它的全称为character data,以"<![CDATA[ "开始,以" ]]>" 结束,在两者之间嵌入不想被解析程序解析的原始数据,解析器不对CDATA区中的内容进行解析,而是将这些数据原封不动地交给下游程序处理。
2,特殊字符 :
xml 中表示: <= 小于等于、 >= 大于等于 需加 这样的标记: <![CDATA[ ]]> xml中有&的符号,需要
<= 小于等于 :<![CDATA[ <= ]]>
>= 大于等于:<![CDATA[ >= ]]>
特殊字符 替代符号
& &
< <
> >
" "
‘ '
1 <select id="exportBankChangeExcel" parameterType="Map" resultType="hashmap"> 2 select 3 r.id, 4 r.usermobile, 5 v1.LoginName, 6 v1.grade, 7 (select count(*) from dl_account_relegation where to_usermobile = r.usermobile) accountType, 8 <![CDATA[(CONCAT("户名:",r.realname," 卡号:",r.bank1," 银行:",REPLACE(r.bank2, "&", " 开户网点:")))]]> oldBank, 9 <![CDATA[(CONCAT("户名:",r.new_realname," 卡号:",r.new_bank1," 银行:",REPLACE(r.new_bank2, "&", " 开户网点:")))]]> newBank, 10 u.real_name operateName, 11 u.create_time, 12 r.status 13 from dl_bank_record r 14 left join dl_vip v1 15 on r.usermobile = v1.usermobile 16 left join admin_user u 17 on u.xid = r.operate_user 18 where r.status = 0 19 <if test="startTime != null and startTime != ‘‘ "> 20 <![CDATA[ 21 and r.create_time > #{startTime} 22 ]]> 23 </if> 24 <if test="endTime != null and endTime != ‘‘ "> 25 <![CDATA[ 26 and r.create_time < #{endTime} 27 ]]> 28 </if> 29 <if test="operateUser != null and operateUser != ‘‘ "> 30 and u.xid = #{operateUser} 31 </if> 32 <if test="realName != null and realName != ‘‘ "> 33 and v1.realname = #{realName} 34 </if> 35 <if test="loginName != null and loginName != ‘‘ "> 36 and v1.LoginName = #{loginName} 37 </if> 38 <if test="usermobile != null and usermobile != ‘‘ "> 39 and v1.usermobile = #{usermobile} 40 </if> 41 <if test="phone != null and phone != ‘‘ "> 42 and v1.tel = #{phone} 43 </if> 44 order by r.change_time desc 45 </select>
时间: 2024-10-17 16:38:08