
The horse chow treat that‘s safe to fall for

Spring is here! The sun is shining, birds are singing, and bees are ruining the picnics. Hey, at least we can have picnics again! It‘s stopped getting dark about twenty minutes after the sun comes up and each day is a fun new opportunity to skip and dance and have fun! Hoorah! Until the hay fever kicks in. Then it‘s back inside to sit in the dark for the rest of the year, sniffling and miserable. Spring is ruined, all thanks to hay. Hay, you traitorous snake.
That‘s why we prefer hay bales in Minecraft, where instead of ruining our lives, they sometimes save them. Landing on a hay bale in the game reduces any fall damage by 80%. That means you could potentially fall from a hundred blocks high and survive. Just. Our legal team cannot stress enough that you should only try that in Minecraft.
The hay bale block is also an excellent source of food, restoring up to ten points to your hungry animals. Foals that eat hay bales will actually grow into horses faster. Because who needs a rich and fulfilling childhood when you can just eat your way to the responsibilities, disappointments and baldness of adult life early? Don‘t do it, foals! Embrace your youth!

They‘re flammable in Minecraft and just as happy to burn in real life, as hay bales spontaneously combusting is a serious problem. Perhaps consider building your home from something else.

The expression ‘needle in a haystack‘ is from Sir Thomas More, who wrote "to seek out one line in his books would be to go looking for a needle in a meadow". Wait, meadow? Image by Tony Webster.
“干草堆里的针”这句俗语来自托马斯爵士,他写道:“要找出他书内的一行字,就如同寻找牧场里的一根针。”等会,牧场?图片来自Tony Webster。

You‘re just nine wheat away from a hay bale! And ninety-something hay bales away from building a straw house! We built a straw house once but then a wolf blew it down and ate us. True story.

You can make your own hay right this very second by going out to your garden and ripping up some grass. After several days of watching this grass not grow, you‘ll be the proud owner of some genuine home made hay! This process is fine for a small amount, but making enough hay bales for an entire farmyard is the kind of horrific ‘hard work‘ and ‘real job‘ us writer types have dedicated our cushy lives to cleverly avoiding. Hay-baling was indeed dreadful for hundreds of years until the middle of the 19th century, which saw the innovations of the mechanical hay press.
Early mechanical hay presses were cumbersome, occupying multiple floors of your barn and requiring a pack of horses. Said horses would then lift something called a ‘press weight‘ (or turn a jackscrew or geared press) which compressed the hay into that lovely bale shape. These presses may have occupied a lot of space, but the resulting bales were huge too, some weighing as much as 300 pounds.
Over time, industrial progress made making hay bales easier and easier. Now the biggest problem isn‘t turning lousy floor-hay into a glorious bale, but making sure it doesn‘t randomly burst into flames. It‘s true! If you don‘t watch the moisture of content of a hay bale, they have been known to spontaneously combust. So a hay bale is capable of both blocking our sinuses and burning us alive? Well then keep that dumb straw cube away from us. Hahahaha! Take that, hay bales!
See you next time, Block of the Week fans!

Tom leans back in his chair, smugly chuckling at another BOTW well done. He really stuck it to that dumb hay bale block! Tom sniffs. His eyes suddenly feel puffy. Strange... His allergies never usually play up in the office. Tom glances out of the window. His jaw drops. He sees it sat on the roof of his car.
It‘s a hay bale, somehow holding an axe, waiting.
Waiting for him.
Swallowing a scream, Tom hastily writes a new ending.
H-how about a r-round of applause for hay bales, right guys?! They‘re the b-b-best block ever!
But it‘s too late. The window smashes! A blood-curdling wail rings out into the night. Tom is never seen again. But probably only because he‘s trying to get out of writing the next Block of the Week.

【作者Tom Stone,发布于2017年3月31日。译者Kakagou。点击查看原文。】

时间: 2024-08-08 11:19:50


USACO 2009 Open 干草塔 Tower of Hay(贪心+单调队列优化DP)

https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/1072/B Description 为了调整电灯亮度,贝西要用干草包堆出一座塔,然后爬到牛棚顶去把灯泡换掉.干草包会从传送带上运来,共会出现N包干草,第i包干草的宽度是Wi,高度和长度统一为1.干草塔要从底层开始铺建.贝西会选择最先送来的若干包干草,堆在地上作为第一层,然后再把紧接着送来的几包干草包放在第二层,再铺建第三层……重复这个过程,一直到所有的干草全部用完.每层的干草包必须紧靠在一起,不出现缝隙,而且为了建筑稳定,


元素按照显示方式主要可以分为块级元素和行内元素,元素的显示方式由display属性控制. 块级元素特点总结: 1.总是在新行上开始 2.宽度的默认为width+margin-left+margin-right+padding-left+padding-right刚好等于父级元素的内容区域宽度,即父元素的width.当设定新的宽度,如果宽度是100%,并且padding.margin不为零,导致块级元素宽度溢出父元素 3.盒子模型的高度默认由内容决定 4.盒子模型中高度.宽度和内外边距都是可控制


1.访问权限修饰符     从大到小的顺序为:public--protected--default--private     private--只能在同一类中使用;     default--不用写出来,默认不加.可以被同一包中的类使用     protected--可以被不同包的子类使用     public--可以被不同包的其它类使用 2.各种修饰符的修饰对象(可修饰哪些:类/接口/方法/属性)(多个修饰符连用是可以没有顺序的!)     1)访问权限修饰符:public/default--


代码块(Block) (1)主要作用:将一段代码保存起来,在需要的地方调用即可. (2)全局变量在代码块中的使用: 全局变量可以在代码块中使用,同时也可以被改变,代码片段如下: 1 int local = 1;//注意:全局变量 2 void (^block0)(void) = ^(void){ 3 local ++; 4 NSLog(@"local = %d",local); 5 }; 6 block0(); 7 NSLog(@"外部 local = %d",lo

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一.前言 在ECMAScript6(以下简称ES6)之前,ECMAScript的作用域只有两种: 1.  全局作用域: 2.  函数作用域. 正是因为有这两种作用域,所以在JavaScript中出现一术语--“变量提升(hoisting)”. 如下: function func(){ console.log(test); var test = 1; }; func(); 在node环境执行上述代码,结果为: 之所以为’undefined’,原因就在于‘变量提升’,在进入func函数时,将所有通过