


Raster Band

A raster band is represented in GDAL with the GDALRasterBand class. It represents a single raster band/channel/layer. It does not necessarily represent a whole image. For instance, a 24bit RGB image would normally be represented as a dataset with three bands, one for red, one for green and one for blue.

Gdal 中数据以Dataset为基础,具体的栅格数据值被存储在这个Dataset的Band对象之中,一个Dataset可以存储多个Band对象。例如RGB色彩模型的图象,在GDAL的数据模型中被认为是一个拥有3个波段(分别对应R\G\B)的Dataset。

A raster band has the following properties:

  • A width and height in pixels and lines. This is the same as that defined for the dataset, if this is a full resolution band.

    该值在C#中通过Band.XSize, Band.YSize获取

  • A datatype (GDALDataType). One of Byte, UInt16, Int16, UInt32, Int32, Float32, Float64, and the complex types CInt16, CInt32, CFloat32, and CFloat64.
  • A block size. This is a preferred (efficient) access chunk size. For tiled images this will be one tile. For scanline oriented images this will normally be one scanline.
  • A list of name/value pair metadata in the same format as the dataset, but of information that is potentially specific to this band.


  • An optional description string.
  • An optional single nodata pixel value (see also NODATA_VALUES metadata on the dataset for multi-band style nodata values).


  • An optional nodata mask band marking pixels as nodata or in some cases transparency as discussed in RFC 15: Band Masks.
  • An optional list of category names (effectively class names in a thematic image).
  • An optional minimum and maximum value.


  • An optional offset and scale for transforming raster values into meaning full values (i.e. translate height to meters).
  • An optional raster unit name. For instance, this might indicate linear units for elevation data.
  • A color interpretation for the band. This is one of:
    • GCI_Undefined: the default, nothing is known.
    • GCI_GrayIndex: this is an independent gray-scale image
    • GCI_PaletteIndex: this raster acts as an index into a color table
    • GCI_RedBand: this raster is the red portion of an RGB or RGBA image
    • GCI_GreenBand: this raster is the green portion of an RGB or RGBA image
    • GCI_BlueBand: this raster is the blue portion of an RGB or RGBA image
    • GCI_AlphaBand: this raster is the alpha portion of an RGBA image
    • GCI_HueBand: this raster is the hue of an HLS image
    • GCI_SaturationBand: this raster is the saturation of an HLS image
    • GCI_LightnessBand: this raster is the hue of an HLS image
    • GCI_CyanBand: this band is the cyan portion of a CMY or CMYK image
    • GCI_MagentaBand: this band is the magenta portion of a CMY or CMYK image
    • GCI_YellowBand: this band is the yellow portion of a CMY or CMYK image
    • GCI_BlackBand: this band is the black portion of a CMYK image.
  • A color table, described in more detail later.
  • Knowledge of reduced resolution overviews (pyramids) if available.



时间: 2024-08-04 21:09:15



GDAL是个非常优秀的GIS数据操作库,最近在和实习生介绍GDAL的简单使用,顺手写下记录 本篇记录栅格数据,代码环境为C# 在GDAL中,栅格数据大致是以一个Dataset对应一个栅格数据文件(.Tif/GeoTiff格式),而这个栅格中的各种信息被包含在Dataset的对象中作为属性. 基本上一个栅格数据在GDAL的数据模型中存储是基于波段的方式,一般一个单波段数据在GDAL中读取后,所得到的Dataset中仅包含一个Band对象,而BandCount属性也为1.多波段数据类似,即是说在GD

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