基于BitSet的布隆过滤器(Bloom Filter)


Bloom Filter 是由Howard Bloom 在 1970 年提出的二进制向量数据结构,它具有很好的空间和时间效率,被用来检测一个元素是不是集合中的一个成员。如果检测结果为是,该元素不一定在集合中;但如果检测结果为否,该元素一定不在集合中。因此Bloom filter具有100%的召回率。这样每个检测请求返回有“在集合内(可能错误)”和“不在集合内(绝对不在集合内)”两种情况,可见 Bloom filter 是牺牲了正确率和时间以节省空间。



public class BloomFilter<E> implements Serializable {
    private BitSet bitset;
    private int bitSetSize;
    private double bitsPerElement;
    private int expectedNumberOfFilterElements; // expected (maximum) number of elements to be added
    private int numberOfAddedElements; // number of elements actually added to the Bloom filter
    private int k; // number of hash functions

    static final Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); // encoding used for storing hash values as strings

    static final String hashName = "MD5"; // MD5 gives good enough accuracy in most circumstances. Change to SHA1 if it's needed
    static final MessageDigest digestFunction;
    static { // The digest method is reused between instances
        MessageDigest tmp;
        try {
            tmp = java.security.MessageDigest.getInstance(hashName);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            tmp = null;
        digestFunction = tmp;

      * Constructs an empty Bloom filter. The total length of the Bloom filter will be
      * c*n.
      * @param c is the number of bits used per element.
      * @param n is the expected number of elements the filter will contain.
      * @param k is the number of hash functions used.
    public BloomFilter(double c, int n, int k) {
      this.expectedNumberOfFilterElements = n;
      this.k = k;
      this.bitsPerElement = c;
      this.bitSetSize = (int)Math.ceil(c * n);
      numberOfAddedElements = 0;
      this.bitset = new BitSet(bitSetSize);

     * Constructs an empty Bloom filter. The optimal number of hash functions (k) is estimated from the total size of the Bloom
     * and the number of expected elements.
     * @param bitSetSize defines how many bits should be used in total for the filter.
     * @param expectedNumberOElements defines the maximum number of elements the filter is expected to contain.
    public BloomFilter(int bitSetSize, int expectedNumberOElements) {
        this(bitSetSize / (double)expectedNumberOElements,
             (int) Math.round((bitSetSize / (double)expectedNumberOElements) * Math.log(2.0)));

     * Constructs an empty Bloom filter with a given false positive probability. The number of bits per
     * element and the number of hash functions is estimated
     * to match the false positive probability.
     * @param falsePositiveProbability is the desired false positive probability.
     * @param expectedNumberOfElements is the expected number of elements in the Bloom filter.
    public BloomFilter(double falsePositiveProbability, int expectedNumberOfElements) {
        this(Math.ceil(-(Math.log(falsePositiveProbability) / Math.log(2))) / Math.log(2), // c = k / ln(2)
             (int)Math.ceil(-(Math.log(falsePositiveProbability) / Math.log(2)))); // k = ceil(-log_2(false prob.))

     * Construct a new Bloom filter based on existing Bloom filter data.
     * @param bitSetSize defines how many bits should be used for the filter.
     * @param expectedNumberOfFilterElements defines the maximum number of elements the filter is expected to contain.
     * @param actualNumberOfFilterElements specifies how many elements have been inserted into the <code>filterData</code> BitSet.
     * @param filterData a BitSet representing an existing Bloom filter.
    public BloomFilter(int bitSetSize, int expectedNumberOfFilterElements, int actualNumberOfFilterElements, BitSet filterData) {
        this(bitSetSize, expectedNumberOfFilterElements);
        this.bitset = filterData;
        this.numberOfAddedElements = actualNumberOfFilterElements;

     * Generates a digest based on the contents of a String.
     * @param val specifies the input data.
     * @param charset specifies the encoding of the input data.
     * @return digest as long.
    public static int createHash(String val, Charset charset) {
        return createHash(val.getBytes(charset));

     * Generates a digest based on the contents of a String.
     * @param val specifies the input data. The encoding is expected to be UTF-8.
     * @return digest as long.
    public static int createHash(String val) {
        return createHash(val, charset);

     * Generates a digest based on the contents of an array of bytes.
     * @param data specifies input data.
     * @return digest as long.
    public static int createHash(byte[] data) {
        return createHashes(data, 1)[0];

     * Generates digests based on the contents of an array of bytes and splits the result into 4-byte int's and store them in an array. The
     * digest function is called until the required number of int's are produced. For each call to digest a salt
     * is prepended to the data. The salt is increased by 1 for each call.
     * @param data specifies input data.
     * @param hashes number of hashes/int's to produce.
     * @return array of int-sized hashes
    public static int[] createHashes(byte[] data, int hashes) {
        int[] result = new int[hashes];

        int k = 0;
        byte salt = 0;
        while (k < hashes) {
            byte[] digest;
            synchronized (digestFunction) {
                digest = digestFunction.digest(data);

            for (int i = 0; i < digest.length/4 && k < hashes; i++) {
                int h = 0;
                for (int j = (i*4); j < (i*4)+4; j++) {
                    h <<= 8;
                    h |= ((int) digest[j]) & 0xFF;
                result[k] = h;
        return result;

