总结:TypeError: must be real number, not str

TypeError: must be real number, not str



时间: 2024-07-30 05:14:38

总结:TypeError: must be real number, not str的相关文章

解决python mysql插入数据时报错:TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not str

今天在使用python爬取数据并将其写入mysql数据库时,使用该如下语句: cursor.execute( "insert into comments_p_spider(owner_id,from_name,content,create_time,score,comment_level) values(%d,%s,%s,%s,%f,%s)", (p_id,str(username), str(contentStr), str(create_time),float(score), st

python3报错:TypeError: can't concat bytes to str

有时会报错这个:TypeError: Can't convert 'bytes' object to str implicitly 解决方法:使用字节码的decode()方法. 示例: str = 'I am string' byte = b' I am bytes' s = str + byte print(s) 这时会报错:TypeError: Can't convert 'bytes' object to str implicitly 解决方法: s = str + byte.decode

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'

<不支持str实例和int实例之间的对比 birth是str类型 2000是int类型 所以无法对比,报错 1 birth = input('birth: ') 2 if birth < 2000: 3 print('00前') 4 else: 5 print('00后') 修改为: 1 s = input('birth: ') 2 birth = int(s) 3 if birth < 2000: 4 print('00前') 5 else: 6 print('00后') TypeEr

python mysqldb 报错: ProgrammingError: must be real number, not str 解决

代码: sql = 'insert into book(book_name,book_desc,origin_price,publish_id,tag_id,book_img) values(%s,%s,%d,%d,%d,%s)' insert_data = save_df.values.tolist() commit_data = tuple([tuple([str(x[0]),str(x[1]),float(x[2]),int(x[3]),int(x[4]),str(x[5])]) for

TypeError: the JSON object must be str, not &#39;bytes&#39;

json.loads(json_data)报错 修改为json.loads(json_data.decode())即可 一些修改为load什么的方法会带来新的报错… 直接添加decode()解决 描述 Python decode() 方法以 encoding 指定的编码格式解码字符串.默认编码为字符串编码. 语法 decode()方法语法: str.decode(encoding='UTF-8',errors='strict') 参数 encoding -- 要使用的编码,如"UTF-8&quo

python向mysql插入数据一直报TypeError: must be real number,not str

注意,Python向MySQL中写入数据时无论输入的数据类型如何,语句中的占位符均使用%s,例如 这里的price我是int类型的,所以占位符用的%d,后来改成float类型,占位符改为%f,都不可以!!!! 也就是无论输入的数据是否为字符串,占位符都是%s,不存在%f,%d这种概念. 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qilin20/p/12111218.html


datelist[] = ['20180107', '20180114', '20180121', '20180128', '20180204'] 1. % for i in range(len(datelist)): base_url = 'https://index.baidu.com/Interface/Newwordgraph?word=%E9%A9%AC%E4%BA%91&datelist=%s' url = base_url % datelist[i] 报错信息:Traceback

HTTPResponse object — JSON object must be str, not &#39;bytes&#39;

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24069197/httpresponse-object-json-object-must-be-str-not-bytes HTTPResponse object — JSON object must be str, not 'bytes' up vote17down votefavorite 7 I've been trying to update a small Python library called libpyne

python的强制转换(当出现 not supported between instances of &#39;str&#39; and &#39;int&#39; 的错误时)

当我们编程时,有时会出现如下错误:TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int' 如下图: 这是因为input()返回的数据类型是str类型,不能直接和整数进行比较,必须先把str转换成整型,使用int()方法:age = int(input ("请输入你的年龄:")) 改正之后为: 这样程序就达到了预期的效果了 python的强制转换(当出现 not supported between inst