centos6 yum 安装 install c++4.8 gcc4.8

cd /etc/yum.repos.d
wget http://people.centos.org/tru/devtools-1.1/devtools-1.1.repo
yum --enablerepo=testing-1.1-devtools-6 install devtoolset-1.1-gcc devtoolset-1.1-gcc-c++

This will install it most likely into /opt/centos/devtoolset-1.1/root/usr/bin/

Then you can tell your compile process to use the gcc 4.7 instead of 4.4 with the CC variable

export CC=/opt/centos/devtoolset-1.1/root/usr/bin/gcc
export CPP=/opt/centos/devtoolset-1.1/root/usr/bin/cpp
export CXX=/opt/centos/devtoolset-1.1/root/usr/bin/c++

For g++ 4.8.2, change 1.1 to 2 everywhere, and change --enablerepo=testing-1.1-devtools-6 to--enablerepo=testing-devtools-2-centos-6

There is new version of devtoolset 2.0. Nice people from Cern working on Scientific Linux createdan open version:

If you use CentOS (not Scientific Linux), then you will have to import their GPG key from here using:

rpm --import http://www.scientificlinux.org/documentation/gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-cern


EL6 gcc-4.8 http://www.hop5.in/yum/el6/repoview/gcc.html

or this

http://puias.princeton.edu/data/puias/DevToolset/6/x86_64/ /etc/yum.repos.d/DevToolset.repo

name=RedHat DevToolset v2 $releasever - $basearch

Testing run

# yum install devtoolset-2-gcc-4.8.2 devtoolset-2-gcc-c++-4.8.2
# /opt/rh/devtoolset-2/root/usr/bin/gcc --version

export 做好软链接

ln -s /opt/rh/devtoolset-2/root/usr/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
hash -r
gcc --version
时间: 2024-08-01 10:42:43

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关掉相关安全设置,要不出现一大堆乱七八糟的问题 service iptables stop chkconfig iptables off setenforce 0 sed -i 's#SELINUX=enforcing#SELINUX=disabled#g' /etc/selinux/config 卸载相关软件包(如果有的话),保持干净环境 yum remove -y mysql* httpd* php* nginx* zabbix* 安装软件包和依赖包 yum -y install wget


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