Delphi cxGrid加行号

 1 procedure SetRowNumber(var ASender: TcxGridTableView; AViewInfo: TcxCustomGridIndicatorItemViewInfo;
 2   var ACanvas: TcxCanvas; var ADone: boolean);
 4 uses cxLookAndFeelPainters;
 6 procedure SetRowNumber(var ASender: TcxGridTableView; AViewInfo: TcxCustomGridIndicatorItemViewInfo;
 7   var ACanvas: TcxCanvas; var ADone: boolean);
 8 var
 9   AIndicatorViewInfo: TcxGridIndicatorRowItemViewInfo;
10   ATextRect: TRect;
11   AFont: TFont;
12   AFontTextColor, AColor: TColor;
13 begin
14   AFont := ACanvas.Font;
15   AColor := clBtnFace;
16   AFontTextColor := clWindowText ;
17 if (AViewInfo is TcxGridIndicatorHeaderItemViewInfo) then begin
18   ATextRect := AViewInfo.Bounds;
19   InflateRect(ATextRect, -1, -1);
21    ASender.LookAndFeelPainter.DrawHeader(ACanvas, AViewInfo.Bounds,
22     ATextRect, [], cxBordersAll, cxbsNormal, taCenter, vaCenter,
23     False, False, ‘序号‘, AFont, AFontTextColor, AColor);
24     ADone := True;
25   end ;
26   if not (AViewInfo is TcxGridIndicatorRowItemViewInfo) then
27     Exit;
28   ATextRect := AViewInfo.ContentBounds;
29   AIndicatorViewInfo := AViewInfo as TcxGridIndicatorRowItemViewInfo;
30   InflateRect(ATextRect, -1, -1);
31   ASender.LookAndFeelPainter.DrawHeader(ACanvas, AViewInfo.ContentBounds,
32     ATextRect, [], [bBottom, bLeft, bRight], cxbsNormal, taCenter, vaCenter,
33     False, False, IntToStr(AIndicatorViewInfo.GridRecord.Index + 1),
34     AFont, AFontTextColor, AColor);
35   ADone := True;
36 ASender.LookAndFeelPainter.DrawIndicatorImage(ACanvas, ATextRect, AIndicatorViewInfo.IndicatorKind);
37 end; 

直接注释掉这一行: ASender.LookAndFeelPainter.DrawIndicatorImage(ACanvas, ATextRect, AIndicatorViewInfo.IndicatorKind); 
要标志的话,在DrawIndicatorImage 从这里跟进去(Ctrl+左键单击) 
在 cxLookAndFeelPainters 单元中作如下修改:

class procedure TcxCustomLookAndFeelPainter.DrawIndicatorImage(ACanvas: TcxCanvas;
  const R: TRect; AKind: TcxIndicatorKind);
  X, Y: Integer;
  if AKind = ikNone then Exit;
  with cxIndicatorImages, R do
    X := (Left + Right - Width);              //靠右
    Y := (Top + Bottom - Height) div 2;       //居中
  cxIndicatorImages.Draw(ACanvas.Canvas, X, Y, Ord(AKind) - 1);

注意,我已注明靠右的那一行, 就是去掉 DIV 2 了, 
TdxSkinLookAndFeelPainter.DrawIndicatorImage 函数 
OffsetRect(ARect, (Left + Right - cx div 2) , (Top + Bottom - cy) div 2); 
这一行,将 (Left + Right - cx div 2) 改为(Left + Right - cx) 也是去掉 div 2 就是靠右; 
修改后: OffsetRect(ARect, (Left + Right - cx) , (Top + Bottom - cy) div 2);


1 procedure TForm1.cxGrid1DBTableView1CustomDrawIndicatorCell(
2   Sender: TcxGridTableView; ACanvas: TcxCanvas;
3   AViewInfo: TcxCustomGridIndicatorItemViewInfo; var ADone: Boolean);
4 begin
5      SetRowNumber(Sender,AviewInfo,ACanvas,ADone);
6 end; 



Delphi cxGrid加行号,布布扣,

时间: 2024-08-03 14:04:26

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