

For application engineers, most of them are titled as workaholic. Today I wish to talk about something of workaholic.

I have been working at a shoes manufacturing project for about several months. In this project, I am responsible for programming, and make sure  the part of data acquisition  is stable and efficient. But unfortunately, as a application engineer I was always be asked to go there to solve different problem urgently, like to put out a "fire".  We usually cannot determine things happened around you. Being an workaholic would take our time to stay with family, and enjoy life. Work is for making a good life. But let work occupy all of your personal spare time is very unwise.

时间: 2024-10-20 04:31:57



英文原文:5 reasons why you should fire workaholic programmers David Heinemeier Hansson 说过,工作狂并不能解决初创企业的资金困境.与其依赖于强迫性地实现你的想法,他认为,还不如拥有一个更好的能让充满创造力和有趣的人才投资于你的愿景的策略. 想为你的初创公司省钱?千万不要抱有录用工作狂从而可以少给工资的侥幸心理.Heinemeier Hansson,一个著名的赛车手,业余摄影师和 Ruby on Rails Web 应用

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