K points to origin

Given a bounch of points, ask to find K closest point to origin.

This question can be changed. For example, here is origin, but there might be another point.

Here is just a basic algorithm.

//  main.cpp

//  k points to origin

//  Created by Xiaohe Huang on 10/19/15.

//  Copyright © 2015 Xiaohe Huang. All rights reserved.


#include <iostream>



using namespace std;

struct Cpoint


double x;

double y;


struct cmp



bool operator()(Cpoint n1,Cpoint n2)


return (n1.x)*(n1.x)+(n1.y)*(n1.y)<(n2.x)*(n2.x)+(n2.y)*(n2.y);



int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

// insert code here...

Cpoint points[5];






priority_queue<Cpoint,vector<Cpoint>,cmp> pq;

for(int i;i<5;i++)













return 0;


时间: 2025-01-01 21:32:04

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