rhca 442 kernel module

Manage Kernel Modules

display modules
    Check modules parameters
    >modinfo -p usb_storage|st|sc8
    Load modules
    >modprobe usb_storage|st|sc8
    Rmove mdules
    > rmmod usb_storage|st|sc8

Set default modules parameters

    >option usb_storage delay_use=3

    >option st buffer_kbs=128

    >options sx8 max_queue=10

    Check runtime module parameters
    >/sys/module/mname/parameters/pname some RW/RO/No parameter

    >vim /etc/sysconfig/modules/my.modules

            >modprobe st

    >vim /etc/modprobe.d/my.conf

            >options st buffer_kbs=256

rhca 442 kernel module

时间: 2024-12-17 08:25:20

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