     * Compares the contents of two instances to see if they are equal.
     * @param obj is the object to compare to.
     * @return True if the contents of the objects are equal.
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj == null) {
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
            return false;
        final BloomFilter<E> other = (BloomFilter<E>) obj;
        if (this.expectedNumberOfFilterElements != other.expectedNumberOfFilterElements) {
            return false;
        if (this.k != other.k) {
            return false;
        if (this.bitSetSize != other.bitSetSize) {
            return false;
        if (this.bitset != other.bitset && (this.bitset == null || !this.bitset.equals(other.bitset))) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * Calculates a hash code for this class.
     * @return hash code representing the contents of an instance of this class.
    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 7;
        hash = 61 * hash + (this.bitset != null ? this.bitset.hashCode() : 0);
        hash = 61 * hash + this.expectedNumberOfFilterElements;
        hash = 61 * hash + this.bitSetSize;
        hash = 61 * hash + this.k;
        return hash;

     * Calculates the expected probability of false positives based on
     * the number of expected filter elements and the size of the Bloom filter.
     * <br /><br />
     * The value returned by this method is the <i>expected</i> rate of false
     * positives, assuming the number of inserted elements equals the number of
     * expected elements. If the number of elements in the Bloom filter is less
     * than the expected value, the true probability of false positives will be lower.
     * @return expected probability of false positives.
    public double expectedFalsePositiveProbability() {
        return getFalsePositiveProbability(expectedNumberOfFilterElements);

     * Calculate the probability of a false positive given the specified
     * number of inserted elements.
     * @param numberOfElements number of inserted elements.
     * @return probability of a false positive.
    public double getFalsePositiveProbability(double numberOfElements) {
        // (1 - e^(-k * n / m)) ^ k
        return Math.pow((1 - Math.exp(-k * (double) numberOfElements
                        / (double) bitSetSize)), k);


     * Get the current probability of a false positive. The probability is calculated from
     * the size of the Bloom filter and the current number of elements added to it.
     * @return probability of false positives.
    public double getFalsePositiveProbability() {
        return getFalsePositiveProbability(numberOfAddedElements);

     * Returns the value chosen for K.<br />
     * <br />
     * K is the optimal number of hash functions based on the size
     * of the Bloom filter and the expected number of inserted elements.
     * @return optimal k.
    public int getK() {
        return k;

     * Sets all bits to false in the Bloom filter.
    public void clear() {
        numberOfAddedElements = 0;

     * Adds an object to the Bloom filter. The output from the object's
     * toString() method is used as input to the hash functions.
     * @param element is an element to register in the Bloom filter.
    public void add(E element) {

     * Adds an array of bytes to the Bloom filter.
     * @param bytes array of bytes to add to the Bloom filter.
    public void add(byte[] bytes) {
       int[] hashes = createHashes(bytes, k);
       for (int hash : hashes)
           bitset.set(Math.abs(hash % bitSetSize), true);
       numberOfAddedElements ++;

     * Adds all elements from a Collection to the Bloom filter.
     * @param c Collection of elements.
    public void addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {
        for (E element : c)

     * Returns true if the element could have been inserted into the Bloom filter.
     * Use getFalsePositiveProbability() to calculate the probability of this
     * being correct.
     * @param element element to check.
     * @return true if the element could have been inserted into the Bloom filter.
    public boolean contains(E element) {
        return contains(element.toString().getBytes(charset));

     * Returns true if the array of bytes could have been inserted into the Bloom filter.
     * Use getFalsePositiveProbability() to calculate the probability of this
     * being correct.
     * @param bytes array of bytes to check.
     * @return true if the array could have been inserted into the Bloom filter.
    public boolean contains(byte[] bytes) {
        int[] hashes = createHashes(bytes, k);
        for (int hash : hashes) {
            if (!bitset.get(Math.abs(hash % bitSetSize))) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Returns true if all the elements of a Collection could have been inserted
     * into the Bloom filter. Use getFalsePositiveProbability() to calculate the
     * probability of this being correct.
     * @param c elements to check.
     * @return true if all the elements in c could have been inserted into the Bloom filter.
    public boolean containsAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {
        for (E element : c)
            if (!contains(element))
                return false;
        return true;

     * Read a single bit from the Bloom filter.
     * @param bit the bit to read.
     * @return true if the bit is set, false if it is not.
    public boolean getBit(int bit) {
        return bitset.get(bit);

     * Set a single bit in the Bloom filter.
     * @param bit is the bit to set.
     * @param value If true, the bit is set. If false, the bit is cleared.
    public void setBit(int bit, boolean value) {
        bitset.set(bit, value);

