C# Common Keyword II

C# Common Keyword II

1、as 运算符用于在兼容的引用类型之间执行某些类型的转换。

   class csrefKeywordsOperators
       class Base
           public override string  ToString()
                 return "Base";
       class Derived : Base
       { }

       class Program
           static void Main()

               Derived d = new Derived();

               Base b = d as Base;
               if (b != null)


  as 运算符类似于强制转换操作。但是,如果无法进行转换,则 as 返回 null 而非引发异常。请看下面的表达式:

expression as type
// 它等效于以下表达式,但只计算一次 expression。
expression is type ? (type)expression : (type)null


2、Metadata is binary information describing your program that is stored either in a CLR(common language runtime ) portable executable (PE) file or in memory.When you compile your code into a PE file, metadata is inserted into one portion of the file, while your code is converted to Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) and inserted into another portion of the file.When code is executed, the runtime loads metadata into memory and references it to discover information about your code‘s classes, members, inheritance, and so on.


  • Description of the assembly.

    • Identity (name, version, culture, public key).
    • The types that are exported.
    • Other assemblies that this assembly depends on.
    • Security permissions needed to run.
  • Description of types.
    • Name, visibility, base class, and interfaces implemented.
    • Members (methods, fields, properties, events, nested types).

  Metadata is the key to a simpler programming model, eliminating the need for Interface Definition Language (IDL) files, header files, or any external method of component reference. Metadata allows .NET languages to describe themselves automatically in a language-neutral manner, unseen by both the developer and the user.


3、public static class A,静态类。静态类的主要功能如下:


class SimpleClass
    // Static constructor
    static SimpleClass()


  • 在创建第一个实例或引用任何静态成员之前,将自动调用静态构造函数来初始化。无法直接调用静态构造函数。
  • 无法直接调用静态构造函数,也无法何时执行静态构造函数。




4、is关键字用于判断对象是否为从 MyObject 派生的一个类型:

class Class1 {}
class Class2 {}
class Class3 : Class2 { }

class IsTest
    static void Test(object o)
        Class1 a;
        Class2 b;

        if (o is Class1)
            Console.WriteLine("o is Class1");
            a = (Class1)o;
            // Do something with "a."
        else if (o is Class2)
            Console.WriteLine("o is Class2");
            b = (Class2)o;
            // Do something with "b."

            Console.WriteLine("o is neither Class1 nor Class2.");
    static void Main()
        Class1 c1 = new Class1();
        Class2 c2 = new Class2();
        Class3 c3 = new Class3();
        Test("a string");
o is Class1
o is Class2
o is Class2
o is neither Class1 nor Class2.



// CS0241.cs
public class A
   public void Test(int i = 9) {}   // CS0241

public class B
   public void Test() { Test(9); }
   public void Test(int i)  {}

public class C
   public static void Main()
      B x = new B();




  除此外,还有一个using语句的用法。using 指令的范围限制为包含它的文件。


C# Common Keyword II

时间: 2024-08-24 15:49:27

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[SPOJ]Longest Common Substring II (后缀自动机) 题面 Vjudge 题意:求若干个串的最长公共子串 题解 对于某一个串构建\(SAM\) 每个串依次进行匹配 同时记录\(f[i]\)表示走到了\(i\)节点 能够匹配上的最长公共子串的长度 当然,每个串的\(f[i]\)可以更新\(f[i.parent]\) 所以需要拓扑排序 对于每个串求出每个节点的最长匹配 然后对他们取\(min\),表示某个节点大家都能匹配的最长长度 最后对于所有点的值都取个\(max\)

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【SPOJ】1812. Longest Common Substring II(后缀自动机)

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