
Deconstructing dental plaque
biofilms may use to develop resistance to the host immune system and antibiotics.”牙斑菌可以抵抗寄生体的免疫系统和抗生素,造成健康问题。美国最新视频资料显示,牙斑菌最终可以破坏脑血管,怪不得欧美这么多洁牙诊所。。。。 口腔细菌很多是有利的,不能随便使用抗生素,以免引起菌群失衡。人体免疫系统正常,可以抑制可控的有害菌,不必过于紧张。

Imaging technique could show how dozens of bacteria interact in the human mouth.

06 December 2011

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An imaging technique presented today at the American Society for Cell Biology meeting in Denver, Colorado, promises to reveal the arrangement of up to 120 bacterial types that are crammed together in the human mouth. The method could help researchers and clinicians to solve the many health and environmental problems caused by biofilms — the  hardy, cooperative communities of bacteria that cover human teeth and are often resistant to antibiotics.

Genome-sequencing projects aim to catalogue the microbial residents of various environments, but they cannot reveal how the bacteria are physically arranged. “We‘ve seen a lot of sequencing data that tells us what‘s there, but we don‘t have spatial information that goes with that,” says Phil Stewart, director of the Center for Biofilm Engineering at Montana State University in Bozeman, who was not involved in the work.

The CLASI-FISH technique allows scientists to visualize dozens of different types of bacteria in a biofilm.


And conventional microscopy techniques can identify only a handful of species at a time — a far cry from the hundreds of species in the human mouth. “This technique lets us see not just two or three organisms but dozens or possibly more,” says Stewart.

Alex Valm, a physicist at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, and his colleagues developed the imaging approach as a way of dealing with these problems. “What our method does is let us find where the bacteria are and how they relate to each other, on the tooth surface and the gum,” he says.

Called CLASI–FISH, the technique combines combinatorial labelling and spectral imaging (CLASI) with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), a method in which fluorescent labels, or probes, are attached to specific DNA sequences. Usually, FISH uses only a few colours at once, limiting the number of bacteria that can be visualized simultaneously. To overcome that problem, Valm and his colleagues developed the CLASI part of the technique, in which they label each bacterial type with two fluorophores, which allows for many more colour combinations — 6 different fluorophores can be paired in 15 ways, for example. But microscopists usually work with three or fewer fluorophores, as a greater variety means colours are more difficult to distinguish.To keep track of these additional colours, Valm and his colleagues used commercial ‘spectral unmixing’ software along with their own programs.

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Earlier this year, Valm and his colleagues reported using CLASI–FISH and 6 fluorophores to identify 15 types of bacteria in plaque scraped off the teeth of their lab members1. Since then, they have written more sophisticated software that can detect 120 combinations using 16 fluorophores. The latest demonstration is a proof-of-principle experiment using cultured bacteria; the team is now developing probes and techniques for analysing human-derived samples.

Bacteria have very specific interactions, both with each other and with protein receptors on human cells, says Floyd Dewhirst, a bacterial geneticist at the Forsyth Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts. “You need to visualize the spatial relationship to deduce these kinds of things,” he says. “CLASI–FISH is probably the most powerful technique for doing that.” Dewhirst, who maintains a database cataloguing the oral microbiome, worked with Valm to design DNA probes for specific bacteria.

Biofilms cause health problems by growing on teeth, in the body and on medical devices such as catheters, says Hansel Fletcher, a microbiologist at the Loma Linda University Medical Center in California who was not involved in the study. “You can now start to see the complexity of these communities," he says. "Just knowing what‘s there and the types of interactions can give us an insight into mechanisms biofilms may use to develop resistance to the host immune system and antibiotics.”

By bringing a better understanding to the basic architecture of biofilms — such as how so many different species can cram into such a small volume — this technique should lead to more effective ways of dealing with them, says Stewart. “Whether in an industrial pipeline or chronic wound, we want to push the ecology in a direction that makes it benign, not killing every germ in sight, which is where we are now,” he says.

