Column & View Permission For SharePoint List

Project Description:
As you already know, there is no possibility in SharePoint 2010/SharePoint 2007 to setup Columns and View permission for Lists or Document Libraries. I was told by Microsoft, that there will be a big performance issue if they create something similar to this...Hmm...:) I have worked on many projects in SharePoint 2010/SharePoint 2007 and everytime I have experienced same request from customers "We need the column and view permission". Sometimes we have created the custom forms and the problem was solved and when we needed something more complex we bought it from third party companies, however their software never works the way we (customer) want. Therefore I have tried to create something for everyone.

First I must to say, my solution is not perfect and I will be working on improvements, but from now on You don‘t need to pay third party companies for this because it‘s for free.

This Solution is only for SharePoint 2010!

Column Permission

- Hide or Read Only Columns in a List Forms (New/Edit/Display)
- Hide Columns in Views
- Hide Columns in DataSheet Views
- Hide Columns in Alert Me Emails
- Specify the permission for Users, SharePoint Groups or Active Directory Groups

View Permission
- Disable Views
- Hide Views in Context Menus
- Automatically Disable Views in Custom WebPart Zones
- Specify the permission for Users, SharePoint Groups or Active Directory Groups

Codeplex download address:

时间: 2024-08-12 02:56:45

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