<div class="conditions staff ue-clear">
<input type="text" id="companytypename"/>
$.ajax({ type: "Post", url: "/company/companycheck/getacnames", data: {table:"dictecontypes",code:"code",name:"enterregtype",page: 1, pagesize: 10000}, success: function (res) { var r = $.parseJSON(res); if (r != null && r.ret == 0) { $("#companytypename").autocomplete(r.aaData, { max: 12, //列表里的条目数 minChars: 0, //自动完成激活之前填入的最小字符 width: 200, //提示的宽度,溢出隐藏 scrollHeight: 300, //提示的高度,溢出显示滚动条 matchContains: true, autoFill: false, formatItem: function (row, i, max) { return; }, formatMatch: function (row, i, max) { return; }, formatResult: function (row) { return; } }).result(function (event, row, formatted) { $("#companytypename").val(; }); } else { alert(r.msg); } }});PHP代码
public function _addWhere($sql,$params,$filerflag=0){ if ((sizeof($params) == 0)||($params == False)) return $sql; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ($sql) t WHERE 1=1 "; foreach($params as $key => $value){ if ((substr($value,0,1)=="%")&&(substr($value,1)!= "" )) $sql .= " and ".substr($key,1)." like ‘%%".substr($value,1)."%%‘ "; if ((substr($value,0,1)=="=")&&(substr($value,1)!= "" )) $sql .= " and ".substr($key,1)." = ‘".substr($value,1)."‘ "; if ((substr($value,0,1)==">")&&(substr($value,1)!= "" )) $sql .= " and ".substr($key,1)." >= ‘".substr($value,1)."‘ "; if ((substr($value,0,1)=="<")&&(substr($value,1)!= "" )) $sql .= " and ".substr($key,1)." <= ‘".substr($value,1)."‘ "; if ((substr($value,0,1)=="!")&&(substr($value,1)!= "" )) $sql .= " and ".substr($key,1)." != ‘".substr($value,1)."‘ "; if ((substr($value,0,1)=="~")&&(substr($value,1)!= "" )){ $list = explode(‘|‘,substr($value,1)); $tmp = ""; foreach($list as $arr) $tmp .= ";‘".$arr."‘"; $tmp = substr($tmp,1); $sql .= " and ".substr($key,1)." not in (".substr($value,1).") "; } } //print_r($sql);exit(); return $sql;}
public function getacnames(){ if (!isset($_POST["table"])) { $re["ret"] = 1; $re["msg"] = "no table!"; echo json_encode($re); exit; } if (!isset($_POST["name"])) { $re["ret"] = 1; $re["msg"] = "no name!"; echo json_encode($re); exit; } $aColumns = array(); $table = $_POST["table"]; unset($_POST["table"]); if (isset($_POST["code"])) { $code = $_POST["code"]; unset($_POST["code"]); $aColumns[] = $code; } $name = $_POST["name"] . " as name"; unset($_POST["name"]); $aColumns[] = $name; $arr = array(); if (isset($_POST["page"]) && isset($_POST["pagesize"])) { $page = $_POST["page"]; $pagesize = $_POST["pagesize"]; unset($_POST["page"]); unset($_POST["pagesize"]); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ("token" != $key) { $arr["%" . $key] = "%" . $value; } } $_POST["sEcho"] = $page; $_POST["iDisplayLength"] = $pagesize; $_POST["iDisplayStart"] = $pagesize * ($page - 1); } if (!is_numeric($_POST["sEcho"])) { $result["ret"] = 1; $result["msg"] = "page number is not number"; } if (!is_numeric($_POST["iDisplayLength"])) { $result["ret"] = 1; $result["msg"] = "page size is not number"; } if (!is_numeric($_POST["iDisplayStart"])) { $result["ret"] = 1; $result["msg"] = "start number is not number"; } $sql = "select * from " . $table; $sql = $this->_addWhere($sql, $arr); $data = $this->mydb->pagingServer($aColumns, $sql); echo $this->_ReturnMsg($this->_beforeMethod($data[‘obj‘]));}
时间: 2024-11-05 16:01:14