a DLL file. You can reference and generate a package containing this DLL.

It contains a single String property, assembly, whose value is the assembly path.

For example:

"frameworks": {
    "netcoreapp1.0": {
        "bin": {
            "assembly": "c:/otherProject/otherdll.dll"


Type: Object

List of runtime identifiers (RIDs) supported by the project (used when publishing self-contained deployments).

For example:

"runtimes": {
    "win7-x64": {},
    "win8-x64": {},
    "win81-x64": {},
    "win10-x64": {},
    "osx.10.11-x64": {},
    "ubuntu.16.04-x64": {}


Type: String

Specifies a user secret identifier to be used at development-time. For more information, see Safe storage of app secrets during development.

For example:

    "userSecretsId": "aspnet-WebApp1-c23d27a4-eb88-4b18-9b77-2a93f3b15119"
时间: 2024-12-13 18:59:15

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