This version of android studio is incompatible with the gradle version used.Try disabling the instant run解决办法

今天打开android studio又碰到一个奇怪的问题:This version of android studio is incompatible with the gradle version used.Try disabling the instant run
android studio和gradle版本不匹配,我的android studio刚更新完没多久,应该就是gradle的问题。

You can use normal build run rather than instant run

Check first

Settings/Preferneces > Build, Execution, Deployment option > Instant Run and uncheck all the three boxes.

STEP1 (Upgrading gradle services url): Project > Gradle > Wrapper >

changed url of




STEP 2 (Delete you build folder in project):

When you run project, build folder will be crated automatically


Go to BUILD option in menu> Clean the project, Build the project

It should work without instant run

  在这里面这里:distributionUrl=     //这是以前的版本,最新的参考这里:


时间: 2025-01-22 20:18:07

This version of android studio is incompatible with the gradle version used.Try disabling the instant run解决办法的相关文章

This version of android studio is incompatible with the gradle version used.Try disabling the instant run

编译Android项目时提示: File → Settings → Preferences dialog → Build → Execution → Deployment → Instant Run → Update Project 把Instant勾选取消 先clean一下

Error running app: This version of Android Studio is incompatible with the Gradle Plugin used. Try disabling Instant Run.

转自: 参考: step1: 禁用Instant Run,在Settings/Preferneces > Build, Execution,

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the rendering library is more recent than your version of android studio

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