不管你会不会写Unity3D的shader,估计你会知道,Unity3D编写shader有三种方式,这篇东西主要就是说一下这三种东西有什么区别,和大概是怎样用的. 先来列一下这三种方式: fixed function shader vertex and fragment shader surface shader 为什么Unity3D要提供三种shader的编写方式呢?那是因为三种方式的编写的难易度有区别,对应着不同的使用人群.其实我觉得这是Uniy3D想得有点多了,着色器不单止是为了实现效果,
Writing Surface Shaders Writing shaders that interact with lighting is complex. There are different light types, different shadow options, different rendering paths (forward and deferred rendering), and the shader should somehow handle all that compl
简述 Unity supports different Rendering Paths. You should choose which one you use depending on your game content and target platform / hardware. Different rendering paths have different performance characteristics that mostly affect Lights and Shadows