时间: 2024-10-11 06:12:02



dental plaque http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=VYs3lIrscwwRTev6wkWD9yOmTfqmIsUE_plsOxrvVfFG6hQnJbzhIHb8j928ZmWOe7zlgaMenUXDFRJNZl41bK 口腔是一个充满各种微生物的环境,而牙菌斑就像是由不同细菌组成的“细菌社区”,这些“社区”定居于牙面.牙与牙之间或者在假牙(义齿.修复体)表面.由于“社区”扎根很牢固,所以不能被水冲去或者漱掉,只能由机械方法清除. 目录 1疾病介绍 2


目录 0.细菌特征 1.细菌类别 2.益生菌报道 3.细菌相关 0.细菌特征 细菌有的是链条形状,有的是细小斑点,有的呈圆形或螺旋形,甚至一种像章鱼. 细菌无所不在,38亿年前,在苏格兰就发现古生菌archaea的生物指纹,在美国黄石公园的火山喷发口也能发现古生菌,高温.可以生存在强酸强碱或盐浓度很高的环境中.这么顽强细菌生物让我想起了电影中异形 大小0.5-1.5微米之间,一个手指甲可以藏一万多个细菌. 有害菌可制造致命的化合物,可使人神经停止工作.导致人不能动弹.毒素通过使人停止呼吸或中断人


Dental plaque Dental plaque(匾) is the material that adheres(坚持) to the teeth and consists of bacterial(细菌的) cells (mainly S. mutans变形链球菌 and S. sanguis血链球菌), salivary(唾液的) polymers(聚合物) and bacterial extracellular(细菌细胞外的) products. Plaque is a biofil


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甘草Glycyrrhiza uralensis,Chinese liquorice

Chinese liquorice 甘草(学名:Glycyrrhiza uralensis,英语:Licorice),又名乌拉尔甘草,多年生草本植物,属豆科. 功效: 1.减低男性的性冲动 2.增加干扰素,抗微生物(细菌病毒) 牙斑菌,肝病毒 3.促进肾上腺 4.解毒.镇痛.解痉.矫味.镇咳袪痰 5上呼吸道感染,咽喉肿痛 甘草是多年生草本植物,高30-70厘米,茎直立,根呈圆柱状,直径有3-4厘米,巨大的则有5-6厘米,高一米多,最长者达3-4米.单数羽状复叶:夏季开紫色蝶状花,总状花序腋生,花


Bacillus licheniformis colonies growing on the blood agar. Colonies shown with reflected light. 地衣芽孢杆菌细胞形态和排列呈杆状.单生,可调整菌群失调达到治疗目的,可促使机体产生抗菌活性物质.杀灭致病菌.能产生抗活性物质,并具有独特的生物夺氧作用机制,能抑制致病菌的生长繁殖. 地衣芽孢杆菌(学名:Bacillus licheniformis)是一种在土壤中常见的细菌.在鸟类,特别是居住在地面的鸟类(如




从图中关系可以看出某些细菌在肠胃是益生菌,在口腔是有害菌. 因为不同器官生理机能不同,所以同一细菌可以扮演不同角色. 例如乳酸菌. Oral microbiology is the study of the microorganisms of the oral cavity(腔) and the interactions(相互作用) between the oral microorganisms(微生物) with each other and with the host. Of particu


防止 爲防止某些情況下的生物膜形成,有如下辦法: 預防性: 防止營養物沉積 特殊的表面使細菌無法附著(“荷葉效應”) 物理方法: 超聲 高電壓 磁場 化學方法: 抗生素 去污劑 過氧化氫 螯合劑(如EDTA) 生物調控方法: 加入群體感性中誘導物的相似物質從而抑制群體感應 食物:木糖醇 FruA 东 京市日本国家传染病研究院的生物学家千福秀信及同事想了解一下是什么物质赋予了唾液链球菌抗蛀牙的威力.研究人员利用层析法——一种根据电荷或大小将混合 物中的各种分子分离开来的方法,把各种不同的蛋白质从唾