     * Return the bit set used to store the Bloom filter.
     * @return bit set representing the Bloom filter.
    public BitSet getBitSet() {
        return bitset;

     * Returns the number of bits in the Bloom filter. Use count() to retrieve
     * the number of inserted elements.
     * @return the size of the bitset used by the Bloom filter.
    public int size() {
        return this.bitSetSize;

     * Returns the number of elements added to the Bloom filter after it
     * was constructed or after clear() was called.
     * @return number of elements added to the Bloom filter.
    public int count() {
        return this.numberOfAddedElements;

     * Returns the expected number of elements to be inserted into the filter.
     * This value is the same value as the one passed to the constructor.
     * @return expected number of elements.
    public int getExpectedNumberOfElements() {
        return expectedNumberOfFilterElements;

     * Get expected number of bits per element when the Bloom filter is full. This value is set by the constructor
     * when the Bloom filter is created. See also getBitsPerElement().
     * @return expected number of bits per element.
    public double getExpectedBitsPerElement() {
        return this.bitsPerElement;

     * Get actual number of bits per element based on the number of elements that have currently been inserted and the length
     * of the Bloom filter. See also getExpectedBitsPerElement().
     * @return number of bits per element.
    public double getBitsPerElement() {
        return this.bitSetSize / (double)numberOfAddedElements;



1G的空间,有 8*1024*1024*1024=8589934592bit,也就是可以表示85亿个不同的数。



public void set(int bitIndex) {
   if (bitIndex < 0)   //set的数不能小于0
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex);

   int wordIndex = wordIndex(bitIndex);//将bitIndex右移6位,这样可以保证每64个数字在long型数组中可以占一个坑。

   words[wordIndex] |= (1L << bitIndex); // Restores invariants


public boolean get(int bitIndex) {
   if (bitIndex < 0)
       throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex);


   int wordIndex = wordIndex(bitIndex);//和get一样获取数字在long型数组的那个位置。
   return (wordIndex < wordsInUse)
        && ((words[wordIndex] & (1L << bitIndex)) != 0);//在指定long型数组元素中获取值。


private void ensureCapacity(int wordsRequired) {
   if (words.length < wordsRequired) {
        // Allocate larger of doubled size or required size
        int request = Math.max(2 * words.length, wordsRequired);//默认是扩大一杯的容量,如果传入的数字大于两倍的,则以传入的为准。
        // wordsRequired = 传入的数值右移6位 + 1
        words = Arrays.copyOf(words, request);
        sizeIsSticky = false;


SN Methods with 描述
1 void and(BitSet bitSet)


2 void andNot(BitSet bitSet)


3 int cardinality( )


4 void clear( )


5 void clear(int index)


6 void clear(int startIndex, int endIndex)


7 Object clone( )


8 boolean equals(Object bitSet)


9 void flip(int index)


10 void flip(int startIndex, int endIndex)


11 boolean get(int index)


12 BitSet get(int startIndex, int endIndex)


13 int hashCode( )


14 boolean intersects(BitSet bitSet)


15 boolean isEmpty( )


16 int length( )


17 int nextClearBit(int startIndex)


18 int nextSetBit(int startIndex)


19 void or(BitSet bitSet)


20 void set(int index)


21 void set(int index, boolean v)

设置由index指定在v. true为传递的值的位设置位,false则清除该位。

22 void set(int startIndex, int endIndex)


23 void set(int startIndex, int endIndex, boolean v)


24 int size( )


25 String toString( )


26 void xor(BitSet bitSet)








时间: 2024-12-15 07:13:52

基于BitSet的布隆过滤器(Bloom Filter)的相关文章

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探索C#之布隆过滤器(Bloom filter)

阅读目录: 背景介绍 算法原理 误判率 BF改进 总结 背景介绍 Bloom filter(后面简称BF)是Bloom在1970年提出的二进制向量数据结构.通俗来说就是在大数据集合下高效判断某个成员是否属于这个集合.BF其优点在于: 插入和查询复杂度都是O(n) 空间利用率极高. 例子1: 像Yahoo这类的公共邮件服务提供商,总是需要过滤垃圾邮件. 假设有50亿个邮件地址,需要存储过滤的方法有: 所有邮件地址都存储到数据库. 缺点:每次都需要查询数据库,效率低. 使用Hashtable保存到内

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布隆过滤器(Bloom Filter)

一.概念 1. 布隆过滤器是一个数据结构:bit数组+随机映射函数 2. 作用:高效判断某个元素是否在给定的集合中 3. 缺点:有一定的错误识别率,随着数据量越大,错误识别率越大:并且不容易删除 二.原理 1. 加入元素: a. 使用布隆过滤器中的哈希函数,计算元素的哈希值,可能有多个哈希函数,对应多个哈希值 b. 根据所有哈希值,把bit数组中对应下标的值设置为1:如果设置时发现已经全部为1,表示元素重复 2. 判断元素: a. 计算哈希值 b. 判断是否所有对应的下标都为1,都为1存在布隆过

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