


1. RAD.js

RAD.js is a framework for more quickly developing mobile applications. It’s optimized for iOS, Android, and Windows 8, plus all major web browsers.

2. SpaceBase

SpaceBase is a responsive Sass-based CSS framework. It’s built to be added onto and tailored to fit your needs. It sets up your Sass architecture and normalizes your CSS and native HTML elements. It provides the structural groundwork for your application.

3. Blackhole

Blackhole is a minimalist SCSS/CSS framework that’s flexible and powerful. It’s modular, focuses on semantics, and encourages users to write clear code. Despite the power and flexibility it offers, it has an easy learning path and you will start using it in no time.

4. Centurion

Centurion is a responsive web framework that’s built on CSS3 and HTML5 semantics. It also works great for fast prototyping. Centurion is build to be responsive. Developed along the same lines as the 960 Grid built by Nathan Smith, the grid was designed using a simple Sass mixin which makes it highly customizable. For desktops the default container is set to1100px wide and is fully fluid below 768px for tablets and smartphones.

5. Kickoff

Kickoff is a lightweight front-end framework for creating scalable, responsive sites. As front-end developers, the type of project we work on is becoming more and more diverse. Kickoff aims to help keep a consistent structure and style across all of your projects, without adding the bloat that other frameworks can lead to.

7. Kiwi.js

Kiwi.js is an open source HTML5 game framework. It includes 2D Canvas and WebGL rendering, multi-touch support, flexible game objects, and more.

8. Konva.js

Konva is a 2D HTML5 canvas framework for creating desktop and mobile apps. It has an object oriented API, layering support, tween and animation support, filters, and custom shapes, among other features.

9. Mojolicious

Mojolicious is a next-generation web framework for Perl. It’s powerful right out of the box with commands, plugins, Perl-ish templates, session management, content negotiation, testing framework, form validation, and much more.

10. The Swarm Framework

The Swarm Framework allows you to create transparently scalable web applications through a portable continuation-based approach. It’s the ultimate platform-as-a-service, relieving the programmer from the difficulties of cloud computing.

11. Vafpress

The Vafpress Framework is an admin-side framework for WordPress. It includes client-side validation, tons of special fields, a theme option builder, metabox builder, and more.

12. Lotus

Lotus is Open Source Software, which strives for simplicity, fewer DSLs, minimal conventions, more objects, zero monkey-patching and the separation of concerns between MVC layers. It suggests best practices, but it leaves all the freedom to you, the developer, to build your own architecture, with your own objects. Lotus is made of standalone frameworks (controllers, views, etc.) and each one is shipped as an independent gem to emphasize the separation of concerns.

13. Montage.js

MontageJS is a modern, HTML5 frontend framework for creating single-page applications fast. It uses established design patterns and software principles that allow you to easily create a modular architecture for your projects.

14. SkyBlue

SkyBlue is a CSS framework that offers a grid, typography, tables, forms, buttons, and icons.

15. Open UI 5

OpenUI5 lets you build enterprise-ready, responsive web applications that will work on any device. It has feature-rich UI controls, offers a consistent user experience, and of course it’s free and open source.


英文链接:New Front-end Frameworks Worth Considering

编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源

时间: 2024-08-04 11:18:56



值得学习的小型开源项目 SeaJS Sea.js是一个遵循CommonJS规范的JavaScript模块加载框架,可以实现JavaScript的模块化开发及加载机制.Sea.js 追求简单.自然的代码书写和组织方式,代码非常精简. Koa Koa 是下一代的 Node.js 的 Web 框架.由 Express 团队设计.旨在提供一个更小型.更富有表现力.更可靠的 Web 应用和 API 的开发基础. pssh pssh 提供了并行版本的 OpenSSH 工具,特别适合用来控制有大量机器需要连接


1.volley 项目地址 https://github.com/smanikandan14/Volley-demo (1) JSON,图像等的异步下载: (2) 网络请求的排序(scheduling) (3) 网络请求的优先级处理 (4) 缓存 (5) 多级别取消请求 (6) 和Activity和生命周期的联动(Activity结束时同时取消所有网络请求) 2.android-async-http 项目地址:https://github.com/loopj/android-async-http


1.volley 项目地址 https://github.com/smanikandan14/Volley-demo (1)  JSON,图像等的异步下载: (2)  网络请求的排序(scheduling) (3)  网络请求的优先级处理 (4)  缓存 (5)  多级别取消请求 (6)  和Activity和生命周期的联动(Activity结束时同时取消所有网络请求) 2.android-async-http 项目地址:https://github.com/loopj/android-asyn


1.volley 项目地址 https://github.com/smanikandan14/Volley-demo (1) JSON,图像等的异步下载:(2) 网络请求的排序(scheduling)(3) 网络请求的优先级处理(4) 缓存(5) 多级别取消请求(6) 和Activity和生命周期的联动(Activity结束时同时取消所有网络请求)2.android-async-http 项目地址:https://github.com/loopj/android-async-http文档介绍:h


http://my.oschina.net/u/1244156/blog/380647 1.volley 项目地址 https://github.com/smanikandan14/Volley-demo (1)  JSON,图像等的异步下载: (2)  网络请求的排序(scheduling) (3)  网络请求的优先级处理 (4)  缓存 (5)  多级别取消请求 (6)  和Activity和生命周期的联动(Activity结束时同时取消所有网络请求) 2.android-async-htt


1.volley 项目地址 https://github.com/smanikandan14/Volley-demo (1)  JSON,图像等的异步下载: (2)  网络请求的排序(scheduling) (3)  网络请求的优先级处理 (4)  缓存 (5)  多级别取消请求 (6)  和Activity和生命周期的联动(Activity结束时同时取消所有网络请求) 2.android-async-http 项目地址:https://github.com/loopj/android-asyn

转:2014 年 15 款新评定的最佳 PHP 框架

原文来自于:http://blog.jobbole.com/59999/ 原文出处: codegeekz   译文出处:oschina   欢迎分享原创到伯乐头条 通常,框架都会被认为是帮助开发者快速设计和开发动态网站的软件应用.每个月都有极大数量的新发布的 PHP 框架,使网站开发更简单更高效. 如果你是位 PHP 开发者,正在寻找当前最好的一些 PHP 框架来帮助开发你的项目,那么这里正是你要找的地方.在这篇文章我们会介绍 15 款最好的 PHP 框架,这些框架都是最新评定的,可以大大的简化

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在开发中,借助得力的工具可以事半功倍.今天,我爱互联网向大家分享最新收集的15款非常有用的 javascript 开发工具. TestSwarm: Continious & Distributed JS Testing TestSwarm是Mozilla实验室推出的一个开源项目,它旨在为开发者提供在多个浏览器版本上快速轻松测试自己javascript代码的方法. Minimee在网络上,速度是很重要的,Minimee能帮助你将css和javascript文件进行自动压缩和打包. Doctor J